Friday, March 9, 2018

Indy this and that

Bar Wrestling sold out last night in Baldwin Park, CA: Scorpio Sky & B-Boy & Big Honky Kev b Matt Cross & Watts & Marty the Moth, Brian Cage b Tyler Bateman, Chelsea Green (who turned into Laurel Van Ness) & Britt Baker b Heather Monroe & Laura James, Joey Ryan b Hot Young Briley (Dolph Ziggler's brother Briley Nemeth). After the match, The Young Bucks, Cody and Hangman Page all showed up in an angle taped for Being the Elite. Page and Ryan went at it and Page took the dick flip and poured a bottle of what was supposed to be urine on him. Kevin Kross b Willie Mack, Taya Valkyrie b Tessa Blanchard (said to be great), Rey Fenix & Pentagon Jr. b LAX. Next show is 4/12.

MLW's show last night in Orlando was taped for television. There will be more on that but they are doing a series of 60 minute shows with Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini as the announcers. Dan Bynum, who was the director of World Class Championship Wrestling is directing, Charlie Bruuzzese of ECW was there as a Producer, as was Bruce Prichard at Senior Producer. An announcement of the TV is expected soon.

AAW on 3/16 in Merrionette Park, IL at 115 Bourbon Street announced Jushin Liger vs. Trevor Lee as the main event, plus Jessicka Havok vs. Hudson Envy, Sami Callihan vs. Eddie Kingston, Moose vs. Keith Lee, Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett & Colt Cabana vs. Curt Stallion & Jake Something & Conor Braxton, MJF vs. Paco, Zema Ion vs. Myron Reed plus Dave & Jake Crist, Joey Janela, Teddy Hart, Dezmond Xavier and Ace Romero. There will also be an afternoon meet and greet with Liger. You must have a ticket to the show to attend the meet and greet. They also run 3/31 in LaSalle, IL at the Knights of Columbus, with Havok vs. Ivelisse for the women's title,Vega & Fitchett vs. Stallion & Something for the tag titles, AR Fox & Myron Reed vs. Trey Miguel & Steven Wolf and a Rumble with ACH, Callihan, Dave & Jake Crist, Moose, Keith Lee, David Starr, Trevor Lee and Eddie Kingston.

Independent wrestler James "Rude Boy" Riley pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography stemming from a bust last year at his home. Police found 10 images on his phone of children under 16 engaging in sex acts. He disappeared from wrestling after the bust.

wXw Inner Circle 5 from yesterday in Essen, Germany: Travis Banks b Alexander James, Timothy Thatcher b Julian Pace, David Starr b Chris Brookes, Walter b Jonah Rock, Killer Kelly b Veda Scott, Mike Bailey b Mark Haskins. Rafa was supposed to come back tomorrow after a knee injury, but twisted his knee again and will be replaced by Marius Al-Ani. David Starr injured his ankle last night but will remain in the tournament. Bailey vs. Haskins said to be really good.

The Big Event autograph show is tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the La Guardia Plaza Hotel in East Elmhurt, NY with Bret Hart Chuck Liddell, Danielle Moinet (Summer Rae), Scott Hall, Fred Rosser (Darren Young), D-Lo Brown, Mick Foley, James Ellsworth, Stu Bennett,Vader, Dan Severn, Gene Okerlund, Tessa Blanchard, Molly Holly, Madusa, Lisa Varon, Broke Adams, Brian Adias, Juventud Guerrera, LAX, Brandi Rhodes, Rachael Ellering, Lacey Von Erich,Allie, Madison Rayne, Diamante, Josh Matthews, Hurricane Helms, Doug Gilbert, Lex Luger, William Regal, Bob Holly, Tyrus, Ed Leslie, Ivory, Jake Roberts, Jim Duggan and more.

Baja Stars USA on 3/17 in San Diego at 3020 Coronado Av. has Soberano vs. Mecha Wolf 450 vs. Cavernario.

NWL tomorrow in Kansas City at the Turner Rec Center has Jeremy Wyatt vs. Martin Stone for the NWL title and Anthony Henry vs. Jet Royal. NWL TV begins airing in Florida/Alabama on Gulf Coast CW. The TV is also in Kansas City, Joplin, Springfield, MO and St. Joseph, MO.

PWA on 3/31 in Cambridge, ONT at the Hespeler Memorial Arena has Elian Habanero vs. Joey Allen and Kobe Durst vs. Josh Alexander.

PWA on 3/17 in Kitchener, ONT at the Alpine Club.


Rich Swann cancelling appearances

Rich Swann has pulled himself from all of his appearances, including the ones he's advertised on, including his WrestleMania weekend shows, even Crash in Mexico. He is very despondent based on the reaction to his wrestling. Previously he had said he would fulfill his agreed upon dates and then retire from wrestling.

MCMAHON’S IMPACT REPORT (3/8): “Crossroads” episode, Aries vs. Impact for the World Title

Finally someone in the wrestling business in a way agrees with me on this. Former WWE Wrestler Suggests That Jeff Jarrett Has A Hall Of Fame Career Due To His Father

Matt Taven On If ROH Should Work With Impact Wrestling

As noted, Matt Taven recently appeared on Interactive Wrestling Radio to discuss his match against Cody at the ROH 16th Anniversary PPV tonight. You can check out the full interview by clicking here, below are some more highlights that they sent us:

What made his Kingdom with Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis special:
"I think it is because we had fun. We had a blast doing it. We lived in the moment and enjoyed every second of it. That is kind of what I wanted the next installment of the Kingdom to be. There was a natural chemistry between Mike Bennett, Maria, and myself because we are all friends outside of the ring for years. Man, I've known Mike Bennett since almost day one in wrestling. It is one of those things where it is just so natural - You're just out there with your best friend. I mean, that year with winning the IWGP and ROH World Tag Team Championships and then that ending with Mike leaving and me blowing out my knee, it was like what a way to end that story. (laughs) It really was the genesis of the Matt Taven that you see today."
The cultural moment when Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer on Maria:
"You have to understand, New Japan never really had women in the ring. Our feud went from ROH to NJPW and back again. I can remember the New Japan officials saying "Don't ever let Maria back in the ring again." Obviously, it is a different culture and they also don't want women and men in a combat situation. Maria was the first person in a New Japan ring since Joanie Laurer, since Chyna. It was kind of a big deal and we didn't even realize it at the time. It kind of morphed into Amber Gallows and Maria joining the two teams. Looking back on it, it is a kind of monumental moment for New Japan with the first Mixed Tag match and the first time, since Chyna, of women competing. So, them hitting the Magic Killer (on Maria) and it being shown in Japan really did cause some waves because it was so out of the ordinary."
His recovery from his leg injury in late 2015:
"I'm not going to lie. There are good days and bad days. Coming back from major knee surgery is hard on not just your knee but the rest of your body. The alignment of your hips, your back is going to be thrown off. My right knee now is, it had to pick up the slack for so long that now it is starting to hurt. It is a balancing act of going hard at the gym but realizing your knee can only take so much so you have to conserve it and do the proper maintenance. It is probably something I will deal with for the rest of my life, especially the rest of my career. It is so ingrained to be these tough guy wrestlers, I blew my ACL out a minute or two into the match at Final Battle and continued wrestling the next ten minutes. I was doing stuff like my walk up the ropes springboard elbow with no ACL. Obviously continuing to wrestle was probably a mistake because I ended up rupturing one meniscus that had to be surgically removed from the back of my quad, tearing the other meniscus at the same time. That is what makes us wrestlers. We love doing this so much that looking back on it and knowing everything that I know now, I would have been like, "Mike, I don't think I can keep going." But, if I were in the same situation, I probably would keep going 10 times out of 10. Just because, that is the way it is done in wrestling. My first Doctor that I saw after it said it would be 2, 2 and a half years before I could wrestle again which was a pretty scary situation. I look back on it now like it was this fuzzy dream. Like, that happened. But, did that really happen? 9 months out of my life for this? But, here I am back. It is an accomplishment when you sit back and look back on it."
TK O'Ryan's injury:
"It is coming up to the 1 year anniversary at the 15th Anniversary show that TK broke his leg. Obviously being in that situation not too long previous to that situation, you kind of know how to handle it. I saw TK's leg and I'm not sure if it was picked up on camera but I kind of screamed, "Are you all right? Are you all right?" Being in that situation and being asked that question by Mike Bennett, you never are really able to answer that question correctly. TK grabbed his leg and screamed in pain. I saw his leg kind of floating in the wind there. I had to do what I had to do to make sure that A. He wasn't going to be in any more danger and B. To finish the match in a reasonable fashion and to continue the story that we were developing. Unfortunately for TK, the Sunrise Hospital is not the best medical facility. We had to hold his leg together with tape and glue and our bare hands until we got him on a plane back to Boston that actually fixed him up correctly."
Konnan and Sami Callihan saying they want to see Impact work with ROH:
"I've never really thought too much about it. Obviously TNA has had to do some rebuilding and they've gotten back on their feet. I'm very very happy for them. I have a lot of friends there as well. It seems like one of those things where Ring of Honor, New Japan, and CMLL have this partnership that is a triangle that is working really well around the world. If you (Impact) is trying to get back on your feet, you're going to want to be a part of that. (laughs) This is the first time I'm really hearing this. I don't know if it would be a smart business move for Ring of Honor considering they are on this upward trend and they (ROH) are doing it already without any help from another, and I know they're Canadian based but really another American company. To be honest, I never see that partnership coming to fruition. But, you never say never in wrestling."

The XWA Wrestling Kingdom school he runs:
"XWA Wrestling Kingdom. I'm literally there 3 times a week. It is in Rhode Island. So, anybody interested can message me or the XWA. XWA Wrestling Kingdom actually has a Facebook page. So, there are a lot of ways you can contact us."

Nice to see the "Big boys' (Observer and PWInsider) playing catch up to me on the NWA Videos.

Here's proof, hours after I do it first someone I know emailed them to say I posted before everyone else (I have the email to prove it) and look how quickly they had to go and catch up to me.

Sometimes little things like that I find very amusing (smiles).


The Wrap reported that WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair will have a role in the wrestling-centric feature film R-rated dramedy Uncle Steamroller & Champion Rabbit.   The film follows a dejected Iraq war veteran who struggles to regain his pro heavyweight wrestling championship while being managed by a failed motivational speaker. Flair will play the president of the World Wrestling Union, a Las Vegas syndicate that owns the wrestling tour that is Steamroller attempting to stage his comeback.  Flair and his fiancée Wendy Barlow are executive producers on the film.

Flair also has a role in the upcoming film Easter which will see release this December. That film stars Glenn Close, Carl Weathers, Joe Leland and Reginald VelJohnson.   Flair will play himself in the film which has the following plot, "In an effort to save both his reputation and family, retired detective, Easter (Joe Leland), finds himself in a war pitted against the most formidable foe - hatred."

Flair has done some acting work in the past, but mostly cameos playing himself many years ago in projects like the syndicated TV series Learning The Ropes and Roddy Piper-Dirk Benedict film Bodyslam the Movie.