Wednesday, December 2, 2020



Sting is now All Elite.

The former WCW and WWE star made his AEW debut on Wednesday's Winter Is Coming edition of Dynamite, coming out to the ring as Team Taz was beating down TNT Champion Darby Allin, Cody Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes, and Arn Anderson following a tag team match.

As the beatdown was happening, Daily's Place went black and images of frozen landscapes appeared on the big screens. Sting then emerged, painted up and dressed as the classic "Crow" version of his character, complete with baseball bat and new AEW t-shirt.

He then walked around the ring and stared at Anderson, Cody Rhodes, and Allin before walking to the back as snow fell on the set. This was his first appearance on TNT since the final episode of WCW Monday NItro 18 years ago.

Following the commercial break, Jim Ross announced that Tony Khan signed Sting to a full time, multi-year contract. It was later announced he will speak on next week's Dynamite.

See the video here.

Bruce Prichard shoots on Brock Lesnar wrestling for NJPW 

MLW Fusion #112: DBS vs. Low Ki | Laredo Kid vs. ACH | Opera Cup Opening Round


•Opera Cup Opening Round: Low Ki vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr. •Opera Cup Opening Round: Laredo Kid vs. ACH •CONTRA’s masked man vs. Ariel Dominguez “The Black Hand of CONTRA” looms as the 2020 Opera Cup opening round culminates on this edition of MLW Fusion, presented by In a highly talked about return bout of last year, Low Ki and Davey Boy Smith Jr find themselves standing in each other’s way in the Opera Cup opening round, as each man vies for a chance to move one step closer to making history. Can Low Ki continue to run through every fighter in his path as he looks to stop a focused, well-prepped Smith? Or will the third generation grappler go two-for-two against the King of Knockouts and use that as a stepping stone as he looks to make history with back-to-back Opera Cup wins? In an interpromotional dream bout, AAA has sent Laredo Kid to rumble with the returning ACH. Laredo Kid looks to bring the 1915 cup back to Mexico, but can he get past a hungry and focused ACH? The black flags of CONTRA will rise as CONTRA Unit’s mysterious mercenary makes his official MLW debut! Who is this massive figure? “Filthy” Tom Lawlor readies for the semi-finals by dishing on what’s next for Team Filthy. How will MLW respond to CONTRA’s Josef Samael and his threats targeted at MLW champions? Salina de la Renta stormed out of MLW HQ yesterday… which begs the question where in the world is Salina de la Renta now? Tune in to find out! Join Rich Bocchini and Jared St. Laurent along with backstage correspondent Alicia Atout for a night of top ranked tournament match-ups.

WWE Ken Patera on Tony Atlas , Vince McMahon , and Chyna ruining Wrestling 

Nikita Koloff Shoot Interview 2020 

WWE Superstar Ken Patera on Greg Gagne and Billy Robinson injurying the Iron Sheik


WWE Superstar Ken Patera on Greg Gagne and Billy Robinson injurying the Iron Sheik.

CWF Wrestling Superstars (1981) (Championship Wrestling From Florida)


Tommy Gilbert brawls with The Bounty Hunters Tommy Gilbert vs The Bounty Hunter Tommy Gilbert & Cocoa Samoa strip Jim Kent's clothes off Steve Keirn vs Dory Funk Jr. (Funk goes BERSERK!) Steve Keirn & Cocoa Samoa vs The Funk Brothers (5-30-81) Jack & Jerry Brisco vs Mr. Pogo & Hiro Matsuda R.T. Tyler & Don Muraco cut El Gran Apollo's hai

25 Man Lion's Den Battle Royal (Royal Rumble Style)

 From Fighting Spirit Wrestling: The Lion's Den on 4/1/2016

in a 25 Man Over The Top Battle Royal (Royal Rumble Style) Including: - Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF) - Mike Orlando - Azrieal - Blake Morris -Mario Bokara - Joe Ettell - Talon - Malta The Damager - Bear Bronson - CPA - Ian Aldwin - Cyrus Deville - Kris Rex - Magma - AJ Spectre - Suntan Superman - Leon Mason - Francis Kipland Stevens - Team Espana (Jos A & Jos B) - Jon Punn - Deadpool and many more!

Kevin Sullivan and his father confronts Bob Roop. 1977 

More on Pat Patterson

Pat Patterson, who was a major name in pro wrestling in a number of capacities, an all-time great wrestler, a booking savante, and Vince McMahon's right-hand man in building the WWF in the 80s, passed away earlier today at 79.

Patterson, whose real name was Pierre Clermont, was rushed to the hospital on November 27 with a blood clot in his liver.

Patterson, like his most famous tag team partner Ray Stevens, had a natural knack at working in the ring. He could work face or heel, was one of the great tag team wrestlers who ever lived, and was the top singles star in Northern California from 1972 to 1977.

He'll get a lot of headlines for being the first openly gay wrestler, which is something that was the theme of his autobiography, "Accepted." But within the business there were openly gay wrestlers and office people well known long before him. He was a part of the Attitude Era as a television character as one of Vince McMahon's stooges with Gerald Brisco. He was the first Intercontinental Champion having won it in a fictitious tournament in Rio de Janeiro. He was the creator of the Royal Rumble, which conceptually as the big January kicking off of the year was taken from working for Roy Shire and his Cow Palace Battle Royal.

Patterson gained a booking education in his dozen years working for Shire. He was lauded as the best finish man in the business after the death of Eddie Graham, although those finishes routinely revolved around referee bumps. A lot of that was his Shire education since Shire was meticulous in doing finishes that made sense to build for the next show and having all gimmick matches mean something.

He was the referee in the main event of the first WrestleMania in Madison Square Garden. Muhammad Ali was advertised to referee the Hulk Hogan & Mr. T vs. Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff match, but it was clear Ali could not get what he needed to do. It was changed at the last minute with Ali as the outside the ring referee. Patterson was also there to help if Mr. T forgot what he was supposed to do.

He helped lay out most of WWE's biggest matches from the mid-80s and through the early 00s, including his role in the infamous Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels match in Montreal. He sold Hart on the spot where Michaels would get him in the sharpshooter. For what it is worth, he always claimed innocence in knowing about the double-cross. The story was that McMahon never told him about the double-cross to protect him because he was so well liked by the wrestlers, and in his role, needed to be.

He went from someone who started pro wrestling knowing no English and having little in the way of formal education to being Vice President of Talent Relations heading up that division in the biggest wrestling company ever up until that point in time.

He was known for hitting the bars and singing "My Way" at karaoke places, and in the ring, his ability to visualize a match and have classics, no matter what the style and the opponent, was near the top of the charts.

He was already a great worker when he came to San Francisco in 1965 and was quickly made tag team partner of Stevens, who was the area's top wrestler. The Blond Bombers were, by a wide margin, considered the greatest tag team in the history of wrestling until the 80s, largely for their 1965-67 run in San Francisco. Matches against Stevens were also among the best matches anywhere in the world after their split, when Stevens went babyface. In the late 70s, they held the AWA World Tag Team titles.

Patterson inherited the mantle as the top star of the company when Stevens left for the AWA. While the company did have short-term success after he left, most would tell you the death of Shire's territory came from when he and Patterson had their falling out and Patterson left for Florida.

Patterson eventually wound up working for Vince McMahon's father, and still holds the record for he and Bob Backlund headlining four consecutive Madison Square Garden sellouts, including a cage match that was far beyond the usual standard of that promotion in that era. He later became a television announcer, and while not his forte, there were many angles built around him in that role. The biggest was with Sgt. Slaughter. His 1981 Alley Fight with Slaughter was one of the early most collectable matches with early tape traders and was that year's Match of the Year. The IC title as the workers belt stemmed from his run as the first champion.

Patterson was an old school guy who always liked to laugh and joke. Where he differed from Shire in booking is Shire was always serious and Patterson loved to put comedy into the shows. He wasn't the stickler on realistic wrestling. In fact, even with his Shire background, he didn't really like it. He was not a fan of many forms of wrestling. He never enjoyed the serious athletic style of Japan, and would constantly say about the modern style that it was like Cirque du Soleil and never believed wrestling could sustain without the hard and fast babyface vs. heel dynamic he grew up with.

Even though he and Stevens in the 70s had classic matches where both were babyfaces and neither turned, they were not technical matches, but the idea was they were two kickass babyfaces breaking every rule. Even as a face, while he sold more, he was always portrayed more as a brawler, but it was more fists (his punches from the mount may have been the best in pro wrestling history) and kicks but always with wrestling thrown in. Yet at the same time, he'd knock pure brawlers, saying anyone can do that.

The irony was in his day, Shire would throw fits at some of his matches with Stevens as a team, thinking they were doing too many big moves. Even though the crowd would go crazy because both were masters at manipulating the audience, that they were ruining things long-term because they did a style others couldn't keep up with or follow, and always went long in their main event matches. But they became known as the best tag team in the business, and became huge stars in Hawaii where they, as World Tag Team Champions, would be flown in as special attractions whenever there was a major show.

The reality is that because his run as a wrestler was so long ago and most talk about his booking, finishes and teaching, that his in-ring ability is in many circles highly underrated. Bobby Heenan, who managed Patterson in the late 70s, ranked him as the fourth best wrestler he ever managed, behind only Stevens, Ric Flair, and Curt Hennig, and as better than Nick Bockwinkel.

Patterson would be automatic for every pro wrestling Hall of Fame (he's in every major one except Tragos/Thesz, which focuses on amateur wrestlers), as a singles wrestler, a tag team wrestler, and an executive.

Virtually every major star in WWE of the last 36 years will tell you positive stories about how he helped their careers, and was the personal mentor of Dwayne Johnson, who he immediately signed after seeing him in one workout and said that he had more potential for the business than any wrestler he had ever seen.

The reality is that few men ever wore so many different hats in pro wrestling and did them at such a high level.


 United Wrestling Network President Dave Marquez announced that the UWN Primetime Live PPVs will be taking a break after tonight's PPV. 

Marquez, citing the pandemic and not knowing where things may go in California where UWN produces the live weekly broadcast show, noted that they suspend PPVs for the remainder of 2020.  He stated they would be taking a break over the holiday with plans to return in 2021. 

Marquez stated they want to give the viewers the best product possible and he doesn't want to keep changing lineups at the last minute as they have had to do numerous times due to COVID.  He thanked everyone who has supported the series over the last 12 weeks as well as all the different promotions who have assisted them as well as Thunder Studios, where the show is produced.  He said the time off would give them a chance to work on plans going forward.

The planned UWN title match between Mike Bennett and Chris Dickinson will still take place in 2021 with Marquez promising, "We'll be back."

WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson passes away


WWE is saddened to learn that Pat Patterson has passed away at the age of 79.

A true trailblazer of the industry, Patterson was linked to many “firsts” in sports-entertainment throughout his storied career, including the first-ever Intercontinental Title reign and the creation of the Royal Rumble Match. In a career spanning six decades, the renaissance man left an indelible mark on the industry in the ring, on the microphone and behind the scenes.

Patterson began his career in 1958 in his native Canada before becoming a fixture in the Bay Area for nearly two decades. After winning the AWA Tag Team Championship with Ray Stevens in 1978, Patterson moved on to WWE. Under the tutelage of The Grand Wizard, Patterson made an immediate impact and became the first Intercontinental Champion in September 1979. Patterson’s most legendary WWE rivalry was undoubtedly his war with Sgt. Slaughter, which captivated the WWE Universe with Boot Camp Matches and a brutal Alley Fight at Madison Square Garden.

Shortly before his in-ring retirement in 1984, Patterson joined Mr. McMahon as a color commentator. Even after hanging up his boots, Patterson was far from finished reimagining the possibilities of the sports-entertainment industry. In 1988, Patterson brought one of the ring’s most groundbreaking ideas to life by creating the original format for the Royal Rumble Match.

Patterson returned to the ring during WWE's electric "Attitude Era," creating many memorable moments alongside Gerald Brisco as one of Mr. McMahon's hilarious "Stooges." Patterson even pinned Crash Holly to claim the Hardcore Title. For all his efforts, Pat Patterson was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1996 by Bret Hart.

In his 25-plus years in WWE, Patterson was synonymous with making history. From the Intercontinental Title to the Royal Rumble Match and beyond, his name will forever be revered in WWE lore. This amazing legacy was captured in Patterson's 2016 autobiography, Accepted: How the First Gay Superstar Changed WWE, a moving chronicle about his life both inside and out of the ring.

WWE extends its condolences to Patterson’s family and friends

Arn Anderson Full Shoot Interview 2020


"WWE Hall of Famer," Former WCW star and current AEW manager Arn Anderson does a full career interview with John Poz from the "Taskmaster Talks" and "Talking Tough" Podcasts among others. Some of the topics covered include Arns wrestling training, working with John Cena in WWE, thoughts on The Undertaker, his time in ECW, Smokey Mountain Wrestling, how he met Ric Flair, working for Ron Fuller, leaving the NWA to go to WWE, thoughts on Mongo & Paul Roma in the Horsemen and much more!

Reality of Wrestling TV: Episode 293 - Drive-In Wrestling Event -


This taping was filmed outdoors in the parking lot of the World Gym Arena in Texas City, TX and followed the Texas Covid Regulation of Social Distancing, Masks Required in not in your group and testing our athlete's & staff. Matches: Tommy Bolton vs Cameron Cole Promise Braxton vs Jenna Lynn Will Allday (c) vs Isaiah James (Texas Championship) Gino Medina vs Zack Mason

Great Tenyru vs Tarzan Goto 

WWC Super Estrellas March 8th 1987


Miguelito Perez vs El Vikingo Chicky Starr with Jason el Terrible interview David Gold interview El Cholo vs TNT Miguelito Perez interview Youngbloods interview David Gold & Mr X vs Mark & Chris Youngblood El Profe with TNT interview El Profe with Bob Heffernan & Gran Mendoza interview Stan Hansen interview Jorge Clemente vs Frankie Lancaster Hercules Ayala interview Video of Carlos Colon vs Stan Hansen Carlos Colon interview