Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Playing more catch up with indy shows. :) ECPW Wrestling TV! "Adrenaline" Season 3 | Episode 35
See what happens when I watch a lot of different indy groups every week? I win d up having to play catch up by watching a company's last couple of shows, which is what I'm doing right now.

On This Episode of ECPW "Adrenaline",

Sonny Kiss vs. Sabre Gold

Metal Maniac Returns!!

John Tella vs. Frankie Flow

New ECPW Adrenaline TV Episodes Every Wednesday!

Kevin Sullivan Shoots on The NWO's EPIC 1996 WCW Run

Crazy Like A Fox: The Definitive Chronicle of Brian Pillman 20 Years Later

If anyone gets this, let me know if it's any good. I may want to buy it and read it.

Pro wrestler Maria Kanellis-Bennett house hunting west of Chicago (Chicago Tribune story)

S01E05 - Absolute Wrestling: Uprising (this has become my fave UK promotion, right here, really enjoy this show alot).

See all of the fallout from their second-anniversary supershow, Absolution.

Featuring Lana Austin, Lucy Cole, Sammii Jayne, Miss Roxxy, Soner Dursun and the group known as the Forgotten.

I'm having quite the discussion on this story (click and scroll down)

ROH HITS & MISSES 11/4: Castle confronts Cody, Coast To Coast vs. Kingdom vs. Dawgs, War Machine vs. Motor City Machine Guns, Gordon, ay Lethal, Briscoes

More on Rockstar Spud signing with WWE and being released by Impact.

Rockstar Spud is confirmed to be signing with WWE, PWInsider reported today. As expected, he is pegged to be a part of the Cruiserweight division on 205 Live. Spud had been rumored to be joining 205 Live following his Impact Wrestling release. New details recently emerged on the former X Division Champion's departure from Impact Wrestling.

In the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer stated that Spud's release was not due to budget cuts within Impact Wrestling, but rather because Spud asked for it. Apparently there was a problem with his work visa, and with the current policies that are being enforced under the Trump administration it became difficult for Spud to get into the country.

Meltzer noted that Impact spent nearly $20,000 in legal fees straighten out any issues with the immigration offices in the U.K. so Spud can return to the U.S. Two weeks after he returned to the country, Spud asked for his release from Impact and was granted it in September.

Spud joins a list of superstars that includes Taryn Terrell, Eddie Kingston, Robbie E, Jeff Jarrett and Reno Scum, all of whom have parted ways with the company in recent weeks.

Another place that has the story on Owens and Zayn being sent home.


WWE sent Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens were sent home from the Smackdown side of the WWE European tour.

Multiple sources have told acouple news sites including PWInsider that the pair were sent home not for one reason but for several things that came up over the course of the tour.

There was an issue on last night's TV taping where the duo allegedly "did what they wanted" during the close of the segment with New Day, as opposed to being physically run off by the team.   We are also told there was a situation where Owens was allegedly complaining  loudly on a tour bus after the taping, which one person decreed was "the last straw following a long few days of touring."   Another person who was on the bus cited that Owens was "just venting" and that it wasn't a major issue, but that the situation at TV may have exacerbated the situation, forcing WWE's hand.

The pair returned to the United States today.

WWE has not responded for a request for comment on the situation.

an interesting article here. With 'Nature Boy', ESPN opens a door for WWE Network to bust through


Chaz Tayor, the son of Global Wrestling Federation star Richard "Tug" Taylor announced today that his father, who been battling health issues in recent years, passed away today at the age of 71:

Former GWF announcer Doyle King remembered Taylor on Twitter with the following story:

Although in the United States, most of his most well known work was in Global in the early 1990s, Taylor worked quite a bit in Mexico as well. 


The Impact Wrestling veteran and ex-husband to WWE’s Charlotte has revealed that he will be asking for his release from the company following a frustrating year with the promotion. During an interview with Morgan Richards from Radio Cardiff at one of Insane Championship Wrestling's online tapings in Cardiff, UK on Monday, Bram commented on his situation with the company before receiving the release, commenting:

“Well Bound for Glory is today, I don’t know when this goes out but here’s a secret. I’m actually going to ask for my release after today. So Monday morning, the sixth (November) that’s when I’m going to ask for my release. As much as I love that company and ever since I’ve been there I’ve wanted to be there for as long as I can. It’s not the same place that I entered three years ago and I feel slightly stifled and let down by the place. So I’m very excited to be free, be a free agent and see what other avenues and options are out there for me because the last year I feel I’ve been miss used, mismanaged and it’s sort of a waste of a year really when it comes to my career besides doing what I do away from there”.

The 31 year old, whose real name is Thomas Letimer, is a fourteen year veteran in the business and hadn’t featured on Impact Wrestling / GFW since his storyline with Rosemary and Decay back in the summer of twenty-sixteen. He’s spent the last year competing largely on the independent circuit across Europe, US and Japan.

Once a original member of The Ascension at his time at NXT, he further commented on his future adding: “For me it’s exciting just to see what’s next, to have that door open because that door’s been shut generally. For the last seven years I’ve always been under contract with someone so to be free is scary but at the same time is liberating and exciting”.

A full announcement is expected to be made from both Bram and Impact Wrestling later this week.

Bram will next compete at ICW’s Fear & Loathing X IPPV event against Aaron Echo, DCT, Jody Fleisch, Joe Hendry and Kid Fite in a six man ladder match for a shot at the ICW Unified Zero-G World Heavyweight title on November 19th, from Glasgow, Scotland

WWA Hysteria 51 - Battle Lines. Man I forgot how much I enjoyed watching this group, glad I'm catching up. 2017

Battle Lines have been drawn! Andrew Hunter wants to be the first to welcome Krutch to the WWA. Dakota France and Jeremy Gray have some words for CCW and Ray Waddell. Jordan Whittaker and Josiah sign the contract for their upcoming WWA Championship Steel Cage Match, but then they have to tag together against Avispo & Logan Abell. The WWA National Title is up for grabs in a Main Event Battle Royal. Plus Mickey Midas, Teddy King, Kahaji Khan, Lucas Tyler, Drake Jaxon, Alexander Knight, Cortland Moore, Tony Evans, the Queen, and a special WWA return!

Another indy group I'm playing catch up on today. :) WWA (from kentucky) Hysteria 50 - The 2017 Kentucky Classic

I've been a fan of this group for awhile. CCW, The System, Church of The Misfits, were my faves here. So today I'm catching up on the last couple of shows by them. They put out a nice, solid product.

When another indy group appreciates what I do by showing their great product. :)

This is what Fight pro Wrestling out of Maryland said to me on their Youtube channel, and the views picture is ALL OF YOU who have visited this blog over the last couple of days. So groups like Fight pro Wrestling, and the other groups I focus on get viewed by many people in many different places, and that's exposure of their great shows for many to see who may not be able to see it otherwise. :)

Kevin Sullivan Says He Doesn't Think The WWE Will Bring Back Hulk Hogan At This Point

Jim Ross On Chris Jericho Challenging Kenny Omega, Impact Bound For Glory's Booking, Gail Kim


Limitless Wrestling “Hybrid Moments”

November 4, 2017

Portland, Maine

This is my first time seeing a Limitless show in person, so unfortunately, I don’t have much context to storylines. I’ll do my best to put everything in context to

MATCH ONE: Sami Callihan v. Ace Romero

First match of the night and also the best match of the night.  This was a fantastic opener.  One of the criticism’s I have had for Romero (which I told him personally, so I’m not speaking out of turn) is that his work revolved around him being the super heavyweight doing wild high flying moves for shock value rather than telling a story using his size.  All of that went out the window in this match.

This had a lot intensity and the crowd was electric for this.  They told the story of Sami trying to get Ace up for a big move.  When he hit a huge Death Valley Driver the crowd popped huge but it was a nearfall.  The finish saw Romero win with a spinning lariat.

I thought this was the best way for Romero to work, as the overwhelming, domineering big man who can move, ala Vader.  After the match, Sami took the mic and put Ace over huge, saying he’s always wanted to wrestle him and he knows he’s the future of the business.

WINNER: Ace Romero

MATCH TWO: Jordynne Grace v. Jessicka Havok

Second match of the night and the second best match of the night.  I’ve been lucky enough to see Grace work a lot over the last couple of years, and I’ve seen her transform into one of the most polished performers on the independents.  That continued in this match.

This was a fantastic match with really great physicality.  The story of it was Grace using her strength to attempt to hit the big move on the larger Havok.  While it sounds like the opening match, they did enough to make it different and unique.  Grace hit a top rope power bomb for the victory.

WINNER: Jordynne Grace

MATCH THREE: Darby Allin v. Josh Briggs

Allin was a late replacement for Teddy Hart.  The last time I saw Allin work, it was early on in his EVOLVE days and he looked like someone trying to find himself.  Clearly, in the last 18 months, he went and did just that.

The story of the match was Allin’s risktaking and high flying offense against the size and strength of Briggs.  Allin looked so comfortable in his character and his confidence was clear that it was great to watch.

Briggs won with the I Hope You Die (reverse Razor’s Edge into a Falcon Arrow).  This was a good match that ended up making both guys look stronger.

WINNER: Josh Briggs

MATCH FOUR: Maine State Posse v. The Thick Boys (Jay Freddie & John Silver)

After one match, the Thick Boys are suddenly one of my favorite tag teams.  I’m not sure what’s thick about them and I don’t want to know.  However, they were both out in the Sid Vicious 1996 Canadian Tuxedos and it was tremendous.

Good match.  The finish saw Silver and Freddie win it with a double cradle bomb.  After the match, Joey Eastman came out and cut a promo saying he sees something in the Maine State Posse and that they’re bigger and better than the state that they’re from.  The Posse respectfully declined and left the ring, leading to Eastman running them down.

WINNERS: The Thick Boys

MATCH FIVE: Petey Williams v. “M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross

This match was titled “Innovators” for the contributions both guys made to the independents back in the day.

This was a very good match that showed that both guys still could go.  Cross ended up winning with a Superman springboard into a cutter.

WINNER: Matt Cross

MATCH SIX: Maxwell Jacob Friedman v. Jonathan Gresham

I wasn’t expecting the match that these two ended up having.  Rather than showing that MJF could go hold for hold with the technical master of Gresham, they ended up having a 1980’s WWF house show comedy match centered around an eye poke and the crowd chanting “pee pee sucker” at MJF.

Whether this was the match the crowd was expecting, they ended up enjoying it a lot.  MJF ended up winning with a reverse armbar after a low blow and having been working over the arm the entire match.  It was interesting seeing Gresham doing something different and he was good in the role.  MJF also did well in his role.

After the match, MJF wouldn’t let go of the hold.  Matt Cross came out for the save and cut a promo challenging MJF for the next Limitless show on January 19.

WINNER: Maxwell Jacob Friedman

MATCH SEVEN: Cam Zagami Open Challenge

Cam cut a good promo running down the crowd beforehand.  He issued the open challenge, and from the crowd came Chris Dickinson in street clothes and untied work boots.  He squashed Cam with two brutal Pazuzu Bombs (running Border Toss/Fale Bomb).

He cut a promo saying the entire locker room is afraid of him because they don’t know what he’s going to do.  He was implying that wrestling was fake but he’s real and people don’t know if he’ll actually hurt them.  I’m not sure about breaking the fourth wall, but there you have it.  He called out Eddie Kingston for being afraid of him and said Kingston had better things to do than be here and face him.  So on January 19 on the next show, he can take those better things to do and shove them up his ass, which is where he’s going to shove his boot, too.  Overall, it was a very good promo and is how I think Dickinson’s character should be presented.

WINNER: Chris Dickinson

MATCH EIGHT: Christian Casanova v. “All Ego” Ethan Page

Stokely Hathaway came out and cut a very good promo offering Casanova a spot in the Dream Team, which Casanova accepted.

They had a pretty good match with lots of back and forth.  There was a ref bump, which brought out Mr. Grimm.  He teased hitting Casanova but ended up crushing Page with a pounce.  Casanova then hit Ego with a chain and got the win.  Grimm went to put Ego in an actual bodybag (which is his gimmick) when the Thick Boys ran in for the save.

MATCH NINE: Six-Woman Scramble – Davienne v. Willow Nightingale v. Ashley Vox v. Terra Callaway v. Kennedi Copeland v. Skylar

There was a comedy spot at the beginning, but from there, it was a pretty straight-forward scramble in that there were a lot of spots with dives onto everyone.

The finish saw Callaway beat Copeland after a full-nelson slam.  Good spot for the match before the main event.

WINNER: Terra Callaway

MAIN EVENT: JT Dunn v. “All Good” Anthony Greene (with DL Hurst & Brett Domino)

This has been an ongoing program over who is the true “Ace” of Limitless Wrestling.

Dunn ended up with a (worked) knee injury after coming off the second rope mid-way through the match and sold it the rest of the way.  He did a great job of selling it to the point that the crowd went silent as the ref checked on him.  Greene ended up working it over the rest of the match.

They went back and forth the rest of the way.  Dunn with the Death By Elbow for a nearfall.  Later, he hit a tombstone on the apron and they both went out on the floor where it ended up being a double countout.  Domino and Hurst were about to take Dunn out when Ace Romero made the save.  Dunn pushed him away and said he didn’t need his help.  He turned right into a Green superkick.  Greene and Romero brawled and Ace got the best of him.  This brought out Briggs who brawled with Ace.  Dunn, Greene and Ace ended up out on the floor.  Briggs in the ring and he did a Superman dive over the corner to the floor to take them all out.  Briggs cut a promo challenging all three to a Fatal Four Way on January 19.  Good ending to the show.

WINNER: Double Countout

I really enjoyed this show.  My only criticism was that outside of two matches, every match ended with a handshake, a promo putting the other guy over or a hug.  I’d like more issues/conflict between talents leading into future shows, but that’s just my personal taste.

The crowd was hot all night and really loved the show, so that was a great atmosphere to be a part of for a small promotion like this.  If you’re in the northern part of New England, I would definitely suggest checking out a Limitless show.  Everyone (including the staff) worked very hard to make sure people went home happy.

Check them out online @LWMaine

Chris Jericho On Challenging Kenny Omega For WrestleKingdom 12

Chris Jericho comments on the big Kenny Omega vs Chris Jericho match at WrestleKingdom 12.

Chris Jericho challenges Kenny Omega for WrestleKingdom 12 (video)


Former WWE Writer Talks Angle That Vince McMahon Hated, Nixed Batista Backstory Idea, HBK - Jericho

For any WWE fans who care about stuff like this. KURT ANGLE FILLS IN FOR TRIPLE H: 11/7 RAW RESULTS FROM BIRMINGHAM, ENG

Finn Balor beatBray Wyatt.

Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews beat Goldust and Curt Hawkins.

Jason Jordan beat Bo Dallas.

Pete Dunne beat Dan Maloney to retain his WWE UK Championship.

Asuka beat Dana Brooke.

Braun Strowman beat Kane by DQ.

Sasha Banks and Bayley beat Nia Jax and Alexa Bliss, with Alicia Fox as the referee.

The Miz beat Matt Hardy to retain the Intercontinental Title.

Kurt Angle took the spot Triple H had been in earlier on the tour and joined Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose to beat Cesaro, Sheamus and Samoa Joe.


Former WWE and Impact Wrestling star Matt Morgan has won the race for Longwood City Commissioner, District 4 in Florida.  He is captured the election to the tune of 58.5% - 41.5%.

In a press release announcing his plans to run last August, Morgan commented, "I have never been the type to sit back and ‘armchair quarterback’ or just complain about things. I am the type that goes out and gets things done. I feel it's my duty to step up and finally start DOING what needs to be done here for my fellow neighbors in this beautiful city.  “I want to do everything possible to make this city a place my three-year-old autistic son can take pride in. I hope that one day he decides to raise his family here as well. I decided it's time to start doing. It's time to be the voice for the voiceless here in the city of Longwood.”

After his wrestling career, Morgan became a spokesperson for Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) and the Drug Abuse Resistance Program (D.A.R.E.).



Acouple different wrestling news sites have confirmed that Rockstar Spud will be signing with WWE and will start with the company once all the proper visa paperwork has been completed.  The plan is for Spud to be part of the 205 Live brand.

Spud, the first-ever winner of the company's British reality competition series British Bootcamp, had been used as a wrestler, personality and even ring announcer over the course of his run with the company from 2012 through 2017.  He's an excellent, versatile performer.

The recent photo Dixie Carter put out on her social media with a number of current and former Impact company wrestlers and staff was actually from a farewell dinner for Spud, who we are told is heading back to Great Britain while his visa is finalized.

CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide Ep. #128: 17th Annual CWF Rumble - for the Heavyweight title! (Impact Wrestling's Trever lee on this)
-The 17th Annual 30-person CWF Rumble for Trevor Lee's Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title

Like what you see? CWF Mid-Atlantic runs between 30-40 live events each year; many of which emanate from the Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in the heart of the legendary NWA territory along Tabacco Road (1001 Springwood Ave; Gibsonville, NC). Aside from hosting live events, CWF also fully trains all prospective wrestlers and have had no less than two dozen compete for the WWE. For more information on training or to book the stars of CWF in your town, please visit us at,, or follow us on twitter @CWFMidAtlantic!

Catching up on the last couple weeks of this. CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide Ep. #127:

CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide Episode #127 (10/18/17)
-Dirty Daddy vs. Rising Generation League Champion Cain Justice
-Ethan Alexnader Sharpe, Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham, & "The Prince of Broadway" Frankie Flynn vs. Ian Maxwell, KL3, & Bobby Ballentyne