Friday, May 28, 2021

Jim Cornette on Davey Richards Returning To Wrestling 

Everything Stopped at Four O' Clock - a British Wrestling film


A film about the good old days when British wrestling ruled terrestrial TV with appearances from Max Crabtree, Mick McManus and Kendo Nagasaki.

Dave 'Fit' Finlay vs. Mal Sanders (LDN Wrestling- UK)


British Legend and former WWE superstar Fit Finlay comes to LDN to take on Mal Sanders, another British icon!

Best of MJF (LDN Wrestling)

Over 40 minutes long. 

LDN Wrestling in America - Flip Gordon (C) vs. Darius Carter


Taped at LDN Wrestling's debut in the United States of America, at the Queen's Theatre in New York. Flip Gordon defends the LDN World Title against Darius Carter,

Chris Dickinson v. "Filthy" Tom Lawlor (Beyond Wrestling) 

Jimmy and Johnny Valiant vs Dominic DeNucci & Wilbur Snyder (WWA Indiana) 

Bobo Brazil vs Killer Karl Kox (Detroit) 

"Cowboy" Bob Orton vs "Hellraiser" Thor (Tony Halme/ Ludvig Borga) 

Don Muraco vs Afa "The Wild Samoan" (Herb Abrams UWF) 

Lanza & Mulligan with Heenan in an Australian Tag Team Match (WWA Indiana)


A very young "Pretty Boy" Bobby Heenan is in the corner of the Blackjacks (Mulligan and Lanza) in this Classic Wrestling TV match.

Bobby Heenan has a "soft spot" for the American Indian


Classic Wrestling interview with Heenan and Blackjack Mulligan.

AJPW Jumbo Tsuruta And Ishikawa vs Stan Hansen And Ron Bass 

Bill Dundee, Dream Machine vs Kevin Sullivan, Wayne Farris - AWA Southern Tag Title Match (5-2-81)


CWA Championship Wrestling presents a classic Memphis Wrestling tag team match featuring Kevin Sullivan and Wayne Farris with Jimmy Hart challenging the current champs, Bill Dundee and Dream Machine, for the AWA Southern Tag Team Title. Date: May 2, 1981 Location: WMC TV5 Studio, Memphis Play-by-play commentary: Lance Russell, Dave Brown Referee: Jerry Calhoun

WRESTLE-1 - Gail Kim ~vs~ Madison Rayne


WRESTLE-1 singles match - 2014.3.2 The Knockouts Division is on display is this showcase bout offered up by TNA to take part of the Outbreak 2014 event, featuring the Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne going against the former Knockouts Champion Gail Kim in a non-title match.

1985 Jumbo Tsuruta And The Great Tenryu vs Stan Hansen And Ron Bass 

Eric Bischoff shoots on Verne Gagne teaching him how to be an interviewer 

Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles (PWA Invasion - 10-19-07) 

Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles (PWA Fright Night - 10-20-07) 

What's Going On With The Rumor Of WWE And NJPW Working Together? Not Much (Rumor Killer For The "Marks")


There was a report earlier today from Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer about WWE reaching out to New Japan Pro Wrestling about a potential working agreement.  Since that report began making the rounds, a number of readers are asking whether there is anything to it.  Pretty much it's a no. So again, Meltzer gets it wrong (which for Meltzer, isn't that unusual). 

Sorry "Marks", nothing 'huge' is gonna be happening any time son. So if you got your hopes up, They're now gonna be shot down.

Many have been told today by sources from each company that there have been communications between the two sides for several months but the main crux of it was over the potential of Daniel Bryan being able to potentially work some dates in NJPW.  Whether anything has come from those discussions remain to be seen.  Is it possible the two sides could build a bridge to each other?  Sure, but if so, it's not happening right now and it's not something that has happened yet despite talking for some time off and on.

So, This is not a case where any sort of talks are about to lead to New Japan immediately pulling up stakes with their current working agreement or NJPW talents making some sort of shocking appearance on Raw. AEW's Jon Moxley has possession of the IWGP United States title, plus Yuji Nagata worked for them several weeks ago plus Roppongi Vice just reunited in AEW.  Meanwhile, Satoshi Kojima just made his Impact Wrestling debut.  Don't expect anything in regard to those promotions' relationships with NJPW to change anytime soon, if at all.

So nnaaa, nothing happening with NJPOW and WWE because NJPW has other working agreements.

Sorry to burst your bubble there, "Marks". But someone has to, so I'll be the one. You can thank me now. :) 

Sami Callihan & Moose IMPLODE (And nobody Gave A Sh*t) vs Good Brothers! | IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


Every time I see Callihan get in the face of someone I can't help but laugh out loud at him. I mean it's like he wants to be taken serious as a real tough guy sssoo bad, but I just don't see it. There's nothing he's ever done to have me look at him in that way. You just want to say "shoo fly, soo. Go play tough guy somewhere else cause you're a joke here".

Then you have the Good Brothers, who all the internet marks swore they were this 'legendary tag team', and at best I see them as just mediocre. Orton and Slater, Gordy and Hansen, Kernodle, those teams from back in the day still look better now, compared to the Good Brothers in my opinion.

Moose's spear on Callihan after the match, TOTALLY MISSED. And Sami still 'sold' it even though the camera shot saw that Sami didn't take the move properly. Absolutely atrocious in how Callihan did the bump from that move, atrocious as all hell which just validated everything I've been saying about Callihan. 

Thanks Sami. Thanks for showing everyone in the world that if someone goes to spear you, you'll refuse to 'sell' it correctly, nice to know. 

Thank God this highlight clip was short. I doubt I could watch the complete match it was this bad. But 'this bad' is what Impact Wrestling considers 'Good', LOL!

Decay Put On VIOLENT (By Rated G Standards Maybe) Display! | IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


Decay put on a 'VIOLENT DISPLAY'? Where? Because it certainly wasn't in this match that's for sure. 

Were there chairs being used? Nope. Someone going thru a table? NNAA. Someone being slammed face first into the ring bell? uh uh.. What about bull ropes, chains, cage, or thumbtacks, things decay WERE ONCE known for? Not, even close.

What we got was a bunch of acrobatic high spots, "selling" on the level of barely doing it, and another reason to grab the remote and change the channel instead. AAHHH yep, totally a 'violent display' in every aspect of the phrase, NOT!

Anthem Sports, Impact's owners owns AXS TV so they 'can't put some 'violence' on their wrestling company's show if they wanted to. Then again you have Tommy Dreamer, Mr. "Innovator Of Violence" (remember that nick name?) on the booking team in Impact. So with him there the obvious question, WHERE'S the violent display at? 

Guess Dreamer, who HAS had violent matches in his career, was on a coffee break when it came time to lay this match out. 

Then there's this 'gem' of commentary by Josh Matthews and D'lo Brown describing Black Taurus.

Josh: What's not to like about this man, He's got a cool mask, He's got moves like THIS..


YYEEAAHH, that sure gives me TONS of reasons to like the guy, because "HE'S GOT HORNS"! Absolutely, let me get 'right on' liking the guy because he has 'horns'. 

Did Scotty D'Amore scream into D'Lo's headset telling him to say that? LOL. 

And D'Lo can't even pronounce Taurus correctly. He fucked it up at least three times during the highlight clip I watched. Is it really that hard to pronounce the word "Taurus"? Just curious. 

That MLW Underground show featuring Samoa Joe vs Mike Awesome I'm gonna be watching soon is looking better and better with every moment thanks to crap like this.

KOJIMA DEBUTS (And Most fans Have No Clue Who he Is) , Violent By Design ON NOTICE! | IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


The thumbnail that one sees when you see this video listed has a picture of KOJIMA with the b ig graphic of "HE'S HERE"!

Most fans don't know who he is so most are saying "He's here? Who cares"? Or "He's here? So what". 

That's how much thought process went into Impact actually working to 'build up' his debut. 

I guess putting together a great package of highlights featuring wins over major names in Japan, or even Joe Doering in JAPAN, along with a promo of sorts announcing and him hyping his debut would've been a good idea to do. But THAT, would "Make way too much sense" and god forbid people at Impact would actually want to put in that much work to get someone who's supposed to be, 'that big a star' over. 

Nothing like watching lazy booking and hyping, I tell ya. 

Eric Young in describing Ryno says and I quote (Get this), "The man with the most violent instincts in this business, has returned". HHMM, But what about ol 'Death Machine' Sami Callihan? I guess he doesn't count all of a sudden? Sami IS (according to Sami mind you, just ask him and he'll tell you). If you're supposed to go by actual 'logic' in wrestling (and the three 'major' companies in this country obviously don't because having logic means too much work for them) Then a 'Death machine' would certainly have more 'violent instincts' than an out of relevance Ryno.

Obvious gaps like this is something Impact bookers SHOULD be pointing out. But as you can see, they don't or just are too lazy to. Too bad nobody has the balls to ask why that is. 

HAD there been some one in Impact Wrestling with true knowledge of what booking 101 really is, right after Eric Young said that? Send Sami out there to say something like "whoa whoa whoa How can you say that when I'M, the Death Machine". That would've made more sense. But I guess the booking team at Impact don't care if something makes sense or not, eh? "Fuck logic, we have other things to do" must be the mentality there. 

I wonder of this Violent By Design, looking pretty lame is "by design' as well. Asking for a friend. :)

Thank God I'll be watching the MLW Underground show featuring Samoa Joe vs Mike Aweome after reviewing these highlights. Because THAT SHOW, will easily blow away anything Impact Wrestling has done in over a year.. Sad, but those are the true facts. Maybe Impact's bookers should watch that show, they might learn something. Just a hint, that you know they're gonna ignore.

So after all this what do we get? We get Kojima coming to the ring and doing what EC3 did in Ring Of Honor.. Three word promo. 

Problem is? EC3 saying "You've been warned" compared to Kojima saying "Against all odds" was 100 times better.

Imagine that.

Knockouts Division EXPLODES! (Not Really)| IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


Havok kicks Suzi three times and Suzi barely 'sold' them. The third kick was an absolute "no sell". Suzi's smaller than Havok and she just stands there, "no selling"? I guess I'm the only one who sees something wrong with this picture. Like TJP, Suzi needs to go back to wrestling school and be properly trained in the art of 'selling'. She surely has no clue how to do it correctly. Or, she just doesn't want to.

Maybe Suzi should watch how Rosemary, Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steele "sell" and take notes, because that's, how it's done. Hell just watch how they do it here in  this match, and learn from that.

Why is "Selling" such a hard thing for this current era of 'wrestlers' to grasp? And why is it every time I ask one of those wrestlers, they can never give me an answer? HHMMM.

So let me get this straight, all these women are fighting with each other to get shots at the Knockouts title and tag titles, so let's here's a 'great idea' (rolls eyes), let's put all of them together willy nilly in a ten woman tag team match. No rhyme or reason why, no real build up for them, just throw the match together and see how it comes out.

Gotta love this "Throw oatmeal against a wall and hope it sticks' kind of booking logic that Impact has here. 

This was a total fucking mess at best. Which is something Impact booking is known for. So at least they're consistent with that.

W. Morrissey's "Whining' But Not, "CHILLING" Message to Pro Wrestling! | IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


I watched this three times and each time I kept asking, "Where's the "CHILLING message at?

It must've been when Rich Swann came out of nowhere and kicked him  in the face, LMAO!

Morrissey sounds like a rejected boyfriend here. I have ex-girlfriends who whine and bitch way better than this. Maybe I should send him their way so that way he can take notes from them. 

Nothing CHILLING here. If you want chilling then try Gary hart putting Abdullah The Butcher over, Try old Mad Dog Vachon interviews, or maybe Kevin Sullivan promos in Florida. THOSE were "Chilling", This crap here? Not even, in the area code of CHILLING.

Better luck next time. :)

X-Division Champion SHOCKED (No He Wasn't) in tag Team Battle! | IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


Josh Alexander doing this "Poor Man's Kurt Angle" routine is pretty laughable. I guess if you can't get the REAL Kurt Angle, just have someone try and BE LIKE, Kurt Angle, LMAO! 

Love how after Josh tags Petey Williams in Fallah Bahh "Holds" his hand out for Petey to take it for the double whip into the ropes. Can you make it ANY MORE OBVIOUS?

I bet he could.

Josh Matthews says "Josh Alexander RUNS thru TJP". No moron, he dove at him. Anybody watching this saw that's, what it was. How is he "running thru" TJP when he's already in mid-air, stupid.

Petey going against TJP shows that Williams knows how to "Sell" while TJP obviously wasn't trained correctly when it comes to that. Someone should really sit down with TJP and explain to him what "Selling" is all about. And why he should actually start doing MORE of it. 

So since the headline for this highlight said "X Division Champion SHOCKED", exactly HOW was he shocked? 

Guess what people, He wasn't 'shocked'. 

Maybe the moron that uploads these highlights should try and come up with something more realistic for the titles, because there was no "SHOCKED" look on Alexander's face at all. 

Nice try though.

Here's the link if you really want to endure this nonexciting match.

Good Brothers On MOOSE'S Side?! (Does Anybody Really Care?) | IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


As usual let's make it obvious that the fan noise is piped in. I love how Impact doesn't even TRY to hide that fact, they could mind you, but their attention to details and logic has always been terrible at best.

So now we have Sami Callihan, the guy who looks more like he's 'playing wrestler' than being an actual pro wrestler, sitting in the ring for an "award winning" (note the sarcasm) promo. Maybe I should go take a shit because the sound of my toilet flushing will absolutely be better than this promo, I'm sure.

Sami really should go to Monikers R Us and get a new nick name because nobody, and I mean NOBODY buys this "Death Machine nic name he gave himself. I find myself laughing out loud every time he calls himself that, Laughing and saying "Yeah right, okay". I mean seriously, you hear Sami call himself the "Death Machine", then look, actually LOOK, at Callihan and how can not laugh? Maybe if he was playing the old IWA play by wrestling mail game he'd be convincing, but not here on TV. Sorry, nobody buys it.. Nobody. 

"You can plan, for a guy like Moose, You can plan, for a guy like Rich Swann, but you can't plan for me" That's what he says. Wanna bet we can plan? Plan for a long boring time, plan to leave the room and make dinner, plan to grab the remote and change the channel until your segment is over, there's plenty of options and 'plans' there Sami, Dumb ass.

The only decent part of ALL the talking on this? Was when Moose was in the ring. 

The "Good Brothers" have proven again this week why they're not good when it comes to promos. As much as i hate scripted promos, maybe these two should be exception. Maybe some one on the booking committee like Tommy Dreamer should write their promos for now on cause this really sucked ass. Maybe their so "Used to" having someone write their promos for them that they actually don't know HOW, to do a promo on their own. 

Moose setting it up for both he and Sami to brawl with the Good brothers was really good.

Sad that with all those guys in the ring, Moose was the only one who truly stood out when it comes to mic work. Of course you know, higher ups in Impact won't take notice of it.. Or.. They'll ignore that obvious fact altogether. 

Here's the link if you really insist on watching a lot of boring stuff leading to a good brawl. Then again, fast forward could be a good friend as well.