Thursday, June 27, 2019

Rocky Mountain Pro SuperCharged 2019-06-27

Mat Memory- 1975 04 10 Giant Baba c vs Dick The Bruiser PWF Heavyweight Title 2 Of 3 Falls

Mat Memory- Dick The Bruiser v Bob Orton Jr WWA.

Mat Memory- Dick the Bruiser Joe Louis Arena Promo#2 5/7/1983

Mat Memory- WWA Wrestling: Dick The Bruiser Louisville, Ky. Promo 11/1965

Mat Memory- Harley Race vs Dick The Bruiser WWA All Star Championship Wrestling

Damien Wayne vs James Storm NSCW Title match highlight

EP137 (Dick the Bruiser Birthday Tribute) | Dave Dynasty Show podcast

t's June 27th so the Dave Dynasty Show is wishing Dick the Bruiser a happy birthday! This tribute to Bruiser episode features a newly rediscovered interview with Dick the Bruiser from WFBQ Indianapolis on July 10, 1988!

When WWE's Alleged "Hidden Gem" Is 'Hidden' right On Youtube. (Boom, LMAO!)

I love when WWE thinks they've added something that they 'claim' us a hidden gem, but the reality is, it's not that hidden if it's been on YouTube for THREE FUCKING YEARS, dumb asses.

Here' the latest example. Right from Meltzer's web page (and when he sees this, he'll do what he did the last time I caught him in a mistake, duck, dodge and sidestep it every way he can..

And one check on YouTube? Brings.. THIS!

MMMAAN, that's gotta suck, eh?

And why watch the WWE's edited down Hour and forty six minute version when you can go here and see the entire thing.. Which is over TWO AND A HALF HOURS LONG!! Right here.

You can thank me now..

You're welcome.. :)

I'll Call Bullshit On this. Will Ospreay: "Every Person That Is A Star In WWE Or AEW Came From [NJPW]"

Sorry Will..  but you're full of shit.. Samoa Joe came from TNA and Ring Of Honor.. Nice try though.. John Cena? UUHH nope.. Brock Lesner? Not even close.. R-Truth was Former NWA World Champion and in TNA as well. Want me to continue to prove you wrong?

In the midst of his well-documented Twitter war with WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins, the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, Will Ospreay, spoke with on the matter.
Ospreay seems amused at how the situation played out between he and Rollins.
"The whole thing makes me laugh," said Ospreay. "He put out there, 'Find me anyone alive that does the same schedule that I do and performs at the same quality.' I just said, 'I'm alive.'"
As he recounted the various insults that Rollins threw at him, Ospreay noted that, as of right now, he can't envision himself stepping in the ring to go one-on-one against Rollins.
"Yeah, you're on the road for 300 days a year, sorry I'm not – I'm doing 250. His response was to say, 'Little guy.' I'm the same bloody height as you," Ospreay pointed out. "Then he said he has Ricochet, a better version of me. Why is he involving someone else? Ricochet is the man, and he's one of the best at this style. But why get him involved? This is between me and you. I feel like Rollins has respect for me and I've got respect for Rollins, and I'd love to have a match with him one day, but right now, that's not my vision."
Ospreay emphasized his belief that New Japan is responsible for presenting the greatest pro wrestling available today. He even went as far as to say that anyone who is a star in WWE or AEW learned their craft from training in the New Japan Dojo.
"Our company produces the best pro wrestlers in the world," said Ospreay. "I understand the alternative – if you like WWE, that's fine – you like the stories. If you like All Elite, you want something different. But New Japan Pro Wrestling is the pinnacle of what pro wrestling should be, and the pro wrestling fans should come and watch because this is the best. I'm not saying that on Twitter to Seth Rollins, I'm literally saying that because I truly believe it in my heart of heart.
"Every person that is a star in WWE or All Elite Wrestling came from this company," Ospreay continued. "This is where they got good, this is where they applied their trade to make themselves the stars that they are. No one's leaving anytime soon, we're all sticking together. Now is the time for us to take center stage and show the world that we are the best professional wrestling company in the world. And right now, I feel like I'm untouchable in the ring. I feel like I can get in there with anyone and bring out their best game. I'm more than ready."
Will Ospreay will battle Lance Archer as part of NJPW's G1 CLIMAX 29 tournament. Their bout will air live on AXS TV, July 6th at 9pm EST from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX. Be sure to stay with Wrestling Inc for all your NJPW G1 CLIMAX 29 coverage.Shane 

HIV Scare At a Wrestling Event In Indiana.

The following was released by The Floyd County Health Department in Indiana.


If you attended an event on Sunday, June 23, 2019 at 1445 South Street New Albany IN, called Welcome to the Wreckroom Pro Wrestling event and were exposed to blood or bodily fluids at the scene of the wrestling event, you are highly encouraged to contact the Floyd County Health Department at 1917 Bono Rd, New Albany, Indiana, 812-948-4726, to be tested for HIV and HEP C. 

CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care. About 1 in 7 people in the United States who have HIV don’t know they have it.
People at higher risk should get tested more often. If you were HIV-negative the last time you were tested, and that test was more than one year ago, and you answer yes to any of the following questions, you should get an HIV test as soon as possible because these things increase your chances of getting the virus:
  • Are you a man who has had sex with another man?
  • Have you had sex—anal or vaginal—with an HIV-positive partner?
  • Have you had more than one sex partner since your last HIV test?
  • Have you injected drugs and shared needles or works (for example, water or cotton) with others?
  • Have you exchanged sex for drugs or money?
  • Have you been diagnosed with or sought treatment for another sexually transmitted disease?
  • Have you been diagnosed with or treated for hepatitis or tuberculosis (TB)?
  • Have you had sex with someone who could answer yes to any of the above questions or someone whose sexual history you don’t know?
You should be tested at least once a year if you keep doing any of these things. Sexually active gay and bisexual men may benefit from more frequent testing (for example, every 3 to 6 months).
If you’re pregnant, talk to your health care provider about getting tested for HIV and other ways to protect you and your child from getting HIV.

Before having sex for the first time with a new partner, you and your partner should talk about your sexual and drug-use history, disclose your HIV status, and consider getting tested for HIV and learning the results.
Persons for Whom HCV Testing Is Recommended
  • Adults born from 1945 through 1965 should be tested once (without prior ascertainment of HCV risk factors)
  • HCV testing is recommended for those who:
    • Currently injecting drugs
    • Ever injected drugs, including those who injected once or a few times many years ago
    • Have certain medical conditions, including persons:
      • who received clotting factor concentrates produced before 1987
      • who were ever on long-term hemodialysis
      • with persistently abnormal alanine aminotransferase levels (ALT)
      • who have HIV infection
    • Were prior recipients of transfusions or organ transplants, including persons who:
      • were notified that they received blood from a donor who later tested positive for HCV infection
      • received a transfusion of blood, blood components, or an organ transplant before July 1992
  • HCV- testing based on a recognized exposure is recommended for:
    • Healthcare, emergency medical, and public safety workers after needle sticks, sharps, or mucosal exposures to HCV-positive blood
    • Children born to HCV-positive women
The health department is reportedly investigating the event, which apparently featured a "Fans Bring the Weapons" match, a thumbtack match, and a "Panes of Glass" match, billed as "live extreme wrestling! 18+ only" on the flyers.
John Glenn, co-promoter of the event, told the Courier Journal that all wrestlers are "tested regularly" for the "safety of the people who come to our shows and for the guys in the ring as well."
"We care about our performers and the people who come to see our performance," Glenn said.
It looks like Sunday's event was the re-debut show for the promotion.

House Of Bricks Pro Wrestling- HoB Turnbuckle TV Season 4 Episode 15

HoB Turnbuckle TV Season 4 Episode 15 On this week's episode of House Of Bricks Pro Wrestling #TurnbuckleTV, #HoB once again brings you action from HoB Battlezone 2 6/15/19 Fairhaven, MA. With the #TurnbuckleTV commentary team of "Journalism" Joe Rebelo and Kenny B Dunn behind the microphones, this week, "The Italian Double Fisted Powerhouse" Alfonso Polelick speaks to the audience in attendance at VFW Post 2892 Fairhaven. And in this week's featured contest, it is a FATAL FOUR WAY match, as B.C Kid, the debuting, Brian Albertson, Zega, and Donald Rotten all enter the #Battlezone on this week's episode of #HouseOfBricks #ProWrestling #TurnbuckleTV!

Kevin Owens Invites Fan To WWE SmackDown Who Had An Incident With Bully Ray At An ROH Event

Earlier this month at an ROH event, a fan recounted his story about having some exchanges with members of The Allure (Velvet Sky, Mandy Leon, and Angelina Love) that led to security bringing him backstage to speak with Bully Ray. According to the fan, who goes by "xIAMHOLLYWOODx" on Twitter, things began like this:
"Velvet and I exchange words along with the rest of the Allure," he wrote on Twitter. "Nothing crazy. Mandy Leon spits on me from the side. Not preferable but I honestly don't care. Segment ends. Side note. I love and respect like 99% of all wrestlers. I honest to god never try to make the show ABOUT me, get myself over, etc. My rule of thumb is to boo the bad guys and cheer the good guys. It's rare that I'll flip the script but I always decide to go along with the show."
The Allure came out for another segment and more words were exchanged. This is when security asked him to come to the back where Bully Ray briefly spoke to him. Bully Ray also gave his side of the story. Below is a portion of his statement:
"In retrospect, the 'fan' should have been ejected," Bully Ray wrote on Twitter. "Unfortunately, it wasn't until after 'fan' was asked to not be 'so rude,' did we find out that severity of the vile comments and lewd sexual gestures made towards the women. I think we can all agree that in 2019, this type of behavior towards women is unacceptable and goes far beyond the scope of, 'I paid for my seat, I should be able to do or say whatever I want.' I live by the motto, 'Respectful fans always get what they want. Rude fans always get what they deserve.' At the end of the day, I'm guilty of defending three women that needed a bit of defending. Not by being a bully, by being a man."
Since then, Ring of Honor also released a statement that they would investigate the matter "and assessing internal security protocols to ensure a safe environment for all fans and athletes."
Last night, WWE SmackDown was at the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon, and "xIAMHOLLYWOODx" tweeted out a story about how Kevin Owens reached out to him and invited him to a WWE event.
"I'm going to spill a little secret for you guys. This dude is too humble to toot his own horn so I'm going to do it for him. After the 'incident' a couple weeks ago, I had an outpour of support from friends and strangers alike. Nothing made me more confident knowing that when things go south, you guys have my back and I appreciated that more than anything. One of, if not the, craziest outcome from my infamous backstage incident was a DM from Kevin Owens. Kevin reached out to share his disappointment and frustration about what happened to me and to apologize for an incident that he wasn't even apart of. I was completely taken back and had to look for that blue little check mark because I for sure thought this was a fake account.
"I've never had any interaction with him, but he was reaching out of the kindness of his heart. Thatis the measure of a man. After some back and forth, Kevin threw out an offer to be his guest the next time he was in town. Fast forward to tonight...and low and behold, there was some pretty good tickets set aside for not only me, but for my friends, as well. I had more fun tonight at the show than I have in a very long time. I'm humbled and grateful by the generosity of an absolute stranger. Never stop being there for each other. Never stop taking the high road. Never stop being the better man. Thank you, Kevin Owens."

IMPACT WRESTLING Loses show on AT&T UVerse & DirectTV Drops HD Version Of the Show.

 ATT UVerse has dropped Impact Wrestling home the Pursuit Channel as their existing deal to carry the channel ended last month.

Also, DirecTV has dropped the HD version of The Pursuit Network, so if you are DVRing Impact on DirecTV, you will need to reset your DVR for the standard definition version.  Impact losing the HD version of their TV on DirecTV is yet another negative connected to Pursuit.  Let's hope for their sake, they find a new home on TV sooner than later.

So much for that great TV deal for Impact, eh? LOL. 


WWE issued the following:

Stamford, Conn., June 27, 2019  WWE (NYSE: WWE) today announced that it has named Paul Heyman as Executive Director of Monday Night Raw and Eric Bischoff as Executive Director of SmackDown Live, newly created positions reporting directly to WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon.

In their executive roles, Heyman and Bischoff will oversee the creative development of WWE’s flagship programming and ensure integration across all platforms and lines of business. The creation of these roles further establishes WWE’s ability to continuously reinvent its global brand while providing two distinct creative processes for its flagship shows.
With more than 30 years of experience in the sports entertainment industry, Heyman served as President of ECW from 1993-2001, securing pay-per-view distribution for the company as well as a national cable television deal with TNN. After his time with ECW, Heyman joined WWE’s Creative team and is widely credited with helping launch the careers of many current and former WWE Superstars.

Bischoff is a former WCW President and New York Times bestselling author. During his WCW career, Bischoff oversaw the signing of some of the biggest names in sports entertainment and helped create and develop the NWO storyline. He was also instrumental in securing a television deal for WCW Monday Nitro on TNT and WCW Thunder on TBS. After WCW, Bischoff co-founded Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment, a production company that launched TV reality shows and mobile games.

The announcement today that Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff have signed on with WWE to become Executive Directors of the Raw and Smackdown brands is a legitimate announcement, not a storyline situation.

WWE has been pursuing Heyman to come on officially in their corporate circles as far back as February,.  An offer was issued to Heyman to come on board full-time as a top member of the creative team around the same time Bruce Prichard was brought back as a Senior Vice President.  Heyman had been working on certain storylines and with certain talents, including Ronda Rousey, Brock Lesnar and others dating back far before then.  He's been in the inner circle when it comes to the creative process for some time without an official title.  He and WWE have been circling around this deal for a long time.

The Eric Bischoff deal came together within the last several weeks.  Bischoff has been working on pre-production of the planned Netflix Hulk Hogan biography film and had a slew of personal appearances booked.  Over the last week, he quietly began canceling those appearance dates, so that is likely when he came to terms with WWE.  We are told he will be working directly with FOX as WWE builds their relationship with Smackdown's new home.  To say this is a massive return to form for Bischoff is a grand understatement.  We are told that WWE approached him about the role.

We are told that they will be overseeing all aspects of their individual series, answering directly to Vince McMahon.  They are now the top of the pyramid, respectively, for Raw and Smackdown.   Heyman is expected to continue his role as Brock Lesnar's advocate.  There is no word yet whether Bischoff will appear on camera, but given how good of a performer he is, one would think it's just a matter of time.

Mat Memory- Texas All Star Wrestling Six Man: Michaels, Diamond & Peterson vs. Zapata, Golden & Gaylord

The American Force: Sean Michaels (HBK) & Paul Diamond (who is actually Canadian) and David (D.J. Peterson) Patterson take on the team of Mike Golden, Jeff Gaylord and Zapata in late 1985 action from Texas All-star Wrestling. Steve Stack & Doyle King call the action.

Mat Memory- Shawn Michaels/Paul Diamond vs Mike Golden/Jeff Powell (Texas All Star Wrestling November 9th, 1985)

Supreme Wrestling (Indiana)- Supreme Last Word 52

On this edition of Supreme Last Word, Tommy Cash looks to make a statement going into Final Friday where he challenges the Supreme Heavyweight Champion Leon Elliot!

AEW - The Road to Fight for the Fallen - Episode 01

On Saturday July 13th, Fight for the Fallen will be dedicated to victims of gun violence, in the wake of the tragic events that occurred in Jacksonville last August. It is our goal to ensure that the proceeds from this event go directly to the victims of gun violence and prevention of future acts of violence.