Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Rapture are not happy about being overlooked! (ACW Florida)

AIWF Mid Atlantic Wrestling- Midatlantic 392

Kevin Phoenix signs the contract for Deal With The Steel, but there is a catch, and three way action on this episode.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oAssknAE8c


MJF vs. Anthony Greene Hype Video - First Time Ever Collision Goes Down THIS FRIDAY (Limitless Wrestling)

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Anthony Greene for the Limitless Wrestling World Championship goes down this Friday at KNOW YOUR ENEMY in Portland, ME!


PWCI This Week - #190 Pinfall Wrestling Association

Today we head out to Robin Roberts stadium to check out action from Pinfall Wrestling Association! In action, IJ Sweet takes on Dan Liplock! And we see for the first time Raven Black step up to challenge the PWA Women's Champion Harley! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIX7flx2Lr4

RISE- The Next Wave of RISE

Kicking off the iPPV Regional Rising Stars - The Midwest Bracket, RISE Executive Producer Kevin Harvey welcomed fans to the event, spoke frankly about the amount of talent RISE has seen move onto grander stages and how important this event is. It is not the end of an era. It's the start of the next wave of RISE!


Former TNA Knockout Rhaka Khan Listed As A Most Wanted Fugitive

Trenesha Biggers had a run in TNA/Impact from 2008-09 as Rhaka Khan, but now she is apparently on the run from the law.
Crime Stoppers of El Paso says that Khan is one of El Paso's most wanted fugitives for the week of Aug. 25, 2019. She is listed under the names of Trenesha Sims, aka Trenesha Biggers or Trenesha Williams and has been charged with interference with child custody.
No other information regarding Khan is given other than her age, height, weight and features. Crime Stoppers urges anyone with information to call 915-566-8477 and that they can remain anonymous and are eligible to receive a cash reward.
Khan's last known in-ring stint came with Lucha Libre USA in 2010-11 where she competed under the name of La Tigresa Caliente. When she was in TNA prior to Lucha Libre, Khan along with Roxxi Laveaux were both suspended for 60 days for getting into a backstage altercation after Laveaux confronted Khan for working too stiff.
Khan got her start in the wrestling industry with WWE when she entered the 2005 Diva Search which was won by Ashley Massaro. Khan didn't make the finals but signed a developmental contract and headed to DSW where she was trained by Marty Jannetty. She was eventually released from her WWE contract in 2006.

More Issues Between Killer Kross And Impact Wrestling

 The Killer Kross-Impact Wrestling situation continues to be at a standstill.  One of the underlying issues that was passed around over the weekend, as we noted, was that Kross refused to blade during his First Blood match against Eddie Edwards at Slammiversary, resulting in Impact having to track down fake blood the day of the show.  We are told that beyond the concern about hepatitus C potentially spreading on an independent show in Indiana the week before the PPV, one of the reasons is said to have Kross refused to blade, according to sources, was that there were no outside medical personnel on hand at the show in Dallas, Texas and that there had been no pre-match testing.

As noted, Kross has not been booked since the Slammiversary PPV, and the word in the last 24 hours is that now that Impact is involved with the 9/15 AAA event in New York City, there has been pressure to remove Kross from that event as well.  The reasons sources have pointed to is that this is due to concerns Kross will soon be suing Impact.  There has been no lawsuit filed against Impact by Kross as of this morning,  

Kross has not been booked by Impact Wrestling since his back and forth over a contract re-negotiation earlier this summer, leaving him contractually bound to the company, but not being utilized.  Kross was actually in Toronto on family business the same time Impact taped there a few weeks back, but the company opted not to book him for the tapings.   Among talents, there is a sympathy for Kross as a family situation precipitated Kross pushing for a higher-end deal and instead, he's stuck in suspended animation.

, Kross had requested a release from the company after seeking a better financial deal from Impact, which offered a reworked three-year contract that was far below the six figure deal Kross was shooting for.  Impact sources, at the time, told PWInsider.com that a release would not be granted but that everyone was still working together and was being professional.  Kross still has two years left on his current deal, which pays him per appearance, so if he is not used, he is not paid by the company but remains bound to them legally.

 Kross noted that he liked everyone at Impact and everyone had been professional with him, but intimated that when he signed his deal, he did so after being led to believe there were not other opportunities for him elsewhere.  Now that he's learned there are, and he's aware of what others within Impact are getting paid, he sought to be paid something on that level or be allowed to be released and leave in order to have the chance to prove he could draw and earn that money elsewhere.  Kross noted that he has family members he is responsible for and as a man, it's on him to provide for them.   During that appearance, Kross noted that he wanted to stay with Impact if everything could be worked out.  He made it clear it was not a case of trying to run and grab money elsewhere, but that his family situation left him with no choice but to push for a better deal.

As noted, Kross has not been booked of late and his t-shirt has been moved to the clearance area of Impact Wrestling's merchandise website.  Kross has the option of wrestling independently outside of Impact, with the obvious exception of nationally televised promotions, unless he is released by the company.  Given the situation, one should not expect to see Kross booked at this week's events in Las Vegas or perhaps. anytime soon.


Chris Jericho's AEW World Championship belt may have been stolen over the weekend.
Jericho filed a police report in Tallahassee, Florida on Sunday reporting "the theft of his championship wrestling belt":
The victim reported the theft of his championship wrestling belt while he was eating inside Longhorn Steakhouse. The victim stated he arrived at the Millionaire Club Airport Terminal and placed the belt inside his rented limousine. The limo driver shuttled the victim to Longhorn for dinner. The victim remained at Longhorn while the limo driver returned to the airport. The victim had taken the wrong luggage from the airport and the driver took it back to the terminal. When the driver picked up the victim from the restaurant, the belt was missing. Responding officers searched the limo and airport for the belt without success. On-call CID was consulted, and forensics responded to the scene.
Victim: Christopher “Jericho” Irvine, W/M, 11/9/70
Responding to comments on Instagram about the stolen title belt, AEW wrote: "Authorities are working on it as we speak. Thank you for your concern."
Jericho became the inaugural AEW World Champion by defeating Hangman Page in the main event of All Out at the Sears Centre Arena in Hoffman Estates, Illinois on Saturday night.
The next match Jericho will be having is at the AEW on TNT premiere on Wednesday, October 2. Jericho and two mystery partners will face Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks in a six-man tag match.
Jericho's first title defense will be on week three of AEW television on Wednesday, October 16.

Jericho's statement. https://twitter.com/AEWrestling/status/1169041443723329538

Want More "Hidden Gems" That Are So "Hidden" They're On YouTube? Ok, Here You Go..

This came to me this morning..

The thing I circled is what cracks me up because this claim.. BY WWE Network News, is so full of shit.. "Can not be viewed anywhere else". REALLY... Let's show how full of shit they are, shall we?

Kurt Angle vs YellowJacket? HHMM Look what we have here.. Not one, BUT TWO listings for it on YouTube... One is actually a longer version than the 'hidden gem' that's gonna be on the Network. OOHH MMYY..

Oh yeah, here's the link to it as well.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFnL9yUcsEI

Kurt Angle vs Christopher Daniels? Can't be seen 'anywhere but on the WWE Network? UMMM, Bullshit..

YYYYEEPP... Sure 'can't be viewed anywhere else' alright.. Dumb asses. Here's the link to it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upXcCV_183o 

You know this is wwaay too easy, right? You know how dumb WWE and WWE Network News continues to loook, right? Yet.. No real research and too lazy to want to do it, even though WWE micromanages everything.. They can't get this managed too well, LMAO!

Oh yes, one more... 

Triple H vs Kurt Angle From Memphis

.. "Can't be seen anywhere else". Yeah ok, see for yourself..

I may have covered these before, may not.. Been so many of these I've easily uncovered so if I have covered this before? Then good, nice to revisit and see I'm still right when it comes to how dumb WWE is when it comes to "Hidden Gems" so hidden you can find them on YouTube..

And as we all know, WWE Network News themselves confirmed I was correct. 

You know there'll always be more of this to come since no other wrestling columnist has the balls to be 'that guy' and bust out WWE like I do.. So enjoy and you're welcome..

All Japan Pro Wrestling Video (From 2019 Summer explosion)


A foolish fan jumps the barricade and enters the ring during the Smith Hart Memorial Battle Royal in Calgary Alberta Canada. Fortunately the fan was removed abruptly and didn't have to deal with the repercussions that he would have had to deal with from the wrestlers.


Zack Sabre Jr. Promo After Losing British Heavyweight Championship (NJPW)


(Zelo Pro) Zelo Zone: Pat Monix discusses Gotch Feud, preparing for TJP, training with Bryce Benjamin & more!

Pat Monix, aka Project MONIX, joins the first edition of the Zelo Zone where he discusses feuding with Simon Gotch, preparing for TJP, training with Bryce Benjamin and more! Zelo Zone, hosted by Matt Bacaling, takes you behind the scenes and up-close with your favorite professional wrestling stars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRSv1uP1SVY

DDT (Japan) video from 8-30-2019

WWE Network News Strikes Again In The Name Of Embarrassing Themselves

Here's a recap.. I have a habit of busting WWE on when they put alleged "Hidden Gems" on their network that are so 'hidden' you can find them on YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.. I'm 'that guy' who has the balls to do it cause Meltzer, Keller, Scherer, Johnson, Wrestlinginc, etc simply don't have the guts to step up and do so.. So with my recent story on a 'hidden gem' readily on YouTube, WWE Network news decided they were gonna try and get into it with me on this, and they lost.Here's the first story on that, right here...    https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/08/wwe-network-news-admits-im-correct.html   

Followed it up with this update..


Which included some screen shots as proof that WWE Network News admitted I was correct.. Which, I'll post right here for all to see again.

They even tried to make comparisons viewership wise to my blog, which got them shot down instantly as well.. Shots of that I'll show right here for all to see.. Along with the MOST CURRENTLY shot of my viewership for today, which is right up there with the amount of viewers THEY get (Which made their attempted argument with me on it sink like the Titanic).

Comparisons to Viewership are here..

And here's the current (taken 90 seconds ago) shot of how many viewers I have in the last 24 hours.

As you can see, you do the match I'm actually bypassing his '4,000 views is a solid day' claim. 

So after all this, what does someone from WWE Network News try to do? They went to a group/page on FB that I contribute to called "From The Left Side" and tried to 'work me' on something, trying to make me think that they'd give me some inside proof to a rumor that they were gonna shut down the site because of the stories I wrote on them..

One small problem with that though.. The very guy who tried this? WORKS/WRITES for WWE Network News!!! Here's the proof, right here..

What I did when this dumb ass first approached me, publicly posting his idea mind you (which was mistake number one.. if you wanted to 'offer' to be a source' you don't 'publicly' offer it where others can see it, you privately message the person), I went ahead and did some looking and it didn't long at all to see who the guy was and see that he in fact writes for the very web site I mentioned.. In fact he's probably the very one on Twitter I put in check acouple of times.. I went to the WWE Network news web page and clicked on one story.. Wouldn't you know it JUST HAPPENED to be about 'hidden gems' added to the WWE Network.. And who's name is on that very story? The very guy who tried to work me on Millie Camacho's FB page "From The Left Side".

And look where Jon's name appears? Oh damn.. it's right HERE..

NNOO, he isn't really that smart, is he. (Smiles)

So since.. Proof IS, a mother fucker.. THIS mother fucker as usual, has proof. So let's see the proof, right here, shall we? here's the whole convo that happened on Millie Camacho's "From The Left Side" page.. All the way to where I popped his ass. 

As you can see he 'tried' to work me but all he did was 'work himself into further embarrassment for WWE Network news.

Now I had the screenshot of his name on that story at WWE Network News's web page for acouple of days now. I could've 'worked' him, seeing how many excuses he'd try and scrape up, just milking it and milking it before I nailed him in the balls, busting his ass. But why not just bust his ass right now and get it over with? (Smiles)

Nice try Jonboy.. Another epic fail.. This sure doesn't make you or WWE Network News look good.. So thanks again for showing what dumb fucks you guys are over there. Hope that foot of yours that I just placed in your mouth tastes good. You were just too easy to bust.. WAY... Too easy.

I'd love to show WWE Network News This story but.. After they had said "write what you want", and I did.. THIS was their way of responding to that.

They say write what i want, then act like bitches when I do.. LOL. Love the logic and mentality behind that, LMAO.. I really do (smiles).