Friday, June 4, 2021

Dick Slater Pummels Tom Prichard & Manny Fernandez Jumps In! (Southwest Wrestling) 

Suwama vs Koji Doi (All Japan Pro Wrestling 2021) 

Dusty Rhodes vs The 'Exotic' Adrian Street (June 4th, 1983- Championship Wrestling From Florida)


June 4th, 1983 Lakeland Civic Center Dusty Rhodes vs The 'Exotic' Adrian Street

Dave Meltzer "Almost" Posted A Link Correctly (Close But No Cigar So I'll Once Again Do it For Him)


There's been a LONG pattern of Dave Meltzer not having the ability to post a link right on his Wrestling Observer web page. And I've got just about every fuck up he's done when it comes to that. And every time he sees one of these stories I do he quickly takes a few days off hoping the embarrassment of that goes away. He has someone else update the site for acouple days, EVERY TIME he gets caught not having the simple ability, to post a link correctly.

And in case any of you "Meltzer Marks" want to try and call bullshit? Here's some proof because, as I always say.. Proof IS, a mother fucker, and I'll always be the mother fucker who has proof. :)  

Here's this one.

Then there's this one..

Oh wait, there's more.. There's this one..

And yet another one..

Want some more proof that Dave's a fuck up when it comes to posting links, and why someone really should, do it for him?

Here you go, here's a few more for you. :) Glad I could help with the proof for you.

Oh look! Here's YET.. Another one.

So as you can see Meltzer has proven himself to be a complete idiot when it comes to posting links. And in ALL of these links? NOT ONCE did he actually go back and have it corrected. Nor did he ever admit he made a mistake in posting the wrong link.

I guess in Meltzer's world correcting himself on his own mistakes is something that's "beneath him". 

Oh Wait, there's this one as well. Can't forget this one you know. :)

Now before I show you the latest screw up by Meltzer. I know one of you "Meltzer Marks" are gonna say "Why don't you show this to Meltzer yourself if you're so brave"? 

Well? I HAVE, and like he does to everyone else that punks him  or makes him look like as dipshit, he ran from me and hid behind a block. Because facts and truth put him in his place, where he belongs.. And, it didn't take very long for me to do it either, as you're gonna see. Anyone who has to run and hide behind a block after getting chumped in public is pretty much, a little bitch. Meltzer proved he is indeed that. 

One little statement in response to what he said to me and, WHAT did he do exactly 90 seconds after I checked him with my reply?

This. Proving he knew he got owned and 'checked'. 

So after all that, do you thiunk he'd FINALLY be able to post a link correctly?

You know the answer, the answer is... No. 

On his "daily update" for today he posted this about a story on Konnan.

BUT, what happens when you click on the link Meltzer put up?


He almost got it right. Almost, LMAO!

THIS, is what it should've brought you to

So since Dave Meltzer continues to be a total fuck up when it comes to posting links correctly, it'll have to be up to me once again, to do what he just can't do, no matter what. So here's the correct link to the story. 

Make sure you tell Meltzer I helped him out yet again, also say I said "You're welcome, dumb ass"

Eric Bischoff shoots on the AWA on ESPN 


 Pennsylvania-based independent wrestling streaming service IndependentWrestling.TV filed a breach of contract lawsuit in the State of New Jersey today against Game Changer Wrestling, alleging that GCW broke an agreement for IWTV to carry their events as part of IWTV's streaming service.  

The Times-Leader in Pennsylvania reported that the lawsuit alleges the two sides entered into an agreement in March of 2020 but by December, GCW informed IWTV they would be "breaching" the deal and have since held 36 PPV events, a "violation of the signed agreement" of the two sides.  The lawsuit alleges GCW has damaged IWTV "in excess of $500,000."

IWTV issued the following statement on their website:


JUNE 4TH, 2021

On December 26, 2020, Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) announced via social media that they unilaterally wished to be released from their distribution agreement with IndependentWrestling.TV (IWTV).

This agreement was signed in March 2020 and has been honored since then by IWTV. Over the past several months, IWTV has made multiple attempts to address GCW’s contractual concerns, including efforts to renegotiate and come to terms on a new agreement.

IWTV’s goal has always been to resolve this issue outside of the courts. While this is still our preference, unfortunately at this time we feel we have no option but to pursue legal action against GCW.


GCW has not yet commented on the matter.  They have several shows slated for this weekend in New Jersey which will streaming on FITE.TV.

Here's the link for the story in The Times-Leader.

Tom Latimer On His WWE Release, Battle With Alcoholism


NWA star Tom Latimer sat down with the This Is Pro Wrestling podcast in advance of NWA’s When Our Shadows Fall PPV this Sunday. Latimer delved in depth into his struggles with alcoholism, in particular not realizing he had a problem at first.

“I had a problem and I have a problem,” Latimer said. “There’s a lot of people that can drink and they never get into trouble, nothing bad happens to them, they still make rational decisions. Those are people that can sensibly drink and I’m not one of those people. It took me a long time to realize I was an alcoholic. I always thought when I was growing up, an alcoholic was a person that was homeless, passed out on a park bench, or begging for change for alcohol. I didn’t realize it’s a broad spectrum.”

Latimer, who wrestled as Kenneth Cameron, also detailed his release from the promotion in 2012 following a confrontation with a police officer. Even then, he was ready to admit he had an issue.

“When I got fired from WWE for a drinking related thing, for touching a cop, for one I was arrogant and I was in a good position,” Latimer said. “I thought ‘oh, I’ll be fine.” Because I’d already been arrested before that, when I’d first signed with WWE, for a DUI. So they already knew I had a drinking problem. I was oblivious to it, because I wasn’t drinking every day, I was drinking occasionally. But when I’d drink that one time, I’d end up in trouble. So when they released me, they said ‘go seek some help. Ya know, you’ve probably got a problem.’  I was still like ‘nah, I don’t have a problem.’ And that’s how I still carried on for 10 years.”

Latimer would eventually become sober. Looking back on it now, while he’s grateful for what he has now, he wonders why he took so long to get sober.

"Don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful now,” Latimer said. “I’m in a good position, I’ve got a great relationship, I can run a household. I sort of just grew up. But I look back at those ten years and always ask myself ‘why did it take you TEN YEARS?’ There were so many chances, so many opportunities. I just honestly thought I was fine, but I was against the world. I was angry. Drinking also helped me to never deal with any of my feelings and it helped me to just not care. Cause when I did quit, and I tried to quit for several years, but finally with the help of Kailey, it was time, even though there were a million events that should have been the time. It’s dealing with the emotions, that’s the hard part. When I finally gave it up, there was no crutch. If I got angry, or something bad happened… you have to deal with everything.”

“When you’ve not dealt with ten years of your emotions and your behavior, what you’ve done to people, the friends you lost, the marriages that have gone away and the people that you’ve hurt, it’s a lot to deal with. But again, it’s the best thing I ever did and of course I always have to be careful. Always. But I never thought I would be a person who could say they’re sober. I never thought it was possible. This is a scary statement to say, but I will never and can never drink again. Because, whatever takes over my body. Whatever possesses Thomas Latimer is not me, and there is no limit to what can happen when I’ve had drink. I could wake up in jail on a murder charge.  I’m not willing to take that risk anymore. But that is how much it changes me as a human being.”

Latimer then delved back into how he didn’t understand how much trouble he was getting himself into. He revealed he would drink and drive, find himself sobbing while drinking alone in hotel rooms and finally having a wake up call when he saw how his behavior affected others.

“If no one gets anything else from this interview, maybe someone will learn that it’s okay to have a drinking problem, it’s normal and millions of people go through it ,” Latimer said. “I was someone who never in a million years thought I could be sober. And I’m sober.  This will sound terrible, but I would drink and drive every day. I’d be wrestling and promoters would give me drink because they were nervous and thought I would die if I didn’t have enough.

“I look back and it’s just madness. How did I never get pulled over? I remember times drinking a lone in hotel rooms sobbing and I’m thinking ‘who IS this person?” So from me, I know what it’s like and it CAN be done. If you are struggling with dependency, it can be done. I’m not someone that should’ve recovered. Once it starts to affect other people though, it’s time to say enough’s enough. If you’re just hurting yourself, fine, but if there’re casualties because of your behavior, it’s time.”

Latimer’s past actions have led to him being a polarizing presence in the wrestling industry, often receiving criticism on Twitter. These days he avoids social media as best as he can.

“Yeah, I avoid it like the plague,” Latimer said. “If anyone listening to this follows me on Twitter, I’m sorry that I don’t tweet.  I retweet, but I don’t put my opinion or my feelings out there. Before, when I was drunk, I didn’t care. Give me all of your hate. Whereas now, I sound like a bit of a wuss, but I get one snarky comment, it messes up my whole day. It crushes me. And I know everyone goes through this. There are people that are way more notable than me and who am I to complain?

“But Twitter, I avoid. Kailey got rid of hers for her mental health and she’s loving life without it. A lot of people see it as a negative, but after everything that’s happened, I sort of closed off a little bit. I try and not see any negativity and after everything that’s happened to me the last ten years it’s been tough, obviously. I’ve been so closed off, I’m happy we get to talk. It’s sort of helping me get over that. I sort of shut down and shut off just to protect my own mental health, but I think now is a good time to talk about it. Sometimes I think it’s nobody’s business and why should I put any of this out there? But if it helps someone else, so be it.”

As to why Latimer is talking about his issues now, he says its because he wants people to know he is not the same man he was at 24. Even if it is scary for him to admit his issues.

“I have to sound pretty dumb, but I wish I could be me now when I was 24,” Latimer said. “I burnt every bridge, walked away from every opportunity, upset a lot of people, I don’t know. I think a bit of it is I want people to know me a bit more. I think in my mind I always had this illusion of say, Undertaker. He’s supposed to be this dead man. You’re not supposed to be able to tweet him. He’s unattainable and he’s untouchable… time’s have changed. I thought I wanted to be New Jack or Sabu. I want people to know that I’ve changed. But also it’s scary to admit all of that and let people in. I’ve been too guarded from what people are going to say or what people are going to think. But I think it’s time to talk.”

Nick Aldis Puts Bruce Prichard In His Place


On a recent episode of WCW legend Konnan’s Keepin’ It 100 podcast, NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion was on where the topic of Bruce Prichard came up. Aldis has responded to Prichard’s comments about him on a few occasions, and he did so again explaining the heat between the two.

“He said I was ‘playing the part of a wrestler and not really owning it.’ This is the part that is f**ked about that, so they’re talking about something from some Impact show, and it was when I worked with Alberto [El Patron],” Aldis recalled. I had actually left the company at that point. I just came back in to work with Alberto because I thought that was interesting to me, so I did it. Bruce says, ‘He doesn’t have the IT factor.’ Look, if he had just been talking about Magnus, the f**king Jo-Jo character from TNA when I was in my early-to-mid 20s, he probably would have been right.

“Conrad [Thompson] then says, ‘Well, what about what he’s been doing with the NWA?’ He’s like, ‘He’s playing the role of a wrestler.’ If that was the TNA stuff, I would have been cool, but when he based it off, a, he hadn’t watched any of it and b, he was just trying to f**king bury me. He went out of his way to take food off my table and f**k up my value in the market, and I don’t take kindly to that.”

Aldis recalled his contract negotiations in TNA when Prichard was head of Talent Relations at the time.

“We had heat in TNA because my contract came up, and he tried to offer me a new deal,” Aldis said. “Basically, in TNA, anyone who hadn’t worked for WWE, Bruce basically jobbed them out and treated them like a jabroni. I’m starting to get a little bit of a push, and he’s trying to offer me a contract, but he tries to offer me the same money for three years.

“I was 25 at the time, and I said, ‘You’re trying to tell me, when I’m 28, you think I’m going to be worth the same amount of money I’m worth now? So why the f**k would I be here? Why would I stay if you don’t think I’m going to increase my value in three years?’ And he’s like, ‘Well, it was a good offer.’ So I did what anyone would do, I went straight to Dixie [Carter]. I just went, ‘If you think I’m going to be worth the same amount of money three years from now than I am today, then there’s no point in me being here. I might as well take my chances to go get signed by WWE or go somewhere else.’ She was like, ‘Whoa, wait, what are you talking about?’ Because this was always the problem there, guys would just go rogue and they would just do stuff without running it by her.”

Aldis continued noting the dynamic between Dixie Carter and other TNA executives. He recalled Prichard’s response to him going to Carter, and he revealed what happened after his talk with Carter.

“Everyone can say what they want about Dixie, but so many guys who worked in TNA in a management capacity were so unprofessional because they would do whatever they wanted, and when they got called out for it, they would blame Dixie. But half the time, Dixie wouldn’t even know because they just did it off their own back, which is f**ked,” Aldis explained. “I’m not gonna sit here and say Dixie was a genius, obviously, but I just called her directly because I had already worked for her for three years at that point.

“And I said, ‘If you think I’m going to be worth the same amount of money in three years than I am today, then there’s no point in me being here.’ She just went, ‘What are you talking about?’ I said, ‘Bruce just offered me this contract. It’s the same money for three years,’ and she was just like, ‘Wait, whoa, whoa.’ So, in pretty short order, Dixie’s attorney, Guy Blake, took on my contract negotiations, just took it out of Bruce’s hands, and Scott D’Amore did my contract. He was my agent at the time.

“So Bruce got completely removed from the equation, and Bruce calls me up and is like, ‘Who do you think you are doing this and doing that? You’re just going running to mommy like a little b**ch,’ and I was just like, ‘Are you saying because the president of the company is a woman and that I went over to the president of the company that I’m running to mommy?’ I don’t think that plays very well in 2021. Those were his exact words.

“This is the same guy who on his podcast will be like, ‘The top guys would go straight to Vince [McMahon]. That’s what the top guys should do. They should go straight to Vince.’ I went straight to Dixie but suddenly it’s running to mommy, and I was just like, ‘F**k this guy.’ My whole contract negotiation got taken out of his hands so much so that even when we were down to the wire and finalizing it, he tried to come and join the conversation again, and Dixie was like, ‘It’s fine Bruce. You can go.’ Of course he’s going to hold a grudge on that forever.”

Myron Reed vs Zay Washington | Paradigm Pro Wrestling No Hook Pilot Part 7/7


Zay Washington calls out Myron Reed for a match with Myron's Paradigm Heavyweight Championship in the main event of the pilot of No Hook.

Hiro Matsuda vs Bob Orton Jr. (June 3rd, 1975) (Championship Wrestling From Florida)


June 3rd, 1975 Fort Homer Hesterly Armory Hiro Matsuda vs Bob Orton Jr. Don Curtis provides commentary with Gordon Solie

Border Town Pro Wrestling- Ep.93 Nova vs Addy Starr | Kongo Kong[c] w/Jay Moore vs Tarik vs Scotty O'Shea BTPW Championship


Nova faces off against Addy Starr and in the main event "The Monsta" Kongo Kong with "The Infamous" Jay Moore puts the BTPW Championship on the line against Tarik and "the Hacker" Scotty O'Shea.

Isaiah Wolf challenges Darius Carter to a best of 3 series (Warriors Of Wrestling)


Darius Carter was successful in defeating Isaiah Wolf at Warriors of Wrestling presents "Full Throttle", but after the match Wolf challenged Carter to a best 2 out of 3...

Sami Callihan & Moose Have A Pretty Lame Main Event! | IMPACT! Highlights June 3, 2021


Every week I find it so so SSOO comical that people actually think,. Sami Callihan is supposed to be this "big convincing monster" when really? he isn't. It's the same thing with people trying to take Eddie Edwards seriously, and trust me, not many people take Edwards seriously either. Callihan looks like a guy trying to 'play' wrestler and his size isn't convincing at all, especially when paired in a match against Moose?

Yeah, no.

Yet THIS is the 'best' the 'crack creative team' at Impact can come up with for a main event. 

If this was a 'real' fight? Sami would be punked out by Moose, easily. And every fan in the world knows it. Instead, we have to suffer thru "Super Sami" yet again.

Here's an act of obvious stupidity. Sami moves out of the way of Moose charging at him, but he moves too soon and even though Moose sees this, he STILL, takes a step forward and catapults himself into the guard rail. (shakes head)  But Sami has to get that put the hand thru the guard rail then kick it spot in.

That "I got to get my shit in" logic once again that current wrestlers use as their mentality.

Moose hits the finisher and of course, what do we get? "Super Sami" kicks out at the very last second again (yawns)

Let me reiterate.. NOBODY, on God's green earth will ever be convinced that Sami Callihan can hang in any kind of 'fight' against a guy the size of Moose. The fact that Impact bookers booked this match this way shows that someone at Impact has a sense of humor. Trying to convince me of that with this match is actually comical.

Thankfully this clusterfuck ended with the Good Brothers doing a run in. 

That was the good part, the bad part? Kenny Omega came into the ring as well. 

I love the fact that the camera zoomed in on Omega talking at that camera, and you couldn't hear a word he said, LMAO!

Not hearing a word Omega said was probably the best thing Impact has done when it comes to omega, LOL!

So NOW, they want to tease a three way match with Omega vs Moose Vs Sami Callihan?

Yeah, that's JUST the 'blockbuster' match EEVVEERRYYOONNEE wants to see, NOT!

Satoshi Kojima's IN-RING DEBUT! (Whirls Finger And Says "Whoopie") | IMPACT! Highlights June 3, 2021


Why is he pointing around the arena? THERE'S NO FANS THERE, JACK ASS! Pointing at piped in fan noise, LMAO!

Are the heels gonna start yelling at the piped in fan noise to like they do when fans are there yelling at them? We're not that far off at this rate.

I knows they tried to hypwe this debut like it's an 'earth shattering' event. But the truth is, most fans? have no fucking idea who Satoshi Kojima is. he doesn't carry the 'name value' that a Masa Chono, Jushin Liger or Great Muta do. he may be a multiple time IWGP champion, but here in America? most fans are gonna go "eeehhh, so what" and shrug their shoulders.

Truth hurts, appreciate the fact I tell the truth :)

So since this supposed to some sort of 'super spectacular' the best they can do for a debut opponent is...... Wait for it... Wait for it.... Deaner?


Guess the "B" team member of Violent By Design is better than just about anyone else Impact has on the roster, eh? 

Kojima chopping Deaner like, fifty times in the corner looked pretty lame when he started the rapid fire chops. They actually looked phony as fuck. Guess not everyone has a convincing Wahoo McDaniel or Walter chop in them so this is the 'best' they can do.

Of course if this match happened in Japan, the chops probably would've been more stiffer as the style there demands it. But this is "Impact" so it is, what it is I guess.

Then of course he looks out at the nonexistent fans and yells, LOL!

Kojima wins with a clothesline? WWHHAATT? A clothesline is NOW a finishing maneuver? But when Jake something, or  who's way bigger than Kojima does it, anyone else in Impact does it isn't? 

Yep, there's that lack of logic Impact is known for. Maybe some day if Impact ever gets bookers who have ACTUAL booking experience on their on their payroll, logic might actually make a come back. 

Some day though, won't be today.

Grace & Ellering Get Their Rematch! (And it Was The Best Thing On The WHOLE SHOW, Imagine That)| IMPACT! Highlights June 3, 2021


Finally, finally finally FINALLY! Something in Impact actually worth watching. 

I watched how this whole feud had started and developed and man, THIS was the best thing on the whole damn show, period. 

This was solid from start to finish, proper 'selling' by all four women (yoo hoo, male wrestlers in Impact, since you either can't 'sell', don't know HOW to 'sell' or just don't WANT to 'sell'. You should watch this and take notes. "Selling" CAN be your friend). And if you watched this feud from the beginning (except for the ten women debacle they had recently) this has all the ingredients of why a fan should invest their time into. 

Pretty sad when the women upstage the men so fucking easily. 

I'd like to see where the feud goes from here, but knowing how Impact books and operates, when something like this WORKS? They quickly pull the plug on it. It's been an M.O. of Impact for years. 

W. Morrissey MUGS Rich Swann! (Someone Needs No Create Better Titles For These Clips) | IMPACT! Highlights June 3, 2021


So.. Swann comes down the isle to piped in fans, (Where did all the 'fans' from the TJP/ Alexander match go? Must've been lunch time or something, eh?) Swan keeps dancing to the camera and then W. Morrissey nails Swann from Behind and whips him into a chair by a guard rail. So after that and being rolled into the ring by Morrissey, what does Swann do?

Swann decides it's "Super Cena" time and fights back like he wasn't hurt at all. 

Gotta love how this smaller guys can suddenly "Hulk Up" so to speak, and think they're seven feet tall and bullet proof when they're clearly out sized. (shakes head) Thankfully it didn't last very long because even a casual fan would realize Swann is unconvincing and should've stuck with 'selling' for a few minutes longer. Or just let it be a total beat down and 'sell' everything. THAT would've made for a better angle and further a story for why Swann to get sympathy from fans watching. BUT, you know the logic of today's wrestlers. "I got to get my shit in, no matter what". 

I love how Josh Matthews asks as security came in to stop Morrssey "Have you ever seen anything like this before".

Yeah Josh, we have. Too many times in too many other promotions, moron.

Thankfully this was short.

TABLES MATCH Goes Off The Rails! (No, It Really Doesn't) | IMPACT! June 3, 2021


So now we're back to having no fans OR Impact employees for this match between Jake Something and Rohit Raju. 

The least they could do is TRY, and stay consistent. Either have the employees out there for the whole show like AEW was doing, or stick to the piped in fan noise.

I guess as usual, details don't mean anything in Impact Wrestling. And it shows, week in? And week out.

Love how Raju just out and out "no sells" Jake's clothesline. Then follows up by "No selling" what looked like Raju blatantly running into a thrust to the throat by Jake. 

Yep, these current guys sure have been trained well in the art of 'no selling', that's for sure.

A guy as big as Jake clobbers anyone the size of Rohit? Guess what, they're gonna be staying the fuck down, NOT popping right back up. (rolls eyes) Why is it this current era of wrestlers have to try and be "Super Cena"? It doesn't work and looks pretty fucking stupid every time they do it. 

I guess the 'agent' who helped put this match together decided "selling' wasn't gonna be much of an option either, eh? 

OH SHIT, Raju FINALLY 'sold' a move! Only after no selling the obvious ones that he finally 'sell' a clothesline by Jake. Hey, better late than never, huh. 

Anyone remember when a clothesline was a finishing move in matches? I do. 

Now it's just a willy nilly move because "We got to get all our shit in, no matter what" is the mentality and logic of wrestlers now.

Well that didn't last long because he failed the 'selling' test again when he got speared in the corner. I wondered how long he was gonna sell consistently and the answer I got is? Not long at all, LOL. 

Jake sold a chair shot to the back by Rohit followed by his arm getting jammed by the chair way better than Raju has sold most of this match. Let that sink in about how sad that fact really is.

And I'm only a minute and twenty seven seconds into this almost six minute highlight clip.. Boy do we have a long way to go.

So Raju yells "I'LL BREAK HIS ARM" while having Jake in a cross face aaahahahahahahahahahahha!He's pulling up more on Jake's neck and head more than the arm and he yells that.

Maybe if he actually did the hold CORRECTLY, yelling that would've made more sense. Funny how so many of today's wrestlers use that hold but yet it's not san effective submission hold anymore. Just another willy nilly transitional move now. Yet no agent in any of the major companies seem to want to notice this, HHMMM. Even though there aren't any submissions ion this particular match. The general observation of it not being a submissive hold still stands. 

And Jake should actually take some time to show the other wrestlers on the Impact Roster what 'selling' is. He and Tasha Steele do it better than anyone else working in Impact. Why don't bookers like Tommy Dreamer say something? No balls? Funny how I ask this every week and there never seems to be an answer, HHMMM.

I'm still waiting for this tables match to "go off the rails". I've been waiting quite awhile now and this has been more chairs, than tables. 

30 seconds after I wrote that last sentence? Jake spears Raju thru a table for the win.

As for the match going "off the rails"? False advertising again in the part of the moron who uploads these clips to YouTube. Then again, why am I not surprised.

Here's the link to the clip. Yawner at best.

Josh Alexander & TJP Go 60 MINUTES In A Match That Goes WWAAYY Too Long | IMPACT! Highlights June 3, 2021


I watched the clip that started this match on BTI and this went WWAAYY too long. As I watched this I kept asking myself, "Have these two EVER learned what 'proper selling' really is"? 

If they did they for some reason haven't used it since they were taught it. OR, they just have no clue, what 'proper selling' really is.

You choose which one it is. 

TJP of course did his usual flip flop, acrobatic bullshit that doesn't look anywhere convincing. Only idiot fans of today who have no clue what good pro wrestling is like this kind of 'gymnastic wrestling'. And Josh Alexander doing this bargain basement wannabe Kurt Angle gimmick doesn't jive with me, and actually has me wishing Kurt Angle would come out and "Angle Slam' Alexander and then tell him that imitation ISN'T, the best form of flattery here.

So you have these two, flipping and bouncing around like a pinball in a pinball machine and me asking over and over "Is this crap ever gonna end"? 

Not, for a very LONG TIME unfortunately.

Note to both TJP and Josh Alexander. If you two ever do learn how to 'sell' properly, your matches would actually, be better. Just saying.

But of course, they? Learn how to 'SELL'? You'll have better chances finding the body of Jimmy Hoffa before they realize that 'selling' can actually benefit them.

I saw a recent match between Shane Douglas and an indy guy named Façade that took place in a small indy group called ACW that was 10 times better than THIS shit. No 2 dozen flip flop moves in two minutes, REAL 'selling' of moves throughout the match, things that most wrestlers today should take notes from. But as usual, they won't because if you ask them, they'll tell you that THEY, know better, when they really don't. And this match is a great example that they don't.

And the 'marks' can't use the predictable argument of "It got over with the fans", because.... THERE WAS NO FANS THERE! Just Impact Employees as They're now copying what AEW was doing"! LOL! So they have no excuses to hide behind why this was such a horrible outing that was given way more time than it really deserved.

Here's the links if you really wanna be bored. 

Where it starts..

Where it finally ends..

Rocky Mountain Pro CHARGED; ep 244


This week on CHARGED, after weeks of mind games and years away from a ring, Unholy Trinity returns to competition as she takes on Lola The Adventurer in the Main Event. Baylum Lynx continues his issues with Legion as he goes one on one with Ronin. The 3 Ring Circus are in action as well as Orin Veidt. And where in the world is Curtis Cole?