Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Ace Romero Released By Impact Wrestling (Not That Impact Was Really TRYING To Use Him Correctly Mind You)


Impact has reportedly released Romero from his contract, according to Jon Alba. He is now free to work with any promotion he wants.

It was reported back in late August that Romero had requested his release. He was reportedly on a paid-per-appearance deal at that time, and had been teaming with Larry D as XXXL. He has since been granted that release and is no longer under contract.

Romero had not been used since the April set of Impact TV tapings, and nearly faced hospitalization due to COVID-19 in early May. He has been healthy since then, and recently worked indie bookings. Romero also has upcoming dates, including a match against KC Navarro at Limitless Wrestling’s Fresh Blood event in Yarmouth, ME on Saturday, October 23. He is also scheduled to face former WWE Superstar Buddy Murphy on Sunday, November 14 at Pro Wrestling Magic’s Underdogs event in Ridgefield Park, NJ.

Romero first debuted with Impact in October 2019 at their All Glory special, defeating Larry D in the main event. He then signed a three-year deal that was offered by Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore. Romero’s last Impact match came on the May 20 edition of Before The Impact as he and Larry D defeated Hernandez and Johnny Swinger.

But here's yet another example of the problems booking wise at Impact. You have a good big man, who works well in the ring, has good mic skills and Impact has the "We have nothing for you" excuse. 

Why'd you even HIRE the guy to begin with if you're not gonna have anything for him? No wonder why he requested his release. The 'five star, top notch, top shelf' (note- LOTS of sarcasm here) creative team at Impact couldn't actually 'create' something for Romero? Seriously? They're THAT 'creatively challenged' that they couldn't challenge themselves to 'create' something for Romero?

You know the answer to that as well as I do, Bullshit.. They could have but obviously they didn't WANT to or, were too 'creatively challenged' which shows why they shouldn't be booking anything in the first place.

Good going Scotty D'Amore, congrats on allowing yet ANOTHER great talent slip thru your fingers so he can get greater success elsewhere. Make sure you pat yourself on the back for that blunder, dumb ass. 

It's pretty sad Scotty, that Maine based Limitless Wrestling knows how to use Romero, better than YOU did.

Damn, how's that feel? You feel the burn of that?

You should.

Over The Top Wrestling (UK)- WE ARE BACK ! by Shaun Ryan



Doug Williams vs Dean Allmark (ROH, Ring Of Honor PURE Rules Match) - Wrestle Carnival



Alberto El Patron Trial To Start This Month


Court records indicate that the trial of former WWE and Impact Wrestling Champion Jose Alberto Rodriguez Chucuan aka Alberto Del Rio and Alberto el Patron s slated to commence on 10/25 in San Antonio, Texas.  Chucuan is facing one count of aggravated kidnapping and four counts of sexual assault after being indicted back in October 2020.  If the charges stand and Chucuan is found guilty, he could be facing as much as life in prison. 

The trial was originally slated to take place in January 2020 but was postponed several times.  It was most recently slated to begin on 8/2  There were several documents filed before the court on 8/3 but the trial did not begin but as of today, the new trial date is still slated for 10/25.

It should be noted that several months ago, a woman (her identity is being protected here) issued an apology via social media for what Chucuan's family has been going through since the arrest.  Chucuan's brother responded, claiming on his own social media that it was an admission that the charges were false.  Since that social media comment, nothing has changed in regard to the trial date, but if the woman was indeed rescinding her claims, one would think that would quickly be brought up in court as the trial commences.  Chucuan has stated publicly that the woman who made the allegations against him has dropped her claims and that he expects the situation to be wrapped up as soon as possible.  As of this writing, however, charges still have not been dropped by prosecutors.

Chucuan, 44, was arrested on 5/9/20 after a victim went to San Antonio, Texas authorities, stating that on Sunday 5/3/20 at 10 PM, Chucuan allegedly became angry with her and physically assaulted her after accusing her of infidelity.  When the victim would not admit to the infidelity, Chucuan allegedly slapped her "across the head" several times.  The victim also alleged that Chucuan "forced her to wear a dress and dance for him" and that when she refused and he told her not to start crying because if she did, "he would take her son and drop him in the middle of the road somewhere."

The arrest affidavit stated that the woman alleged Chucuan had sexually assaulted her and that she had her injuries documented via photographs. 

At the time, The FOX affiliate in San Antonio reported, "Police said Rodriguez Chucuan then tied the woman's hands with boxing straps, put a sock in her mouth and sexually assaulted her for several hours, using various objects. According to investigators, he also punched her in the back during the assault, causing visible injuries. The victim told detectives she does not remember much after he placed his hand around her throat."

TMZ later reported additional details that brought the accusations into a much more disturbing light, stating that the victim reported the attack started at around 10 PM on 5/3/20 and that it lasted over 16 hours, ending  on 5/4/20 on 2:30 PM.  The victim went to the police the same day with TMZ's report noting that the responding officer saw bruises on her face, arms, legs and neck.  The victim alleged that Chucuan attempted to burn her passport and smashed her laptop computer and cell phone.  TMZ reported that the victim, "..also claims Del Rio attacked her, causing multiple injuries and left her, 'feeling woozy and dizzy from the hits to her head.' "  The victim told police she was afraid and intended to leave San Antonio as soon as possible.

In Texas, a conviction for aggravated kidnapping, if punishable in the first degree could result in a a prison sentence ranging from 5 to 99 years or life imprisonment and/or a fine up to $10,000.  However, if the accused can prove they released the alleged victim voluntarily, they could only be convicted of aggravated kidnapping in the second degree, which could result in a prison sentence ranging from two to 20 years and/or a fine up to $10,000.   If Del Rio was indeed indicted, the minimum prison sentence for sexual assault (per count) under Texas law would be 2 years with a maximum of up to 20 years.  As a second degree felony under Texas law, sexual assault can also lead to a fine of up to $10,000, in addition to incarceration.  

Since departing WWE, Chucuan has wrestled as Alberto el Patron in Impact Wrestling.  Patron returned to performing as a professional wrestler earlier this year.

Chucuan fought in 2019 for MMA promotion Combate Global (at the time known as Combate Americas), where he also held a figurehead executive position.  A representative for MMA promotion Combate Americas declined to give a statement to any wrestling news site at the time of Chucuan's arrest. Chucuan has not appeared in any capacity for the promotion since his indictment and has since filed a breach of lawsuit with the promotion.

Jim Cornette Reviews Darby Allin's Sit Down Interview With Jim Ross on AEW Dynamite


From Episode 402 of the Jim Cornette Experience


Jim Cornette Reviews Sammy Guevara vs. Bobby Fish on AEW Dynamite


From Episode 402 of the Jim Cornette Experience


Jim Cornette Reviews MLW Fightland


Dave Meltzer and Raj Giri of WrestlingInc Get roasted on this, LMAO!

From Episode 402 of the Jim Cornette Experience


DDT "Get Alive" 2021 Show


Almost an hour and a half long.


Bubba Ray Has His Wife Do The Talking For Him? He Can't Speak For Himself? HHMMM

 He's got such a big mouth and enjoys running it, how come he can't speak for himself on this? And how come, Bubba's wife deleted the tweet you see above, AFTER she did it? 

Makes you go, HHMMM.. Maybe there IS more truth than 'fiction' there, eh?

Velvet Sky Says People Don’t Know Real Reason Dudley Boyz Parted Ways, WWE Hall of Famer D-Von Dudley went into detail recently on why he and Bubba Ray Dudley, aka Bully Ray, “do not do business anymore” and parted ways in 2016. You can see all of D-Von's quotes here. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2021/10/d-von-dudley-explains-why-he-doesnt-do.html

Velvet Sky, the fiancé of Bully Ray, responded to D-Von’s comments via Twitter late Monday night. Sky implied that D-Von’s quotes are tantamount to “fiction” and that people don’t know the real story.

But then, just as she made that tweet? She tried to quickly delete it, she just wasn't fast enough as you can see above. 

Funny how the wife has to come out and try to do the speaking for Bubba Ray? Mr. shoot his mouth on social media but is suddenly silent when it comes to this? So the wife tries to interject when she really shouldn't, only to try and hide the fact she did and was caught anyway..

It would've been better for her to just stay out of it, NOW, because she tweeted and deleted and was caught, it opens up even MORE doors of speculation. 

This is why, if you don't want to get caught looking like a fucking idiot, you don't make a tweet and then try and delete it. Chances are you will, get caught. Such as the case here. 

Nice try Velvet, better luck next time. :) 

Chelsea Green On The WWE Texting Out A Mandate To Wrestlers To Not Attend “All In"


On her Green With Envy podcast, wrestler Chelsea Green talked about the historic All In PPV in 2018, where she competed in a fatal four way match against Tessa Blanchard, Madison Rayne and current AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker DMD. Green revealed she was booked on the show after reaching out to one of the members of the Elite, Cody Rhodes.

“When I first heard about All In, I knew I had to be on it,” Green said. “Honestly, I was willing to make myself look like a fool if I had to, and beg the guys so I could get on the show. I actually sent a text to Cody Rhodes, because at the time, I didn’t really know the Young Bucks and I had never met Kenny Omega. Cody was kind of the only person that I knew, so I texted Cody and I told him, I give him the spiel. ‘I would love the opportunity to be on the show. If there’s any spots open, blah, blah, blah.’ And he responded, I don’t remember exactly what he said, but it was just a very vague text, ‘okay, cool. Thanks.’ Nothing confirming I was on the show, nor denying.

“I never heard anything again until I saw my photo on the All In card. They tweeted it. I mean, it was the best day ever. Maybe Cody asked me for a graphic of myself and that’s how I found out? I can’t remember. He either asked me for a graphic, but he didn’t tell me I was on the show or just posted the graphic and I saw it. Anyway, I can’t remember, but it was very random and extremely exciting honestly. I knew no matter what happened that this was going to be a huge show, a huge opportunity. Now I had no idea at this point that AEW was going to come from it, that All Elite Wrestling was going to stem from the show. I only knew that this was a massive standalone show and that the best talent in the world would be on it.”

Shortly after appearing at All In, Green was reported to have signed a deal with WWE. She revealed that she had actually already signed with WWE earlier in the summer, but told WWE she couldn’t report until the fall in order to make sure she could appear on All In.

“I had actually signed my WWE deal in June or July of that year, and All In was coming up in September,” Green said. “So I knew I was not going to miss this opportunity of a lifetime to be on the show. So I told WWE that I couldn’t start at the Performance Center until October. Now, I didn’t tell them why and I just didn’t make it a big deal. I just point blank said, ‘I just wanted to let you know that I have to fulfill bookings and I can’t start until October.’ But really, it was because I was booked for All In and I refused to give up my spot.”

According to Green, the aftermath of the PPV was low key, with the Elite going off to dinner while the other talent went their own ways. Green stated she wished her fiancée Matt Cardona could’ve been there with her, but Cardona, then signed with WWE, and other WWE talents was barred from attending the show due to a mandate from WWE talent relations.

“After All In, you think there would’ve been a huge after party or something but there really wasn’t,” Green said. “We all kind of hung around backstage for a bit, hugged each other, I don’t know, shared in this crazy, once in a life time experience. But we didn’t really party. The top guys went out for dinner and I went back to my hotel room and ordered Uber Eats and hung out, which is a perfect night for me. So I sat in my room, ate my Uber Eats, read Twitter and went to bed.

“I will say that I really wish Matt had been able to go. Every one at WWE who had a spouse or a partner that was on All In got a text the week or two out from talent relations at WWE, saying they were not allowed to be at All In. So originally, of course, Matt and people like Deonna and Adam Cole, so many people were going to be at All In, just backstage watching us. And when they sent that text, I mean, it was way too risky for any of them to be there, especially after being told not to. It was such a bummer, but it still feels like yesterday when I came back from my match to a hundred texts from Matt saying how awesome it was. I actually could cry thinking about it all.