Saturday, August 11, 2018

My Watching Material For Tonight. Kayfabe Commentaries Back to the Territories - American Wrestling Association

Jim Cornette is joined by Greg Gagne to discuss the American Wrestling Association

This Really, Is The BEST WWE Could Scrape Up For This Show? (Rolls eyes) BBOORRING!

  • A new episode of Table for Three with Matt Hardy, Xavier Woods, and Zack Ryder will air on the WWE Network after Raw on Monday. The theme of the show is that they gathered "to discuss the power of using digital and social media platforms.”

This is pretty sad, and pathetic. There isn't ONE MATCH here that is good enough to garner my interest. Pretty damn sad indeed.

Here are the updated lineups for Impact’s TV tapings at the Rebel Entertainment Complex in Toronto on Sunday and Monday:
Sunday --
Pentagon Jr. vs. Sami Callihan in a Mexican Death Match
Knockouts Champion Su Yung defending against Tessa Blanchard and Allie in a triple threat match
X Division Champion Brian Cage defending against Fenix
LAX vs. Tarik & Banks
Joe Hendry vs. Tyson Dux
Monday --
Pentagon Jr. & Fenix vs. Trevor Lee & Caleb Konley
Rich Swann vs. Petey Williams
Brian Cage vs. Kongo Kong
Matt Sydal vs. Josh Alexander

Twenty cameras' just happened to be NOT working the night of Brian Christopher's death? hhmm. isn't THAT alittle 'too convenient', eh?

Smells like bullshit somewhere. Or.. Maybe Jail guards looked the other way as Brian got his ass kicked in Jail?

Jerry Lawler and his lawyer spoke to WMC Action News 5 in Memphis for a story on Brian Christopher Lawler’s death. Lawler continued to express doubt that Brian committed suicide. Photos of Brian before he died were shown, with him having marks on both sides of his neck but not on the front. Jerry’s lawyer said that’s not consistent with Brian hanging himself with his shoestrings. Jerry also brought up a fight that Brian got into in jail the day that he died and that 20 cameras inside the jail weren’t working that night.


WWE is looking into claims that Randy Orton inappropriately touched himself in years past when meeting new writers. 
The allegations surfaced this week after a Reddit user revived a story told by Court Bauer during a 2012 edition of the MLW podcast (subscription needed). What follows is the transcription from that user:
"For every new writer that would show up, he come in the room, put his hand down his pants, pull out his d*ck, touch himself, then say "I'm Randy Orton, shake my hand. Oh, you dont want to shake my hand? You're big leaguing me? That's f**ked up man. Should I tell Vince and Steph you wont shake Randy Orton's hand?" 
The story went on that during those incidents, writers would continue to feel uncomfortable as Orton cut a promo on them while remaining exposed.
WWE released a brief statement to that they are "looking into the matter."
Bauer said he avoided the situation as Stephanie McMahon walked into the room at the time Orton was reaching into his pants. Bauer said the story was true when asked on Twitter Friday, adding in a separate tweet that has "no qualms" with Orton.
The 38-year-old has been with the company since he was signed to a developmental deal in 2000.