Tuesday, June 8, 2021

ECW Hardcore TV | 06/07/1994

The Sandman faces The Tazmaniac. Mr. Hughes goes one on one with Mikey Whipwreck. A special feature on the Public Enemy. "Wildman" Sal Bellomo challenges Billy Firehawk. The maniacal Kevin Sullivan faces Keith Sheara. Crash the Terminator battles AJ Power. Plus Paul E. Dangerously, 2 Cold Scorpio, and more.


Sting & Rick Steiner vs. The Hardliners (Dick Slater & Dick Murdoch) WCW, 1991


The Hardliners, Dick Murdoch and Dick Slater, are in the ring against Rick Steiner and a mystery partner that turns out to be Sting. WCW, 1991.


Training Session with Rex Andrews (Reality Of Wrestling)


Promo: Ric & Barry/Match: Ricky Morton & Tommy Rich vs. Ric Flair & Barry Windham. WCW, 1991.


Ric Flair and Barry Windham talk about how great they are before hitting the ring to tangle with Ricky Morton and Tommy "Wildfire" Rich in tag team action. Special appearances by El Gigante, Big Josh, and Sid Vicious. WCW, 1991.


WWE Declined Buying The NWA Before Billy Corgan Purchased It


WWE would've fucked it up just as they've fucked up everything else they bought. 

Here's the interview with Corgan.

On the latest episode of Talk Is Jericho, Chris Jericho sat down with NWA President Billy Corgan. Corgan discussed NWA halting production during the pandemic.

“Wrestling has never been a great financial model. It works in the short term for a little while, but long term, it’s very very difficult to sustain,” Corgan admitted. “Talented people like yourself and Nick Aldis require the compensation that they’re due for being elite at their business and so suddenly, I’ve got all these people under contract and no way to run. We shut down for a while. I kept paying people.

“It didn’t buy me any loyalty, that’s for sure, but we held together, and I think I took the time to kind of think, okay, now if we are going to come back and there were certainly dark days where I thought, ah, this just isn’t worth it, even though I love the NWA and I love the history. But it really kind of steeled my mind. ‘Okay, if I am going to do this and I do get back, what is it going to be? How are we going to tweak it to go in the direction I really wanted to go.’ And so I think that’s been effective. And certainly the early indications are sort of stronger belief in the product and also now with a relationship with Fite, actual pay revenue model for the first time.

“I think it’s all there, and look, what you guys are doing with AEW, the business is moving in this completely new direction, you guys are opening up new vistas that wouldn’t have been there a few years ago. Before AEW I would go in and have meetings in Hollywood, and they’d be like, ‘No one cares about wrestling, no one’s gonna pay for it. If it’s not WWE, right, hit the bricks.. You’re on your own,’ and now suddenly, people are calling me. It’s wild. It’s like, it’s this new era of new eras. It’s fantastic.”

The NWA grew in popularity in large due to their YouTube series Powerrr. Corgan revealed similar plans he had back when he was in Impact Wrestling.

“We did the first show, and Rock, of all people, tweeted about it. I mean, talk about an endorsement just out of the gate, and we were trending number one, which doesn’t happen often, at least for our world,” Corgan noted. “Big deal but let me take that back a few years. So here I am back working at what was TNA, and I’m sitting there with Dixie Carter. I’m allegedly an employee of the company, and I’m begging her, begging her, ‘Please let me do studio wrestling, please’ because if you remember, TNA had a second show called Explosion, basically what you guys do with AEW Dark. It’s more content.

“I was like, ‘Please just give me that show. I’ll do it cheaper than you’re doing Explosion for. It’ll be more fun. We’ll get more social media.’ No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No one will care. It’ll never work. So of course, when I got the NWA, the first thing, I was like, I’m going to do this show because now it’s my world, and it’s been great. The funny thing was, I never intended Powerrr to be the constant. I saw it almost like a mini series. We do it for a while, and we pivot to something else. So probably more traditional product and people have begged us, ‘Please don’t change the show. If you’re going to do additional content, great, do it, but do not lose Powerrr.’ People literally beg me on the street, ‘Do not lose Powerrr. I love that show so much.’ So it’s great fun.

“We certainly have a lot of fun. Of course, it doesn’t get to cover everything you’d like to cover in terms of what our skill set is as a roster and as a unit, and it certainly highlights great talkers like yourself who can go in and kind of, in five seconds, really engage you and make you care about a match. We’re in a studio setting. It’s not a flip and dive type of thing. It’s very much four minutes, tell your story, get it across, but it’s certainly a lot of fun to do, and of course, you’re always welcome. I’ve certainly got some messages from people behind the scenes saying, ‘Man, I’d love to come on that set and just let it go. A lot of people in the business don’t have the luxury of being able to get on a microphone, just say whatever is on your heart.”

Corgan talked about the challenge of reviving the NWA brand. He also recalled what people said when he bought it.

“I’m proud to carry the mantle of the business in this way. It’s a very specific thing, and of course, the business is far different than it was in the heyday of the NWA,” Corgan noted. “There’s no pretend there. When I bought the NWA and that was coming out of the whole situation with TNA and the debacle and lawsuits, and there was a lot of kind of public acrimony there.

“And then I purchased NWA. Crazily enough, it was owned by one person. It was so devalued. He tried to sell it to everybody. Nobody wanted it, as far as I know. He certainly offered it to WWE. They thought it was so worthless that they didn’t even just buy it just to take it off the market.

“Then when I bought it, Jim Cornette and other people, and I loved Jim. ‘What the hell did he buy? He might as well have bought air. He bought three worthless letters.’ A lot of that type of stuff and certainly I sat around at one point and thought, ‘Well, if I started, Billy Corgan Wrestling or SP Wrestling’, and I thought, no, I want the history. I’ll take that history. I’ll take that on. I like the challenge of that.”

United Wrestling Network Coming To Center Stage In Atlanta


Dave Marquez's United Wrestling Network announced this evening that their Championship Wrestling from Atlanta affiliate had come to terms to tape TV at the Center Stage Theater in Atlanta, the legendary that hosted WCW Saturday Night tapings for decades, including the infamous Cactus Jack vs. Vader matches and the final Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat match.  WCW ran there regularly from 1989 through 1996.  

The venue has also hosted Ring of Honor Internet PPVs and in the early 2000s, Extreme Championship Wrestling ran events there.

Championship Wrestling from Atlanta was announced this past May, and they will be running Atlanta before the end of the summer.

Marko Estrada Vs Eli Drake vs Markus Burke (c) (UCW Canada)


March 1st 2019, Moncton NB, Canada.


NWA Championship - Nick Aldis vs Markus Burke (North Pro Canadian Wrestling)


Salina de la Renta vs Allie w/Melina (World Class Revolution Wrestling)


"Social Media Manager" At WrestlingInc Gets "Checked"


This happened because Mr. "Social Media Manager" At WrestlingInc came to me on FB messenger. I didn't go to him, HE.. Came to me. So when he chose to come to me, he chose to get what he gets. The fact he tried to spin off what I did on WrestlingInc's FB page as bad, when THEY at WrestlingInc do THE VERY SAME THING on many of their stories, shows what a dimwit and a dumb ass this "Social Media Manager" really is. 

Let me explain what lead up to this debacle by a staff member of WrestlingInc.

I did this story up on Wild Bill Irwin being drunk on a recent interview. Here's a shot of the headline.

Now Dave Meltzer didn't write the story, Scherer and Johnson at PWInsider didn't write it.. Wade Keller? Nope, and certainly not any member of WrestlingInc either. I did it myself. I supplied the proof where you could see it happening, and where you can see the person who interviewed the drunken Irwin react to it, There's no dispute or argument that it didn't happen. The video shows it completely so there's no way it can be disputed in any way.

So after I posted the story I do what I always do after I do a story. I plug it around FB in different groups I'm part of, and a few different pages. Even post it in a few places on YouTube as well. I Post a link and people can go to it. I do it and a few people i know do iot for me in groups and on pages they frequent. Pretty simple and always effective.

And to show you just how effective it is. Here's the actual number of people who've come to my site today. This was taken 30 seconds ago at 11:45 PM.

So knowing my way has been effective I did what I usually did with the Irwin story, and knowing that no other wrestling 'writer' will have the guts to do the story themsdelves. I went ahead an plugged it knowing I had something over all the other wrestling news sites. 

Then.. Comes Mr. "Social Media Manager" for WrestlingInc.

I calmly replied to what he said, as you'll see right here. 

And before anyone at WrestlingInc opr anyone else tries to call bullshit? I have the proof that WrestlingInc DID credit me with a story they posted on their site. Staff member named Joshua Gagnon did it on a story I posted, where? On the WrestlingInc FB page. HHMMMMM. From November of last year here's the proof. 

Proof is, a mother fucker you know. :)

So knowing from that fact I shared that Mr. "Social Media Manager" was lying and full of shit. I called him out on that in my reply. Then added how WrestlingInc "Piggybacks" off of stories PWInsider, Meltzer and others do, and that that proof is all over the very site that he's a "social Media Manager" of. 

I mean you see it every day and look how easy it is to prove this fact. 

Wrestlevotes, PWInsider AND Dave Meltzer staff members of WrestlingInc Piggybacked their stories from.

Isn't it nice that Craig from WrestlingInc can live in a glass house and still throw stones? :)

Here's the rest of the short convo I had with Craig, Mr. "Social Media Manager" as i explained to him that not allowing me to plug my site isn't gonna stop others from doing it. He's fighting a losing battle as I know at least twenty people who'll plug stuff for me. So removing me will just have twenty more people doing it there if I ask them to. His own actions may result in worse over just continuing to allow me to do what I've been doing there for over two years. 

Of course, he obviously doesn't think about things like that. Thinking of a bigger picture must be a challenge for him.

Take note that ever since Craig saw my reply earlier this evening? he hasn't had shit, to say. 

The truth does, have a way of hurting. :) 

This isn't the first time WrestlingInc got scared when it came to me showing them a story I've done. I find the logic and mentality they have very amusing. THEY, can piggyback off of other writer's stories but if someone tries to do it with them.. THEY, get all pissy and bitchy about it. 

Interesting mentality they have, eh?

But because it isn't a story that Meltzer or the others did, it's something original or a topic that's hard to swallow but needs to be told anyway.. I seem to be the only one who has the balls to tell it. Which is why I'm glad I have my own platform,. I don't have to answer to anybody and I can do the stories the way they're meant to be told. And not white washed or 'softened down' so the oversensitive don't get offended. I say it the way it should be said and it's not my fault all the other wrestling writers don't have, them kind of balls.

Here's another example of WrestlingInc's strange logic and mentality. They liked to post stories of when a wrestler calls out a fan. BUT, when a fan calls out a wrestler and that wrestler gets "checked"? Funny how all the wrestling writers including WrestlingInc run away from that, with a quickness. 

OOHH wait.. It's okay for a wrestler to put a fan in their place but it's a cardinal sin if a fan puts a wrestler in their place? Is that the mentality here? LOL. Pretty stupid logic if you ask me. 

Here's proof of that very thing right here.

I guess it's become that time where I have to put WrestlingInc in "check" again. I admit it's been awhile and you'd think that when you have an original story with all the facts and proof there for them to see,  They'd want to jump on it, especially when all the inisputable proof is right before, their very eyes. 


But that's okay. At least we now know that the "Social Media Manager" at WrestlingInc is full of shit and I proved it. You can go ahead and thank me for that. 

It's funny, you'd think a story like THIS, would be an important for WrestlingInc to do.

Nope, not important at all, especially when somehow, in the bizarro world that is WrestlingInc, THIS, to them seems to be a 'more important' story.

You really, can't... Make this shit up, LOL. 

UPDATE 1-29-2022 By Donnie Henderson

If you notice on their site? They STILL piggyback off of Meltzer and PWInsider. So everything that was said in this story STILL rings true. BOOM. 

Here's the latest proof.

Isn't it nice that we here at WP&P don't have to do, on a daily basis what WrestlingInc seems to have no choice but, to do every, single day? (Smiles)

Someday they might get to a point to won't have to rely on other sites to get their ahem, 'news'. 

Someday obviously won't be today (smiles again).