Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday night at the fights you want? You get, with.. Reality of Wrestling TV: Episode 192

he better get a different vision cause his current one sucks ass. Scott D'Amore reveals his vision for Impact Wrestling in 2018 and plans to recapture brand's glory days

Want to scratch your head some more on the illogical Impact Wrestling booking? Read this.

It makes you wonder when some REAL bookers who know what the fuck they're doing are finally going to come in.

WWE Star Addresses Criticism For Praising Wrestle Kingdom 12

Cody Rhodes Comments On Latest Flare-Up With Kenny Omega

Jeff Cobb On Michael Elgin Making Disparaging Comments About Him, Matt Riddle, MLW: Zero Hour, NJPW

The logic of Impact Wrestling's booking( makes you scratch your head)

Thi8s is from the results report someone did at PWInsider (and this serves [perfect for me questioning the 'logic' or lack there of, which has been there since Jarrett came back and then  got fired again).

Grand Championship Match: Ethan Carter III vs Matt Sydal vs Fallah Bahh

Judges call the second round for EC3, and EC3 immediately pops Sydal up for a vertical suplex, but Bahh wipes him out with a crossbody and then crushes him with a vertical splash.  Sydal breaks it up at 2, so Bahh goes for a Samoan drop, Sydal gets out and heads to the top and connects with Meteora for 2.  Bahh is right back up and gets a Samoan drop on EC3, then an avalanche in teh corner on Sydal, and he goes up for the Banzai Drop with a minute left.  EC3 dumps him over the top rope, Bahh hits the steps on the way down, and lands hard on the floor.  Sydal with a big boot and flying knee to EC3, then he goes to the top for the Sydal Press, but Bahh distracts him long enough that he doesn't have time to get the pin after hitting the Sydal Press.

The crowd chants for one more round as we go to the judges, who call it for...

Winner: Ethan Carter III

So EC3 wins the third round when he got almost no offense in, while Bahh dominated and Sydal nearly pinned him?  Okay so how does that make sense?  PPPSSST, it doesn't.

Career vs Career: Dan Lambert vs James Storm

Lambert stalls as much as he can before Storm has enough and goes after him.  All of American Top Team runs in and beats Storm down.  Storm fights his way through all of them and is alone with Lambert, but then KM runs in and breaks a beer bottle over Storm's head.  Storm goes down like a rock and Lambert covers...for 2.  American Top Team is back up as Storm staggers to his feet, then King Mo and another of the MMA guys crack a pair of bottles over Storm's head, and this time it's more than even Storm can overcome.  Lambert makes the cover for 3.

Winner: Dan Lambert

What a way to go out. No offense what so ever, just blatantly job a guy out squash wise. Yeah that made sense to do for a guy like Storm, NOT.

The bookers change but yet the illogical booking stays the same. Welcome to Impact Wrestling. Hopefully they'll at least change the titles from the pic here to something resembling titles that don't have the obvious Band-Aid over a shotgun wound look they currently have.


Chris Jericho made an unadvertised appearance following the main event of New Japan Pro Wrestling's New Year's Dash event earlier today at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan, attacking Tetsuya Naito, kicking off a new feud.  The two had taken shots at each other verbally during the ramp up to yesterday's Wrestle Kingdom 12 event, which saw Jericho lose to Kenny Omega.

LIJ's Naito & BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi & IWGP Tag Team champions SANADA &  EVIL had just defeated CHAOS' Kazuchika Okada & IWGP Junior Heavyweight champion Will Ospreay & YOSHI-HASHI & Gedo when Jericho hit the ring and attacked Naito from behind.  The two were pulled apart but Naito attacked Jericho and spit in his face.  Jericho was pulled to the back, throwing everything he could grab towards Naito, who mocked him by sitting in a chair in the middle of the ring.

So, anyone who expected Jericho's New Japan appearance to be one and done, that's not going to be the case.


Sean ‘X-Pac’ Waltman Talks About Brian Pillman Jr’s Wrestling Debut:

"That’s his name man, he was born the son of Brian Pillman, and he lost his father really way to early, carry your dad’s name and carry it proud. And get whatever advantage you can get out of being a Brian Pillman Jr, that’s what I say. I wish Brian Pillman the best and keep an eye on him in the future."

Sean ‘X-Pac’ Waltman Talks About Setting The Price at $50K To Lose His Hair :

"So down in Mexico, they do the hair matches obviously, so when Triple A (AAA) did Triplemania, I was in that dome cage where you have to escape from the middle up top… the loser loses their hair you know and so they’re going around asking me how much to lose my hair and I’m like, ‘$50,000” … so they ended up getting Kenzo Suzuki for $5,000 to cut his hair … I was like ‘Kenzo, get your money up front buddy.”

Justin Credible on not being able to adapt to WWE:

"In ECW,  I felt really comfortable because we were kind of allowed to just do our own thing and the pressure weren’t on. But I never could adapt to WWE and it wasn’t because of WWE. I think I still carried that Aldo Montoya thing,  where I was still the young boy and I always felt that. I took it too far where I wanted to show respect and humility. But I took it to a level where it sounded like, I was beating myself up and it didn’t serve me well. And I really lacked confidence. Anytime I went up there really. You know?  And that’s a me thing. I caused that. Nobody else did."

Justin Credible on the Positives that came out of his most recent incident :

"This all happened so quick. I was actually doing stuff with Dallas (DDP) prior to this. Just not to this level we were communicating. It’s funny this came through a third party and somebody reached out to Dallas like, “Hey, can you get a hold of PJ?”, and Dallas was like, “I’m already talking to him.”, Long story short a gentleman by the name of Douglas Cartelli. Who works with pro athletes… He is actually going to sponsor me and send me to Atlanta to Dallas’s (DDP) after I have thirty days of clean time to go down there and to go through his program… And because of that, they’re thinking of pairing with this director locally who does documentaries and other films, to possibly shoot a documentary about this whole journey of recovery and hopefully redemption really. It's a real cool opportunity and at the end of the journey this  Douglas wants to open up a facility to train athletes in wellness from all walks of life. So something in Connecticut and kind of wants me to be one the professionals in that facility. "

Justin Credible Talks About Meeting Chester Bennington Before he Died:

"I had  the privilege of meeting Chester Bennington from Linkin Park. I got to meet him a couple of  times. I  met him last year, before he passed away this August. I was actually in treatment in Tampa when I got the news. I can't say he was a friend and he probably has no clue who I am. But that is not the point, the point is that this guy from the outside looked like he had everything in the world. I communicated through twitter with his wife; he was doing fine days before he killed himself. I think mental health and addiction have a component and work hand in hand and I think mental health has this stigma attached to it."


The card is taking shape for "Holy War"! Get your tickets NOW at and save $5 per ticket off the at the door price!

Primal Conflict Wrestling presents

"Holy War"

Presented by:
   Pop's Barbeque & Sauces

   Regional Bonding-

Friday, January 19, 2018
VIP Meet & Greet at 6pm
Doors Open at 6:30pm for General Admission

7:30 pm Bell Time

Harpers Ferry KOA
343 Campground Road

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Primal Conflict Wrestling Champion KEN DIXON vs. DIRTY MONEY

NWA World Heavyweight Champion NICK ALDIS (aka Magnus) vs. ALEXANDER JAMES

Primal Conflict Wrestling Television Champion NAPALM vs. "The New Age Plague" GORY

PUNK ROCK ALL-STARS vs. LOS HERMANOS DE SANGRE (Dante Caballero y Gran Diablo)


"Swipe Right" JOE KEYS vs  "The Second Generation Giant" SEAN STUDD


Also In Action:
-Primal Conflict Wrestling Tag Team Champions LOGAN EASTON LAROUX & "The Reason" C.A. ELLIOT

- "The Polynesian Powerhouse" NUI TOFIGA
and many more!

Ticket Info:
VIP Front Row- $25 In Advance; (Less Than 20 Remain!)
VIP Second Row- $20 In Advance;
 General Admission -$15 In Advance;

* All Tickets $5 more at the door
** There is an additional charge for photographs and
autographs, as set by individual talents.

Advance Tickets on sale NOW at

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