They just INSIST, on coming out of the woodwork. They also INSIST that they're right, even though when I call em out to prove it? They spend more time deflecting with excuses cause they know they're lying, than just proving me wrong and shutting me up. Why is it "Marks" ALWAYS reply the same way, with the SAME excuses? I already knew, when I said "Prove it" that this clown was gonna try and dance his away out of it. And sure as you can predict the sun to rise in the east, and set in the west? This ass clown did JUST that.
The reason why they spend so much time deflecting, or telling ME, to "go look it up" when it was ME, who called THEM OUT, to prove it? Is because as you'll see, there's no proof for them. But on the other hand, I provided proof which put them in their place.
Proof is, a mother fucker. And I'll ALWAYS be, the mother fucker who has the proof. That's just the way, the world is.
Here's where it starts and really, "Marks" should know by now that I ain't the one to come brace up on. Cause I'll make em look stupid, every time. BUT, they just can't learn that lesson, can they. :)
This latest moron claimed that Impact Wrestling has over one million viewers of their TV product. It's a lie and most people who are smarter than the "Marks" know this, as AEW actually had over a million viewers recently, and Impact can only dream about getting that many. but this moron claimed it. So I called him out on it and said prove it, as you'll see right here.
So after I call him out knowing he's lying his ass off? he does the so typical and yet predictable thing. He tells ME, to "go look it up".
If you have to me to "go look it up" after I call YOU out to supply proof? That's the most obvious sign in the world that you know you got busted and are too much of a bitch ass to admit you got caught lying.
After I said that what does he do? Does he go ahead and provide the proof to shut me up? OR does he just continue to reply with more excuses to try and cover up the fact he can't back up what he claimed because he was wrong to begin with?
As you'll see, he did the latter.
So since HE, couldn't provide any proof because there was simply none for him to scrape up. I went ahead and produced the facts that put his dumb ass, in check where it belongs. Because proof is, a mother fucker and since THIS mother fucker is always smarter than the "Marks"? My proof puts this latest jack ass in his place.
"Marks" bracing me is like them trying to play checkers with a chess master.
Owned, checked and chumped.. Again it never takes any effort to put these dipshits in their place. They always, make it too easy.
And since he'll probably try the "Also" predictable yet typical reply of, "Nobody reads your site" that most try to hide behind after they realize they've been promptly punked. I'll go ahead and take that argument away from him before, he can use it.
These are the number of people looking at my site, right now at 11:15 PM.
I'll keep saying, some day the "Marks" will become an actual challenge, or at least bring a credible argument when they try and call me out.
Someday wasn't yesterday, and it sure as hell, won't be today.. LMAO! Someday, but not today, LOL!