Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Old Nightline episode on pro wrestling

Kenny Omega Special Interview : "Alpha vs Omega" January 4th 2018

Chris Jericho Special Interview : "Alpha vs Omega" January 4th 2018

12/31 ROH TV Report: Footage from War Of The Worlds UK in August including Bullet Club vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon, Kushida vs. Titán

Someone tell Cena Sr. "um, yoo hoo it's already working, dumb ass". John Cena Sr. Says 'Woken' Matt Hardy Character Won't Work In WWE

Konnan On Jinder Mahal's Heat, Which RAW Star He Is A Fan Of, Not Liking WWE's Writing

Konnan was a guest on the most recent episode of The Ross Report and he had a wide-ranging conversation with Jim Ross. Konnan discussed the heel heat Jinder Mahal has generated since he was pushed into the main event picture earlier this year.

"Jinder Mahal has real heat. More heat than anybody," Konnan said. "People were talking about how he wasn't used well the first time around he was in WWE and now he is up here in today's world of great work rate, you have to be in the same conversation of an AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. Some of them, they don't like his work rate so that gives him some real heat."
Mahal's sudden push from mid-card jobber to becoming WWE Champion over the summer wasn't popular among the majority of the WWE Universe. He was able to become one of the top heels in the company before losing the title to AJ Styles last month.

Another superstar that is becoming a top heel in WWE is Elias. Konnan dished out a ton of praise for The Drifter, saying he's one of his favorite superstars at the moment.

"The most over guy to me on either Raw or SmackDown is Elias. That is my favorite character. I love the way he comes out and buries the crowd. I love how he sings his song and buries the crowd," Konnan said. "His delivery and timing is incredible. He is really funny to me. Obviously, they haven't put him in any good matches where he means anything. I mean, they really buried him when they did that angle with Jason Jordan and how he came out and threw vegetables at him, which was very hoaky, but I love watching Elias. He's my favorite right now."

One thing Konnan hasn't been happy about is the current writing in the WWE. He said a major problem the company faces is the 50/50 booking because they aren't really listening to the fans. He's grown frustrated with the writing because he thinks the solution is as simple as hiring better writers.

"Jimmy Jacobs, who used to write for Chris Jericho when he was in WWE. He is in TNA writing for them now. He was on my podcast and we had asked him how many writers they had. He said something along the lines of having 25 writers. He even said that some guys specifically do comedy;

"some guys specifically do promos and that they are very talented guys," Konnan said. "I asked him why the shows are so bad, then? They do such a good job in burying people than putting people over. That 50/50 booking doesn't help anybody. He was telling me how it is really hard to do 3 hours of television every week; I say why not get better writers then? If you watch Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones, but I bet you that if you told them that their show was going to be three hours every Sunday instead of one hour it would still be a great show. I just get frustrated when WWE, who invented everything like vignette, putting people over and creating superstars, I just feel as though they don't listen to the crowd, and it's just basically because it is a party of one where you have to have Vince McMahon happy."

Impact Wrestling news (of sorts or, sort of)

Alberto el Patron is running a big event he is running in Mexico City on 1/20 to assist children orphaned in the quake, why he felt the need to step forward to help, being in Mexico when the quake happened, a website he has set up where fans can order merchandise to help raise money, To order Alberto el Patron merchandise and assist with the Earthquake victims, visit http://albertoelpatronacluchaporellos.com.

Oddly enough, despite the fact Impact has tapings on 1/10-1/15 in Orlando at Universal Studios, there is no information posted anywhere with the taping schedule, either on the Impact or Universal websites.

(As usual the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing in Impact Wrestling, management and bookers haven't thought it out at least? Let me roll my eyes now at this stupidity).

There's been talk of running California later this year.

(Maybe they should try just running a product that doesn't suck. Work on that challenge first).

Watch PWInsider play catch up on this too. COMING UP EMPTY - NWA Ten Pounds of Gold - Featuring "Processional" by William Patrick Corgan

Published on Jan 2, 2018
Episode 11 of NWA Ten Pounds of Gold covers the day after Tim Storm lost the NWA Worlds Championship and feature the song "Processional" by William Patrick Corgan (aka Billy Corgan) from his new album Ogilala.

When the digital series Ten Pounds of Gold started back in October, Tim Storm was not a household name. During all the episodes, fans began to learn the story of this fifty-three year old professional wrestler. The world saw his rise to battle Nick Aldis in Hollywood, a war with Jocephus, learning of challengers like Tommy Dreamer and those from CZW. It was the mounting momentum that became too much for the champion.

This is the morning after and the realization sets for Tim Storm. What happened, the moments come flooding back, and where does he go from here.

Hear Tim Storm's first interview since losing the title here


I actually posted the Idol thing YESTRDAY while ol Mike Johnson was (and I have proof he said this) recording something that only his paywall elite subscribers could hear (on Enzo Amore). So no paywalls here and no me recording something that only paid subscribers can hear. That bullshit doesn't fly here.

Here's Johnson playing catch up.  https://www.pwinsider.com/article/114536/happy-new-year-from-austin-idol-tim-storm-the-day-after-and-more-nwa-news.html?p=1

Indy booking for James Storm.

James Storm is booked for Ace Pro Wrestling, facing Stockade on 1/13 in Bogota, New Jersey.   For more, visit www.AceProWrestling.com.


According to a Facebook post from Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling promoter Herb Simmons, former Wrestling at the Chase host, St. Louis Wrestling historian and author Larry Matysik has been hospitalized.   Simmons noted, "Not the way I wanted to start off 2018. Please keep our friend Larry Matysik in you prayers. He has been admitted to the hospital this evening. I will keep everyone updated on his condition.  Matysik was responsible for the St. Louis DVDs that are out there in circulation as well as the creation of the St. Louis Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame.  He's written several books on the business, including an excellent book on the late Bruiser Brody.

Matysik was considered along with Lance Russell and Gordon Solie as one of the three best announcers of the 1970s and early 1980s. He worked with Muchnick starting in the 60s doing jobs like calling in the results to the local newspapers, and started as television announcer in 1970.

After Muchnick retired at the end of 1981, Matysik was General Manager of the St. Louis promotion working for Bob Geigel, Harley Race, Pat O'Connor, and Verne Gagne, who were the owners. He left the promotion in 1983 after booking the Ric Flair vs, Bruiser Brody match that set the city's all-time gate record at the time. Matysik was tight with Brody and felt that Brody and Flair should have both been paid $1,300 more based on the usual percentages, but Geigel refused to authorize paying them more than $6,000.

Matysik quit the promotion, and Brody went with him and they formed a rival group that drew very well. Later in 1983, after a meeting with Ted Kopplar, who ran KPLR-TV, with Matysik and Vince McMahon, about getting the Wrestling at the Chase time slot that Kopplar had decided to pull from Geigel due to poor ratings and complaints, he pushed that the two should work together and the two agreed to be partners.

The partnership was changed after the deal, but Matysik did work for McMahon through 1991 helping promote shows in St. Louis.

In recent years, Matysik has written several books about pro wrestling, but due to spinal issues and horrible back problems, he had been forced into assisted living. He was still booking and doing television announcing for SICW as late as last year


Hall of Famer Bret Hart will be writing the foreword to the forthcoming autobiography "Don't Call Me Fake: The Real Story of 'Dr. D' David Schultz" with co-author John Cosper.  The plan is to have the book on sale next month.     The book will cover Schultz's life as a professional wrestler as well as his post-wrestling career as a bounty hunter who traveled the world bringing back criminals who had absconded from their court dates.   Over the course of his bounty hunting career, Schultz had a 100% capture rate and those he brought back never skipped again.     On the wrestling end, the book will cover Schultz's early life, his training with Herb Welch, his years in Memphis, Florida, Stampede, the AWA, and the WWF. Obviously, the John Stossel ABC 20/20 incident and Schultz's dismissal from WWF will be covered as will be his run after WWF and his time training professional wrestlers.  There will be stories about Hulk Hogan, Antonio Inoki, Johnny Rodz, The Iron Sheik, Ric Flair, and Abdullah the Butcher, among others.