They just can't stop stealing over at Wrestlinginc, and here's the latest self proclaimed 'journalist' who was dumb enough to admit he stole it from PWInsider's Elite (pay to be a subscriber) site. If you're supposed to be a 'journalist' or 'reporter', then why is it you have to keep stealing your stories from another site's paid subscription site?
Why is it all these clowns we here at WP&P have busted out in public over this, can't seem to be able to answer that question?
Here's the latest 'journalist' who's getting paid by Wrestlinginc to steal stories from paid subscription sites.
Sam Palmer joins the growing list of the wall of shame of Wrestlinginc 'reporters' who have been caught stealing their exclusives from PWInsider Elite. You would think that after being busted over and over and over again, these "genuises" would actually stop their stealing, here comes ol Sammy to show that he's another in the long line of Wrestlinginc's staff who's incapable of getting his own content so he has to pay for a subscription at another site so he can steal content from there, and get paid for the theft by Wrestlinginc.
There it is, his telling you he stole the story from, PWInsider Elite. Now click that little link that says "PWInsider Elite" and guess oh guess, where that takes you.
It takes you.... Right here.
And WWHHEERRE have we seen that familiar PWInsider Elite login site before?
WWEELLL? We've seen it here..
And we saw it here...
And of course, we saw it here as well.
And yes, we saw it here when we started catching these wannabe reporters way back in, OCTOBER.
With all these stories where staff at Wrestlinginc were busted stealing, Sam Palmer is now the EIGHTH staff member of Wrestlinginc who now has been caught stealing from the very same sight seven others stole from.
That's right, EIGHT staff members of Wrestlinginc have been caught stealing their stories from paid subscription sites, eight, and Wrestlinginc pays these people to steal stories, apparently. If they didn't then this story tonight wouldn't be written up. But evidently it's "A-OK" to blatantly steal a story from a paid subscriber site and post it on Wrestlinginc.
"Oh, where'd you get this from? Oh You stole from PWInsider Elite again? Go ahead and post it, then check your paypal for our payment, good job, keep up the stealing". (note the obvious sarcasm in all that).
Dis Dave Scherer and/or Mike Johnson give Sam permission to swipe this story from their Elite site? Knowing that Scherer has said time and again anyone caught stealing from there would have their subscription cancelled and their money wouldn't be refunded, I can easily gamble some money and know the answer is no, they didn't give Mr. Palmer any kind of permission.
Thank God we here at Wrestling Past And Present don't have to do this and never have done this. WWEEE, know how to getour own content and don't need to use a story that says "as reported by PWInsider Elite" or Fightful Select (Another paid subscriber site Wrestlinginc staff routinely steals from).
I'll be contactin Wrestlinginc and Static media (Who owns Wrestlinginc) and ask them AGAIN, how is it they can justify using stories that their staff stole from a paid subscriber site without that site's permission?
Just as they wouldn't comment before? You can bet they'll be avoiding commenting again.
Maybe someday the staff at Wrestlinginc will stop stealing stories, someday, someday.
Some day, obviously won't be today.
1 comment:
Again? These guys at Wrestlinginc are fucking idiots. Why can't they get their own stories like you and other sites do?
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