Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Want To See Another Episode Of WOS Wrestling Here In The States? Here You Go :)

Watch WOS S01E09 Season 1 Episode 10 9/29/18 – 29th September 2018 Full Show

Want to Watch An Episode of WOS Wrestling Here In The States? Here's A Way :)

You can thank me now, for showing you this. :)

Watch WOS S01E09 Season 1 Episode 9 9/22/18

Mikey Whipwreck Confronts his Student, Amazing Red-House of Glory Wrestling

ECW Legend, Mikey Shipwreck confronts the man he trained, Amazing Red after his turn and allegiance to "One About All" Anthony Gangone's the House of Gangone.

WWE Again Adds Matches That Aren't The 'Hidden Gems' They Claim They Are

So once again the WWE claims they're adding matches as 'Hidden Gems' to their network this week. And once again, I get to show you, how some of these aren't the 'hidden gems' the WWE claims they are. You'd be very surprised what 90 seconds on Youtube can come up with. HERE, are two matches that have been on Youtube for alittle while now, that WWE claims are 'hidden gems' this week.
WWWF @ MSG 08/01/1977 – Unpredictable Greatness
WWE Hall of Famers square off at The World’s Most Famous Arena when ‘The Unpredictable’ Johnny Rodz battles Carlos Colon.
Oh so you mean, THIS MATCH, that's already been available on Youtube for the last FOUR MONTHS, LMAO!
WWE Super Astros 11/22/1998 – When Stars Align
Before becoming an ECW and WWE mainstay, Super Crazy performed as Super Loco against El Hijo del Santo in this bout from Super Astros. So you mean, THIS ONE, from THIS SHOW, That's been on Youtube for TWO YEARS now, LMAO!
They micromanage every little thing in the WWE but yet, keep fucking up when it comes to this. Maybe someday someone there in the WWE will actually do some real research before making the company look like morons with this. because hey. WWE want to look like morons, I'll be more than happy to oblige it every time with this stuff. :) 

Update On Joey Mercury Court Appearance Today

Following an arraignment hearing this morning in Orange County, Florida, a trial date of 1/14/19 was set for Adam Birch aka Joey Mercury in one of the two current criminal cases against him in the Sunshine State.
In this case, Birch has beeng acused of allegedly using a credit card belonging to the victim to acquire $300 around 4/28.    There were two incidents which Mercury was allegedly involved in, both on 4/8.  The first incident took place, according to court records, in the Area of 1201 N. Lakemont Ave in Winter Park, FL between 9 AM to 1 PM and the second in the area 430 N. Orlando Ave., Winter Park, FL, between 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
Birch has been charged with Fraudulent Use or Possession of Personal Identification Information, Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card to obtain more than $100 in value, Grand Theft Third Degree and Petit theft. 
Court records note the State Attorney’s office has submitted they have a DVD of surveillance video, although the contents of the video are not disclosed. 
Today, a document was filed informing Birch's attorney that they have until ten days before the trial to inform the court of any specific alibi Birch has for the alleged crimes.
There is a case management conference on 11/14 and a pre-trial conference on 12/18.
Birch has also been charged in a similar case regarding alleged crimes that took place this past May, but in that case, has submitted proof he was not actually in the United States at the time and was touring Germany and Great Britain, wrestling and taking part in training seminars.  
In each case, Birch has plead not guilty and has demanded a jury trial.

Chris Jericho Appearance At King Of Pro Wrestling 2018 And Interview

USACW Episode 15 (Indy Group From West Virginia)

Editorial I found on how As Evolution approaches, WWE continues to fall short when it comes to presenting female wrestlers and its Women’s Division

The Undertaker Details Vince McMahon's Phone Call About Working For WWE

The Undertaker, also known as Mark Calaway, recently caught up with Fellowship Church's Senior Pastor Ed Young for an out of character interview on a number of interesting topics including getting the call from WWE Chairman Vince McMahon about The Undertaker gig, evolving his character over his long and storied pro wrestling career, and how he deals with attention from fans.
During the interview, The Undertaker recalled getting a call from McMahon about starting work for WWE.
"I got the call from Vince. The call was something like this. The phone rings. I pick it up. 'Hello?' 'Is this The Undertaker?' 'Undertaker? Yeah, this is The Undertaker.' 'Haha! Alright then. Can you be up here tomorrow?' And the next day I was on a plane. That was Vince, [he] called me. He had this character. The original character was based on an old western undertaker." Undertaker remembered, "at the time, people were just so enthralled with it because it was so different."
According to The Undertaker, his longevity can be attributed at least in part to his ability to evolve his character over the years.
"Trying to keep the character relevant for this long, you really have to keep your finger on the pulse of things because if you don't, what usually happens is before you realize you're stale, your audience [has] already moved on." Undertaker explained, "I never, like, once I got to the WWE and then, I kind of started to realize that we have something special with that character, I was never satisfied. I was like, 'we're here and we're getting a great reaction, but what's next?' I'm always looking down the road. Like, 'okay, I need something. I've got to bring something new to the table, but I have to stay true to what my fanbase and my audience, what they've accepted and this is what they want. But you have to figure out ways to keep it fresh, so you're watching what everybody else is doing and you're trying not to fall in because that happens so often in our business. Somebody will hit something and then everybody's trying to do the same thing."
On the subject of being approached by fans, The Undertaker admitted that it is difficult for him to blend in.
"Yeah, it's kind of hard to hide." Undertaker laughed, "it really is. It's tough, yeah. [6'9"] with sleeves. Even if people aren't [pro] wrestling fans, it doesn't take too many removals to find that person who knows wrestling. So normally, your size, 'oh, that's a big dude. I wonder if he plays football or something.' 'No, that's The Gravedigger.'"
Apparently, starstruck or otherwise fearful fans who send their unknowing spouses to meet him instead of going for themselves should not expect a selfie with 'The Deadman'.
"For years there, I sort of lived the character. It was this guy everywhere, right? [Points to poster of Undertaker in full regalia] Well, yeah. If they came up to me it would be different, but I did try to give them that aura of 'don't mess with him - he may drop you where you stand, right?'" Undertaker said, "it's funny, there are a lot of people that think that and they'll either send their wives or they'll send somebody that has no clue. And then, if I don't snap at them, then they come over, like, 'really? You send your wife over here? I'm going to take a picture with her, but I'm not going to take a picture with you because you need to man up a little bit.'"
Along these lines, The Undertaker is irked by people trying to hide the fact that they are photographing him.
"I hate, and I hate using that word, that's twice, but people that will do the old take the camera out and do the sneak pic. Like, the guys that are afraid to come up to you, so they'll like try to video you. And then, somebody else that has come up to me, 'hey can I have an autograph?' 'Absolutely! What's your name?' Then, the person that was trying to be sneaky is like, 'oh, he's okay. Oh, I'm going to go up to him.' I'm like, 'wait a minute! What about the 10 pictures you just took a minute ago?'" Undertaker later commented, "obviously, you want to treat your fanbase right, but people really, really assume and take a lot for granted. They're like, 'but I'm your fan.' And I'm like, 'I get that and that's why I show up to the towns where I'm booked and I work my tail off for you.' That's my obligation. I give it everything I have. At this point, however much I've got left, I give it to you. This is a bonus. You were lucky enough to come across me and I'll sign it, if you give me just a little bit of respect.".
With that said, The Undertaker stated that he is accommodating to fans except when his kids are with him.
"I try to be as accommodating as I can unless my kids are with me. I try to be as polite as I can, like, I don't want my kids pictures taken. I don't want them on social media. I'm really protective of that. And I normally say, 'look, my family's with me. Normally, I would, but I don't take pictures because it causes something' and most people understand that and respect it."

Kane And Tom Pritchard Opening Wrestling School (Updated, slightly)

Glenn "Kane" Jacobs and Dr. Tom Pritchard have opened a new wrestling school in Knoxville, TN in association with Bandit Wrestling. I'll have more info on this possibly later today. 

Here's a slight update thanks to Tom Pritchard's Twitter.


LeRoy Anthony Howard, who wrestled throughout the world as Navy SEAL, Rastaman, Terrance Black and Leroy Howard, passed away on Wednesday October 8th in St. Petersburg, FL after a long battle with cancer. 
After serving in the US Navy Leroy was trained at the Tampa Sportatorium by Jimmy Del Ray in 1991.
Leroy was a mainstay on the Florida Independent scene until his retirement in 2013 and was one of the cornerstones of IPW Hardcore Wrestling helping to put the promotion on the map. 
Leroy worked extensively for WCW and WWF mainly as enhancement talent and also had very successful runs in IWA Puerto Rico, BattleArts (Japan) and Germany. 
After retiring from wrestling Leroy earned his Master’s Degree from Webster University and worked as a counselor in his hometown of St. Petersburg, FL.