Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Jim Cornette & Jim Duggan On Bar Fights & Crazy Fan Stories From Mid-South

Back to the Territories Mid South with Jim Cornette and Jim Duggan - Jim Duggan On Bar Fights & Crazy Fan Stories From Mid-South w/ Jim Cornette. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut_DA-uyOt4

Gabriel Kidd vs Zack Gibson (Internet Title) - WCPW Fight Back

Upcoming SWF Event and WWA (Kentucky) Event

Chris Jericho talking about his actions from King of Pro Wrestling

Dick The Bruiser Promo

WWA Indianapolis wrestling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7lpkUrnRO0

70s WWA Dick The Brusier Interview

Crusher Speaks His Mind

Milwaukee's Favorite Son has some choice words for AWA champ Nick Bockwinkel and his weaselly manager Bobby Heenan before & after a title bout in St. Paul, Minnesota. Includes the finale from the match. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWcWi1u_tRU

GCW Rich & Crusher vs Anderson & Koloff

Vince Russo says Hulk Hogan used his creative control to keep Bret Hart out of TNA Impact Wrestling, looks back at how the drama between Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, and Karen Jarrett affected the company

“Truth With Consequences” Podcast
Hosts: Matt Koon and Vince Russo
Interview available at Omny.fm
Russo on the Karen Angle, Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle saga starting: “They use to have these parties. Jeff Jarrett had a reputation of always being the last one at the party. Karen Angle liked to have a good time as well. Kurt Angle was a professional, Kurt would want to do the show and go back to the room and go to bed. How the relationship started was rumors started spreading, Kurt started getting ahold of these rumors. One night in Orlando, it must have been 11/12 at night I got a call from Jeff and his voice was quivering. He said needed to talk to me and I needed to come up to his room. Eventually, right before I went up there, Kurt more or less made his way into Jeff’s room. Jeff was in a hotel room with a very irritate and upset Kurt Angle. I gave all the credit in the world to Kurt Angle for keeping his cool, but he sent a message to Jeff. Brother, I know what’s going on, that night all kinds of meetings because Kurt wanted to quit. Eventually they talked Kurt down and he stayed with the company.”
Russo on the Karen Angle, Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle situation destroying TNA: “It was destroying a company. I don’t know it is none of my business but it is a tough position. I am working with Jeff; Jeff is my friend of 20 years. I am very good friends with Kurt, very difficult situation. At this point Jeff wasn’t owning up to the situation. Dixie is irritate at this point, Jeff gave word that nothing is going on with Karen. Jeff tells Dixie Carter nothing is going on. Early one morning, I had some time to kill, I was at Walmart, I was looking at the action figures about 8 am. I get this call and it is Dixie. I had never heard her like this in my life. Why didn’t you f’ing tell me? You made me like a f’ing moron, you are supposed to have my back, I thought I could trust you. I had no idea what she was talking about. Evidently, Jeff had a party at his house and he had invited Dixie to the party. Dixie walks into this party and Jeff and Karen are hosting this party like a married couple. Dixie walked into this party blindsided and made to look stupid.”
TNA almost hiring Jim Ross: “The Fallout from the party is Jeff is done. To get back at Jeff, Dixie gets rid of Jeff’s people (Dutch Mantell and Jim Cornette). Dixie says I am running a wrestling company without Jeff Jarrett, her first phone call is to JR. His contract situation with the WWE was non-existent. JR went up to the Carter compound, they fell in love with JR. JR was going to replace Jeff and run the company. I got on the phone and talked to JR for about three hours, next thing I know is it doesn’t work out. It could have been one of two things. One would be money, two was part of Jim’s deal was he wanted 100 percent control. I think Jim’s relationship he formed with the Carter parents might have scared Dixie a little bit.”
Russo on TNA thinking the signing of Hulk Hogan would push them pass the WWE: “When I almost went back to the WWE in 2002, Hogan was working there then. I had to address the Hogan situation with Vince McMahon. I said, Vince, the last time Hulk Hogan and I were in the same place, things did not turn out well. I was sued, etc. Vince, how I am going to handle this. Vince McMahon said Hulk Hogan is not drawing any money for me at this moment. I will take care of it. Fast Forward to TNA, you would have thought Jesus Christ would have signed with TNA. In my head I am thinking about what Vince McMahon said in 2002. They literally thought the acquisition of Hulk Hogan was going to catapult them over WWE.”
Bret Hart almost coming into TNA: “Here is where it came to head. Bret Hart became available. He had not made amends with Vince McMahon yet, he had not appeared on WWE TV yet. Jeremy Borash and Bret were very very close. I was also a huge fan of Bret Hart. I had the idea of let’s see if Bret wants to come in and be the general manger. We are on board, Ed Ferrera is on board, we pitch Eric Bischoff. Eric is 100 percent over the moon into the idea. We pitch the idea to Dixie, so now Jeremy hooks me up with a phone call to Bret. I talked on the phone with Bret for two hours and Bret is in and I call Dixie to let her know that. However, Hulk Hogan played his creative control card with Bret Hart. He made it clear that he is not working with Bret Hart.”

Nick Aldis Final Match Before #NWA70 (2018)

Nick Aldis is days away from facing Cody Rhodes for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship at NWA 70. Cody vs. Nick Aldis was the talk of the wrestling world at ALL IN. Now the rematch. Before the rematch of Aldis vs. Rhodes, Nick Aldis faces Christopher Daniels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xqspi3KwoE

RECAP AND REVIEW: The Jim Ross Report with Matt Hardy on if he has interest in becoming a producer, the advice Michael Hayes gave him, The House of Hardy special, why indy promoters didn’t want to keep booking him and Jeff early in their careers

Austin Aries Reportedly No Longer Under Impact Wrestling Contract

Former Impact Wrestling X-Division Champion Petey Williams was backstage this past Sunday night at Bound For Glory. The main event ended with Johnny Impact winning the Impact World Championship from Austin Aries. Fans were left scratching their heads at the end of the bout as Aries jumped to his feet and left the arena while flipping on the crowd. On his podcast, The Wrestling Perspective Podcast, Williams shed some light on Aries' current status with Impact.
"I'll just say it, straight up," he continued, "I don't know if anybody has said it... Austin Aries' contract is done." The stunning admission seems to leave the door open for a variety of paths for Aries. He could return to the promotion as a firey opponent for Johnny Impact at a later date or just as easily jump to another promotion.
With his contract being up it was noted that Aries is no longer obligated to be at any Impact events going forward. The main event at Bound For Glory was Aries' last match under contract with Impact.

The Shocking Conclusion To Fight Or Flight (Rampage vs Gabriel Kidd Highlights)

USACW Episode 16 (Indy Group out of West Virginia)

Jocephus Shocking Team to Answer #NWA70 Challenge

After releasing a video last week, Jocephus sent the following to clearly answer the challenge for #NWA70. The Open NWA Tag Team Challenge made my Road Warrior Animal has now been answered by the Kingdom Of Jocephus. What's shocking is who will be the team that Jocephus leads to the ring. Watch this bizarre turn of events. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STjXGYJJzB4