Tuesday, June 23, 2020

wXw (UK) Parts Ways With Julian Pace and Jay Skillet

wXw announced that Julian Pace and Jay Skillet will no longer be part of their promotion or the wXw Wrestling Academy: “In light of wXw Wrestling Academy students stepping forward Julian Pace and Jay Skillet will no longer be part of wXw and the wXw Wrestling Academy. We have six more episodes of wXw Shotgun 2020 filmed and produced. Both wrestlers have (bigger) roles during the series, one of them is part of three more matches and of the main storyline. We cannot feature either of them with a good conscience anymore. We thus will be suspending the weekly release of the upcoming episodes of Shotgun effective immediately. We will edit all episodes accordingly and take out any segments/matches involving either of wrestlers. All remaining six episodes of Shotgun will be released in shorter, edited form in July. New release dates will be decided on once we have had time to digest this situation.”

IWL (UK) Receives Ultimatum- Unbook Pollyanna Or Lose Venue For Show

The London-based International Wrestling League promotion posted a series of tweets on Sunday alleging that a venue gave them the option of unbooking Pollyanna from a show in 2018 or losing the venue because Will Ospreay was uncomfortable with Pollyanna being booked for them:

“We've been trying to put something decent together but f*ck that, lets call a spade a spade. Shortly after announcing [Pollyanna] vs Renfrew, we got a message from the venue asking us to call them to discuss something. The call went something like: Will's our boy and feels uncomfortable with you booking Pollyanna. I told them I wasn't going back on my word with Polly, but would not book her going forward. That wasn't an option, the option was unbook Polly or lose the venue. (1st show there) Apologies to [Pollyanna] who despite fighting a one-sided, was always professional.

To @WillOspreay, go f*ck yourself and your half-arsed apologies.” Ospreay issued a statement on Saturday denying that he’s ever been part of any group trying to blacklist Pollyanna from pro wrestling after she accused a friend of Ospreay’s of sexually assaulting her. Ospreay has yet to comment publicly on the IWL's tweets.



A day after being accused of taking advantage of an inebriated 16-year-old girl in 2015, ROH and NWA star Marty Scurll released a statement showing concern for those who feel unsafe at wrestling events while not admitting to any wrongdoing.

The woman, then 16, said she was drunk after working a 2015 IPW:UK show when Scurll propositioned her to go back to her hotel room. She couldn't get in her room and gave Scurll oral sex before he took her in a closet with the intent of having sex despite her saying she was a virgin. She said her friend showed up and told him to leave and he did.

She said unflattering rumors about her circulated the day after, but not about Scurll who no-showed the next day. She also said company founder Dan Edler had previously raped her and told her he wouldn't book Scurll again as he was jealous of what had happened.

The 31-year-old Scurll released a statement on Twitter Tuesday night where he didn't deny the encounter happened but believed it was consensual, adding it was also legal, a nod toward the age of consent in England:

"I am aware that a young woman has bravely come forward with her account of sexual abuse by some members of the wrestling community in the UK 5 years ago, a community I was a part of.

Although I truly believe that our encounter that evening was consensual, and the fact that the encounter was legal; is almost not the point. I understand now that she now views our encounter as a part of a bigger problem within the wrestling community.

What concerns me at this moment is that from what I have been reading, she is a fan of wrestling and was made to feel unsafe within that community. That is not acceptable. I also understand that some people have been attacking her on social media, and I implore you to please stop. She has a right to her voice and, and it our responsibility to listen."

As of this writing, neither ROH, where Scurll is part of the booking team, nor the NWA has released a statement regarding Scurrl or the #SpeakingOut movement in general.

Here's the woman's account of what happened.


Former NWA Vice President Dave Lagana issued a statement today in response to the sexual assault allegation brought forth against him several days ago by independent talent Liz Savage that led to his resignation from the National Wrestling Alliance.

Lagana's statement reads as follows:

Statement from David Lagana

June 23, 2020

The #speakingout movement has brought to light a number of new allegations of sexual assault against people in the wrestling industry, including me. These allegations of sexual assault should be taken seriously and be investigated. Every accuser has a right to be heard, but every person accused of such serious wrongdoing deserves the right to defend themselves.

Last week, Liz Savage accused me via Twitter posts of sexually assaulting her a decade ago. Liz and I were friends for a total of about five to seven years before and after the alleged assault. We first met at a wrestling show sometime between 2006 and 2008 when she was introduced to me as an independent wrestler.

I take Liz’s allegations seriously. The first time I became aware of her allegations was last week when she made them public. I take them so seriously that I voluntarily stepped down from my position as Vice President of Lightning One Inc. and its company, the National Wrestling Alliance, after learning of her allegations. I did so because they pre-date this position and I didn’t want to involve the men and women of the National Wrestling Alliance during this time.

I valued my friendship with Liz. I’m sorry that she feels that I somehow wronged her. However, the incident she described did not happen.

Liz is correct that she lived with me and my female roommate from mid-August 2010 until October 1, 2010. Liz is also correct that she shared a bed with me while she lived with me. She is again correct that nothing about our relationship was romantic or sexual. Often, as we went to bed, we would cuddle and spoon in a nonsexual way. (We also did so the few times we shared a bed prior to her living me with in 2010.)

As Liz correctly said, I never made a nonconsensual move on her during waking hours. However, her claim that I made a nonconsensual move on her while we shared a bed is false. I did not touch her in the way she claimed. I never touched her like that, and I never would have.

But Liz’s allegation of sexual assault is not the only portion of her Twitter posts where I feel compelled to correct the record.

In early August of 2010, Liz informed me that a friend of hers invited her out to Los Angeles to attend a show that I was not affiliated with. Ultimately, she stayed with me and my roommate starting in mid-August. Liz suggests that I did nothing to help her upon her arrival. But, as a friend, I offered her all the help I could. This includes taking her to an NWA Hollywood event on August 25th where I introduced her to those in charge. I was an unpaid producer at the time with the NWA, so I had no hiring or firing authority.

Liz also left out the fact of her relationship with my female roommate. While the roommate did not initially know Liz was coming, once Liz arrived, she treated Liz like a sister. She gave Liz food and clothing, and drove her to job interviews. They remained friends for years after Liz moved out. But, despite their relationship, the first time my then-roommate found out about these allegations was last week.

Liz claims that I kicked her out of my apartment because of the alleged incident. Actually, in an email I sent to her on September 24th, 2010, I informed her that my landlord stated that, per my lease, any guest staying longer than two weeks consecutively would need to be added to the lease. The landlord said they were willing to look the other way for the seven weeks Liz was with me and my roommate, but would not do so after October 1st. I offered her some of my frequent flyer miles if she wanted a flight home.

After Liz moved out of my apartment, she and I remained in contact over social media and email for a few years, even endorsing me on LinkedIn in 2013. During that time, she would occasionally email me about opportunities in the wrestling industry that I did what I could to help with.

The #speakingout movement is creating change in our industry. I wish Liz all the best in her career inside the ring and out. But I adamantly deny her allegations against me and could not let them go without providing these details about our friendship.


Impact Wrestling issued the following.

Impact Wrestling confirms that it has terminated its contracts with Dave Crist and Joey Ryan, effective immediately.

In addition, it has suspended Michael Elgin pending further review of allegations of misconduct.

Impact's production team was working all day to remove Ryan from tomorrow's episode of Impact on AXS.  The Cancel Culture vs. Crazy Steve & mystery partners match, which was slated to be the first match on tomorrow's broadcast, will not air.  Ryan has been accused in multiple cases of alleged sexual harassment and assault and has disappeared from social media.  He has also closed his independent promotion, Bar Wrestling.  Any Ryan-related Impact material that was taped will not see the light of day.

As noted earlier today, Dave Crist had been expected to be released by the company and was refused entry into the Impact locker room at the last set of TV tapings, having to change alone in another area.  Sources noted there had been heat on Crist even before allegations of physical, mental and sexual abuse were made by several over the weekend as part of the #SpeakingOut movement on Twitter.  Impact talents had expected his release even before the allegations came to light.  Crist will not be appearing on Impact TV going forward.  His brother, Jacob Crist, is not involved in this situation and remains with the company.

Elgin has also been accused of alleged improprieties in recent days.  Impact has opted to suspend him while the issues are investigated.  Depending on how long the investigation is and what the results are, it may mean Elgin is out of the 7/18 Slammiversary PPV, where he was slated to be among four challengers for the Impact title.    Impact has yet to determine how they will handle in-ring material featuring Elgin on their AXS TV series, as he is a big part of the Slammiversary build and the majority of that was already taped.  It's possible Impact will edit around Elgin or downplay him as long as the suspension is active, but that remains to be seen.  Elgin was not slated to appear in the ring on tomorrow's TV episode, today's announcement came so late in the day because Impact did not wish to comment until they were sure talents had been contacted by the company.