Monday, April 19, 2021

SWE FURY 0215 NEW Full Episode 

WrestlingInc Columnist Is Definitely Wrong On This one


A writer at WrestlingInc made an ASSumption without really thinking it thru. So since he either doesn't see the big picture, or doesn't WANT to see the big picture.. It'll have to be up to me to show what the bigger picture is.

Here's the story I'm talking about.

It obviously DID help their situation because now they were able to get the fuck, out of the WWE. So that's one way the complaining helped. 

The other way the complaining helped? NOW, they can go to another company and get the success that the WWE obviously wasn't able to give them because their creatively challenged creative department proved once again why, they are.. "Creatively challenged". 

So when they debut somewhere else and get over better than they did in the WWE, everyone will be able to imagine me saying, "Hate to say I told you so, but yet again? I told you so". 

Leave it to me to show the obvious bigger picture when other 'writers' insist on failing to see it.

You can go ahead and thank me now. :)