Friday, November 9, 2018

Apparently PWInsider Doesn't Like It When Their Boy Dave Scherer Gets Checked By Me.

This was Tweeted to me so I'm going to share the info. :) This guy (and at least one other showed Mike Johnson at PWInsider this story here on how I put Their main partner Dave Scherer in his place again.  The pics you see are how they respond to it, hide behind blocks like a bitch. Typical when guys like them can dish it out but can't take it when someone hands them their ass with ease. A typical bitch move but... It's common knowledge that Scherer and Johnson are bitches anyway so this proves it. 

Mat Memory- King Kong Bundy vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts (UXW 5-20-06)

Mat Memory- 5 Star Wrestling: 01/02/2018 Rey Mysterio VS Zack Gibson: Liverpool Echo Arena

Rick Martel On Stan The Lariat Hansen

From KC's Timeline History Of WWE 1981 With Rick Martel - Rick Martel On Stan The Lariat Hansen.

Jessicka Havoc vs A.J Perera Revive Pro Wrestling

One Man Gang on Becoming Akeem "The African Dream"

One Man Gang on Becoming Akeem "The African Dream"...shoot interview where WWE's gang explains his switch to Akeem and what it was like playing that character.

Thank You Don Callis, You Proved My Recent Article On You To Be Correct

I've been stating over and over on how Don Callis boasted that he was going to 'get rid of the silliness that has plagued Impact Wrestling". Those were his exact words and I can find the interview where he said that if I have too. When he first said those words my first reaction (which has since proven to be true) was "Yeah right, sssuuurreee you are, sssuuurree you will".

As you can see by the pics above.. He hasn't gotten rid of the silliness and in fact, has proven the one thing I keep saying to be EXACTLY SPOT ON, AND CORRECT. Which is, HOW are you going to get rid of the silliness when in fact, YOU'RE THE ONE booking and writing the silliness to begin with? The first pic shows the section of a recent article I wrote for Dann Lennard's Feed The Gorilla fanzine based out of Australia. It points out the "Silliness" that Callis swore he was going to get rid of that's still there. The second pic is from this week's "Impact's Hits And Misses" Column that's on the Pro Wrestling Torch Web page. How "Matt Hardy" of Callis to have Su Yung "teleporting" as part of this weeks show.

If there ever was an article i wrote that has proven to be spot on and 100% accurate? This is the one. And here's the proof. So I'll pose the question one more time and I know someone will make sure Callis sees this article, so he'll see this question. HOW, are you supposed to 'get rid of the silliness' of you're the one who's actually booking and writing the silliness?

How much do you want to bet he keeps avoiding answering this question?


A rematch from earlier this year has been made official for Wrestle Kingdom 13.
At today’s RevPro Uprising event in London, Tomohiro Ishii defeated David Starr to retain the British Heavyweight title. Following the match, members of Suzuki-gun (El Desperado, Taichi, Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr.) came in and put the boots to him, unable to defend himself. Zack Sabre Jr. then appeared and said he was invoking his contractually obligated rematch, and this time he wanted it at Wrestle Kingdom 13.
Sabre lost the championship to Tomohiro Ishii back on April 6 at RevPro’s WrestleCon show in New Orleans, Louisiana. Ishii then lost the title to Minoru Suzuki during the Strong Style Evolved UK tour in Manchester in July. Ishii regained the championship last month during a RevPro/New Japan Global Wars event back on October 14. Ishii most recently defended the title at Power Struggle, where he defeated Suzuki to retain the championship. 
Wrestle Kingdom 13 will take place at the Tokyo Dome on January 4.

RECAP AND REVIEW: 83 Weeks Q&A on meeting with Russo, name-dropping Ted Turner, Bullet Club, WCW tape library and more

The Silliness of Callis & D'Amore Continues- IMPACT HITS AND MISSES 11/8: “Final Hour” special, Johnny Impact vs. Killer Kross, Jordynne Grace’s debut, Brian Cage pulls a Moose

MVP On Coming Up With His Gimmick, Interactions With John Laurinaitis

When MVP showed up on the WWE main roster in 2006, he was pushed as the future of the company on SmackDown. WWE put the United States Championship on MVP, but things did not work out between both parties, and MVP asked for, and was granted his release in 2010.
The former WWE Superstar recently appeared on Robbie E's Why It Ended podcast to talk about various topics. Robbie asked MVP how he approached John Laurinaitis, and how he came up with his gimmick, among other things.
MVP elaborated on his first interaction with Laurinaitis, and how Johnny Ace nearly blew him off.
"I used to get booked as an extra for the WWE when they were coming to town", said MVP. "And I remember roping Johnny Ace off one day and I'm like , 'Hey Johnny, you got a minute? You got a minute?' He said, 'I'm busy kid.' I said, 'Johnny please, just one minute… just thirty seconds.' 'Busy kid.' 'Johnny give me 10 seconds.' And he stops and goes, 'Alright kid. What?' 'Just tell me what the f**k I got to do to get hired.' I said it just like that. Johnny told me. He paused for a minute and looked at me like, 'Do you know who the f**k I am, talking to me like that?' The other part was he was kind of like, 'This kid's got some f**king balls alright.' So he said, 'Look, we like you. We just don't have anything for you'.
"Here's a little trivia, a little piece of information that I'll drop on your podcast that most people don't know. Way before that, Carlito's bodyguard that he used to have… Carlito had a bodyguard for a little while and he got hurt, his neck got messed up. So they were talking about bringing me in to be his bodyguard. I remember for the first time being excited, because I talked to Ann from travel and they're flying me in. I'm getting looked at. This is it, right? I was chilling with this chick, and things are about to get nice. We're having a nice little intimate moment. It's all good. Things are about to go down if you will, and my phone rings and I see it's that unknown number.
"I'm like, 'Oh s**t, I'm waiting for a call from them.' It's Tommy Dreamer and he says, 'Hello Antonio Banks, creative has changed their mind. They're going in a different direction, so we're not going to be flying you in next week, but we'll see you when you come down in February. Take care. Give me a call if you need anything. Bye'. Dude, you want to talk about a heartbreak let down? I'll tell you what, I bulls**t you not. I looked at that chick, I got up, I walked out. She said, 'What's wrong?' I said, 'I just got some really bad news.' As I walked to the car I was thinking, 'You bad luck fu**ing b***h, I'm never going to talk to you again.' I never saw that girl again, never called her, never spoke to her."
MVP then said he met Johnny in February, and Laurinaitis asked him to get back with an idea for a character.
"When I talked to Johnny that day, he said, 'Look, we like you'. I told you that to let you know I was on their radar. They knew who I was. They liked me. They just didn't have anything for me and Johnny said, 'You know, we're going back to more of a character based deal. Come up with something we don't already have that you can do and get back with me.' I remember being like, 'Man, these motherf**kers are just blowing me off again.' They know who I am. I'm on the radar, but I wasn't 6'7" 300 pounds, so they weren't going out of their way for me."
The former United States Champion then elaborated on how he came up with the idea for the MVP gimmick.
"Working down on South Beach, I came up with this idea. Hey man, very week you turn on SportsCenter, there's some pro athlete saying or doing some stupid s**t or getting into a scuffle or getting suspended. Working down on South Beach I used to see these athletes show up and I'd see guys like Shaq, Dr. J, Jim Brown, Barry Sanders. Here are guys who are first ballot Hall of Famers, like legends. They'd be so cool and so humble and they'd stop to speak to you. They just conducted themselves differently. But then you see guys who are first round draft busts, guys second-third round in the draft or whatever. They'd show up with an entourage of fifteen people. We've got a dress code, but they'd show up with their shorts and sneakers just demanding s**t and go, 'Hey man, do you know who I am? You better let me in.' 'Man, f**k you man. You haven't scored a touchdown since you got drafted. F**k off.' But, it triggered a light bulb and I realized, 'Wait! That hasn't been done in wrestling yet!'
"So I came up with this idea to take everything bad about Deion Sanders and Ocho Cinco and Terrell Owens and Rod Tidwell and Allen Iverson, everything you could think of bad and apply it to a pro wrestler who comes into pro wrestling with a big ego, but a lot of ability. Whether or not that ability pans out depends on whether or not he showed up to play, and put together this big treatment with promos, because when I came up with the idea, I had a mutual friend, Ricky Santana who's friends with Johnny Ace. And I told him about my idea but I was scared that they were going to steal it from me. And he said, 'Let me talk to Johnny'. He talked to Johnny and he said, 'I gave you my word I'm not going to steal you s**t'. Johnny called me, I gave him the rundown of the MVP character. He said, 'Put it on paper so I could show it to creative'. He said, 'Just give me twenty storylines and vignettes', and I said alright. I basically gave them a step-by-step treatment of the MVP character."
MVP also spoke about Omega's chances of making it big in WWE, had he stuck around after signing a developmental contract.
"Regarding Omega, I think definitely with the way the developmental system was at the time – the way Bill was running it and sadly Vince McMahon's mentality at that time – I don't think Kenny would have thrived in the WWE arena because I remember specifically hearing when Vince was like, 'If he's under six feet tall and 200 pounds I don't want to see him.' There was that time when no little guys were getting signed because Vince wanted big guys. And six feet 200 pounds was the cut off."

Rodney Mack Calls Vince McMahon A "Prick"; Talks What Stephanie McMahon Told Him, Hulk Hogan In WWE

Former WWE and ECW Superstar Rodney Mack appeared on the latest episode of the Duke Loves Rasslin Podcast, which you can check out in the video above. They passed along these highlights:
Hulk Hogan being Re-instated into the WWE Hall of Fame:
"It goes to show you racism hasn't gone anywhere. All they did is give him a tap on the wrist to make it look good in the eyes in the public. You know man that s--t ain't changed. It never did and never will."
Stephanie McMahon:
"I'm not going to say I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I know I was a lot better than a bunch of those guys that are still getting paid. Jazz and I were loved by everybody. Stephanie McMahon pulled Me and Jazz off to the side for a special little talk and said Jazz was the most believable person on the roster and so was I and we were good people that would have a job for life. She said all that bulls--t yet three weeks later we were fired!"
How wrestlers of color are used in WWE:
"Every time you have a person of color that's good they don't give them a chance to show who he or she is and instead stereotype them. Either their pants are sagging down with one leg rolled up, talking s--t from the street like they're uneducated or the other extreme where they got motherf--kers throwing pancakes and their face all painted up."
Thoughts on Vince McMahon:
"He's a f-cking prick!"

The Godfather Says He Hated The "Goodfather", Talks Vince McMahon's Reasoning For The Character

Charles Wright is best known as The Godfather for which he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. But Wright also portrayed many different gimmicks during his time in WWE including as The Godfather's polar opposite, The Goodfather.
The Goodfather wasn't really a planned character and was the result of pushback from various groups unhappy with content on WWE programming. Wright talked about playing the role of The Goodfather when he joined our WINCLY podcast.
"First of all, Vince was taking so much heat. When Vince went public and [WWE programming] got off of the cable networks, it got up to the [broadcast] networks and he went public things changed. Different people were looking at us," Wright stated.
One of those groups who opposed The Godfather character was the Parents Television Council (PTC). When SmackDown began airing on UPN, a broadcast network, the PTC said he was inappropriate for prime time television.
"Vince fought for me and Vince would tell me, 'Charles, I'm fighting for your brother. I'm fighting for you.' But one of the things the networks hated besides DX was The Godfather," said Wright.
"They had a major problem with me and things I was saying and the things I was doing. It got to the point where I could only be on Saturday after 10:00 at night. I couldn't say this, I couldn't say that. I couldn't call the girls this. I couldn't mention this. It became this Godfather-lite [character]."
It got to the point that Vince told Wright that they were going to poke fun at the PTC group that was boycotting WWE by creating RTC (Right to Censor). RTC was a heel faction that parodied PTC and Godfather renounced his former ways, joined the RTC, and became The Goodfather.
"That was the worst news I ever heard in my life," Wright said about the character change. "I was enjoying my job and having the time of my life [as The Godfather]. To take that away and make me The Goodfather, I took it personal. I tried to do the best job I could but it was not a happy time. I became the old, mean bear again, and I really disliked it."

New Article That's In The Current Issue Of Feed The Gorilla Fanzine (Based In Australia)