Saturday, October 6, 2018

Appalachian Mountain Wrestling- AMW-TV Episode 109: October 6, 2018

IMPACT HITS & MISSES 10/4: Eli Drake vs. La Parka, The Smoke Show, clowns, kidnapping, and more

I ask again, but know Don Callis won't give me an answer. HOW, is Callis supposed to be "getting rid of the silliness" that's been on Impact, when HE'S the one booking and writing the silliness? Funny how he ducks that obvious contradiction, eh?

SSSUURRRREEE, Jerry Lawler, SSUURRREE, 'Anything' You Say (Fucking Liar)

SSUURRREEE you were Jerry, sure you were.

Jerry Lawler told TMZ that he received hate mail on social media for attending Donald Trump’s rally in Tennessee where Trump mocked Christine Blasey Ford. Lawler claimed that he wasn’t going there to see the president, he was going to see a fellow WWE Hall of Famer.

Yet he doesn't name the Hall Of Famer, hhmmm How convenient.

So Once Again, HHH Can't get In A Ring And "Do A Job" Imagine that.

  • Guess doing a job is still 'beneath him'.
  • Triple H & Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker & Kane hasn’t been officially announced for Crown Jewel yet, but that was clearly the direction coming out of Super Show-Down. A no disqualification stipulation was added to this morning’s Triple H vs. Undertaker match, with Michaels and Kane getting involved throughout. After Triple H won with the help of Michaels, there was a post-match angle where Undertaker and Kane attacked Triple H and Michaels. Triple H, Michaels, Undertaker, and Kane were raising each other’s arms, then Undertaker laid out Triple H with a Tombstone and Michaels was chokeslammed through the announce table.