Monday, July 6, 2020

Mat Memory- Will Ospreay Vs Walter from Over The Top Wrestling

Over The Top Wrestling Presents, Will Ospreay Vs Walter
For Over The Top Wrestling's Fourth Year Anniversary
Oct 13th, 2018 Dublin's National Stadium

Mat Memory- SpeedBall Mike Bailey Vs Matt Riddle (OTT Wrestling)

Jim Cornette on Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows Signing With Impact

Eric Bischoff shoots on hardcore wrestling

Mat Memory- 2018 - LuFisto Vs Savannah Stone

Sunday, February 18th 2018
Edwardsville, IL, USA

Mat Memory- LuFisto Vs Britt Baker - IWC Women's Championship

Saturday, July 22nd 2017
Elizabeth, PA, USA

Jim Cornette on Taz Calling WWE A "Sloppy Shop"

Eric Bischoff shoots on Vince McMahon bashing TNA in 2010

The Soap Opera That Never Ends Of Jarrett Vs Impact? Isn't Ending Any Time Soon (rolls eyes)

It's the story that never ends, it seems.. Like a bad wrestling angle that keeps going on and on, and on.. It's also a story that other than Jarrett.. Nobody really gives two shits about either.

I mean let's be honest. IF Jarrett wins this (and so far he's been on the losing end of motions he wanted so that tells you something), what really is he gonna 'win'?

Impact allegedly deleted all the master tapes of GFW, including the AMPED TV show that nobody liked and many many people thought sucked (except Jarrett, of course). So what's left? Merchandise nobody wants? T-shirts you can't even give away at this point? Other than Jeff Jarrett's ego being ultimately stroked, even though he WAS fired from Impact, not once but TWICE.. There's nothing left that's worthwhile here and it seems to be a lot of money and effort wasted... On something nobody and I mean NOBODY (Can't find one person, anywhere) who gives a rat's ass about GFW.

But here's the the reason why, this never ending sap story, is going to continue... To be never ending.

The ongoing trial brought against Impact Wrestling parent company Anthem Wrestling LLC by Jeff Jarrett and his company, Global Force Entertainment has been put on pause and delayed until the morning of 7/21, Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr. informed all parties.

The belief among sources we have spoken to is that a concern about rising COVID-19 cases locally led to the court pushing back the trial several weeks.

The two sides will have a telephone conference on 7/10 discussing the case as well.

One Year Ago I wrote This Article.

This came up in my FB memories so it's worth sharing again. An article I wrote about a good friend who was a member of this group Dale Pierce. This was for a fanzine based in Australia that he and I both contributed to.