Thursday, May 2, 2024

Something About Billy Corgan's current NWA "Territory" System that NOBODY Seems To Want To Talk About


UPDATE!! 5-5-2024 3:00 pm

Believe it or not a response to this story came from someone representing the NWA. This came on the heels of the NWA announcing that the World Wrestling Council in Puerto Rico is going to be the newest "territory' for the NWA. For those who may not remember it was in the WWC in Puerto Rico where Bruiser Brody was murdered by a wrestler working for the WWC named Invader 1. Invader 1 also was never convicted of the murder and the WWC continued to employ him after he murdered Brody. 

Yet this, is the company the NWA is celebrating about having a partnership with.

I bring this up because in this update you'll see how this very topic comes into play. Instead of me making a new page/article on this response, just scroll past this original story that started it all and you'll see what will have to be considered, the 'official' response (I guess) by an official of the National Wrestling Alliance, Bryan Idol. 

I have to admit I didn't see this right off the bat, and it took somebody sending me something for me see what's painfully Obvious about this new or current "territory" system that Billy Corgan has formed with his National Wrestling Alliance promotion. Once I saw this I waited, and after seeing Kenzie Page's Krossfire Pro Wrestling promotion getting named as the latest NWA 'territory', I thought for sure that the Meltzer's, the PWInsider's, SOME wrestling news site would bring up what I'm about to bring up. 

BBUUTTT NOPE. no way, not one wrestling writer or journalist has had the guts to speak on this certain thing that's so blatantly obvious about this territory ahem, 'system' that's been created. So since nobody else seems to have the balls to speak up on it, it's once again left to the ONLY, wrestling writer that has the balls to speak on things the others are too afraid for some reason to touch. So since they, have the sudden case of lack of guts again, I'll do what the others are too scared to do because as usual I'm the only one who doesn't need to kiss up to promoters for interviews and stories. WP&P gets their own stories which is what sets us apart from all the other sites... So here we go.

Let's list the names of the promotions involved with this new territory system, shall we? First we have Krossfire Pro Wrestling, owned by current NWA Women's champion Kenzie Page.

Then we have Exodus Pro Wrestling, owned by current NWA World champion EC3.

Let's not forget Joe Cazana Promotions which is now NWA Southeastern, owned by Joe Cazana, a man who also works and has his sons working for Billy Corgan's NWA.

And of course there's NWA Chicago now as well, which is run by Bryan Idol who works for Billy Corgan's NWA as well as owns Fight The World Wrestling (which also has become, interestingly enough, an "NWA Territory" as well

Apparently the only way one can become a quote, unquote 'territory' for Billy Corgan's NWA is if you just happen to be working, for Billy Corgan's NWA.


Doesn't THAT make you go, HHHMMMMM.

What it does is raise up a few red flags and brings, least for me some very obvious questions. Questions I'm sure if I asked Corgan directly, he'd probably side step every single one of them.

Why is it that the ONLY er, 'promoters' of these "NWA Territories" happen to be employees of yours that are already on your payroll? isn't it a 'weird coincidence' that these' promoters' sudden have little indy promotions going so they can just happen to 'become', NWA Territories? It's not that Corgan or EC3 or Kenzie Page has been secretive about it, Corgan openly touted that these 'affiliates' are owned by his current wrestlers. Had he kept his mouth shut about that fact the obvious kink in this 'system' wouldn't have been so easily exposed. 

Why is Corgan afraid to work with more legitimate wrestling promoters to help form this system? Why is it, it just HAS to be employees of his own promotion that can become NWA Affiliate? Is it a prerequisite that the 'promoters' on Corgan's payroll go with Corgan's vision of the NWA? What is Corgan so afraid of that he won't work with promoters that are outside his little NWA bubble?

It does seem just A LITTLE FISHY that only talent in his company can be considered as NWA territory owners, and nobody who ISN'T working for Corgan can.

See, these are the questions that easily and obviously come up from someone like me, who HAS worked behind the scenes for indy promotions before, so as someone who has knowledge about this kind of stuff. So I ask, knowing and seeing what's obvious here. Billy Corgan doesn't really WANT to work with promoters unless they just happen to be already on his payroll.

Says a whole lot about the legitimacy of this territory 'system', doesn't it.

Here's some more questions that come to mind as I'm writing this. What happens of any of promotions fail to draw money, aren't profitable and wind up closing down? Then what? Is Corgan helping or going to help fund these affiliates so that way they stay afloat and continue to be part of this territory system? What happens if the 'owners' of these promotions sign a better deal and leave Corgan's NWA to work with another company such as Impact or AEW? Does that mean the 'company' they own can  longer be an NWA Territory? 

a WHOLE LOT of interesting questions here, how much you wanna bet we won't get a WHOLE LOT of answers to these questions?

Update 5-5-2024 3:00 pm

Here's the quote from William Patrick Corgan heralding this 'new' partnership he and his NWA now have with the World Wrestling Council in Puerto Rico. This is from the NWA's Twitter page.

Of course getting an actual tv deal and not being stuck on some tv station's 'app' could elevate yourself to 'august heights' and more, just sayin.

Here's the convo I had with Bryan Idol, owner of "NWA Fight The World Wrestling" and promoter for "NWA Chicago".

And here's where the topic of Brody comes in as he did answer two of the questions I raised in the article.

If he decided to add anything else I'll include here as his representing the NWA's response.

I also noticed after some looking around that no wrestling news site (PWInsider, Observer, Wrestlinginc,, PW Torch) haven't said one peep about this 'great new' territory of the NWA the World Wrestling Council.

Makes you go, HHHMMMM, doesn't it. 

Oh yeah, let me add this little thing here as well. He tried to lie and claim he's a 'national promoter".

As you see in my rely, he can't be a 'national promoter' because in NH and Main the commissions there require a person who wants to be a promoter there to be a resident of the state. I should know since I worked for three different indie groups that ran NH. Now the NWA can get a guy who lives in Maine or NH to be the 'local' promoter, in which that guy who's a resident in that state has to sign the license for the show. Or in what's called a 'permit' town, the city will require the local promoter to sign the city permit, thus putting the show in HIS name.

I also know this for a fact I actually had to do it, for two shows of WWA New England in Rochester, NH, the shows had to be in my name. WWA NE show in Farmington, NH and Eastern Wrestling Alliance show in Hanover, NH (Dartmouth College) I was the local promoter for them as well. All state licenses for the shows I had to sign. 

Nice try Idol. No sale, Facts trump your egotistical claim/lie.

You shouldn't fuck with a guy who has knowledge.  

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Terry Funk on Arn Anderson - "Never Trust a Horseman". Terry asks Dory Funk for Help


ECW Hardcore TV - (May 17 1994) Promo taken after Arn Anderson betrayed Terry during their tag match with Sabu & Bobby Eaton at "When Worlds Collide 1994.

Highlights of Arn Anderson & Terry Funk vs Sabu & Bobby Eaton! When World's Collide 1994 ECW


ECW Hardcore TV - (May 17 1994) Arn Anderson turns on Terry Funk!

Arn Anderson & Terry Funk Agree to Unite to face Bobby Eaton & Sabu! 1994 (ECW)


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ECW Hardcore TV - (May 03 1994) Paul E's Bobby Eaton & Sabu were set to face Arn Anderson & Terry Funk.

Arn Anderson & Terry Funk Baseball Cap Promo. Arn is done with the Dangerous Alliance! 1994 (ECW)

 ECW Hardcore TV - (May 10 1994) More of the Arn Anderson & Terry Funk feud with Paul Heyman, Bobby Eaton & Sabu.

Terry Funk & Arn Anderson don't need the WWF or WCW Promo! 1994 (ECW)


ECW Hardcore TV - (May 03 1994) Terry Funk & Arn Anderson were in a feud with Paul E Dangerously (Paul Heyman), Bobby Eaton & Sabu.

Paul Heyman with Bobby Eaton - Dangerous Alliance Promo on Arn Anderson 1994 (ECW)

 ECW Hardcore TV - (Apr 26 1994) Heyman brings up the Dangerous Alliance days in WCW before the faction split.

Arn Anderson & Beautiful Bobby Eaton Debut in ECW during Terry Funk vs Sabu match! 1994


ECW Hardcore TV - (Apr 19 1994) Sabu (with Paul E Heyman) vs Terry Funk. Double A & Eaton make surprise appearance in ECW.

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More action with Johnny Casanova taking on Eric Reyes and Echo steps in the ring with Cookiee Wright.

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