Wednesday, May 12, 2021

ECPW Adrenaline TV Episode (April 2021) Episode 2 

ECPW Adrenaline TV Episode (April 2021) Episode 1 

Terry Gordy promo and match against Cactus Jack. GWF, 1991


Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy cuts a promo on Cactus Jack prior to wrestling him in the GWF North American Title Tournament. 1991.

(updated 5-12-21 9:30 PM )AEW Fanboys Don't Like Seeing The Truth, Try And Brace A Staff Member Who Posted The Truth, And Get "Checked" For Their Troubles


What is it with the AEW fanboys? They see the truth, read it, but when they can't stand it they brace the guy who posted it. 

And what happens when they brace the guy who posted it? They get put in their place, almost instantaneously. 

This is what happens when they instead of staying quiet and moving along, they open their their mouths.

And sooner or later one of these clowns always try to claim that "Only 25" people, look at this site. When I post a screen shot that shows how dumb they are for assuming that. The silence afterwards always comes. 

THAT, is how you put someone in their place. And the staff here at Wrestling Past And Present have a long habit of putting fanboys and marks, in their place.

(UPDATE- 9:30 PM)

Just now someone else put one of these fanboys in their place. Poor "Jerry" couldn't handle the fact that I, owned him earlier today. So what happens when he tries against someone else? He fails just as miserably, LOL!

When all else fails, bring people's mothers into it.. That always shows they KNOW, they're getting their ass kicked and they can't do anything about it. 

Right after the guy who punked :"Jerry" replied with the answer about bringing his dead mother into it, what did "Jerry" do? He ran and hid behind a block, PROVING who the bitch really is, and why it's "Jerry". Jerry knew he was acting like a bitch and because he was getting 'treated', like a bitch. he ran and hid behind a block, LIKE a bitch.

How easy it is, to make these fanboys look like bitches I tell ya. 

And this, is how "Jerry" reacts when I punk him on the fact he blocked someone who verbally beat him down with ease. Proving he's a pujssy in every essence of the word. An internet pussy at best. 

Jeff Gaylord vs. Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy (till Duggan comes out). UWF, June 1986.


"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan stops a scheduled match between UWF Champion Gordy and Jeff Gaylord. Gaylord exits the ring to let Duggan take his place. Then Michael Hayes enters the ring to put a stop to this swap. Duggan has had enough of Hayes' mouth and he and Gordy end up in a slug-fest. Ted DiBiase rushes in to even the odds. UWF, June 1986.



WWE NXT referee Drake Wuertz (aka former Death Match performer Drake Younger) missed last night's NXT taping in order to attend a school board meeting  for the Seminole County Public Schools, arguing to the Superintendent that, despite the current COVID-19 pandemic, he should refuse the masking of children in the schools, claiming that the dangers of wearing the masks "outweighs" the dangers of COVID-19 and that by not doing so, he was going against the wishes of God. 

And Vince McMahon actually PAYS, this guy, to be an ass clown. Imagine that. 

Wuertz also argued against the wearing of masks to protect the health of the teachers in the classroom stating that in Seminole County, "God's country, we put the needs of our children first", citing a biblical verse that states it would be better for an adult to die by drowning than potentially "lead a little one to stumble."  He also argued that wearing masks in school assist predators who "wish to prey upon our children" and that by requiring children be masked, they have disrespected the wishes of the parents.  Wuertz also claimed that teachers would not be able to identify their own students if the students were forced to be masked.

Wuertz missing the taping last night followed a similar instance last week where Wuertz, wearing his WWE NXT gear while backstage at the Capitol Wrestling Center, took part in a Zoom call for the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners, arguing against the local mask mandate being used to protect against COVID-19, citing an online conspiracy theory that "child sex traffickers love COVID masks." 

Given that WWE has instituted a mask policy for those working for the company, Wuertz publicly arguing against masks while technically in the middle of his work day while wearing company clothing seemed to have turned the tide against him with some who had previously felt he had every right to his opinion, now feeling  he lost that right when he was expressing it on company time. 

And it shows what a hypocrite Drake is. 

Wuertz recently took to his Facebook page to defend his stance, writing, "My wife said some folks are apparently writing about our “Radical Views “. *Human Trafficking is modern-day slavery and we seek to eradicate it *Abortion is Murder and needs to be Abolished *Children in my community that are being forced by local government to wear masks for 8 hours a day against their parents wishes is abuse. We have a God-ordained duty to speak up for the ‘least of these’ and petition our magistrates to prevent harm upon children. If this is “Radical” then label me an extremist for Christ. Were not called to fit in with the world. Were called to serve God!…”We ought to obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29"

A number of WWE talents and staff have expressed concern for Wuertz's actions in recent weeks and a number have pointed to last night's speech as reason for the company to step in, with one source citing a "pattern of behavior that is becoming increasingly concerning." 

Whether WWE opts to address remains to be seen.

Better watch out, WWE "Creative" Might think this could mask for a 'good gimmick' for one of their shows, LMAO!

You can see him in action, here.


Jim Cornette on What WWE Thought Of AEW Blood And Guts 

The Godfather on USWA, Dallas Sportatorium, Jerry Lawler & "Over the Top" with Sylvester Stallone 

Alex Gracia vs Marti Belle (Mission Pro Wrestling)


See what happens when two of the biggest stars in women's wrestling collide. Marti Belle (as seen in WWE, Impact Wrestling, NWA) is making her Mission Pro debut. Her opponent, Alex Gracia (AEW, Ladies Night Out, NWA, ROW) makes her MPW return, looking for a big win. Event: Locked N' Loaded Stream: Title Match Network Date: May 1, 2021

Tom Prichard Full Shoot Interview with Hannibal 2021


Tom Prichard Full Shoot Interview with Hannibal 2021 Former WWE Tag Team Champion and Head trainer Dr. Tom Prichard of "The Body Donnas" and "The Heavenly Bodies" does a live fan interactive shoot interview with Hannibal!

Barbed Wire Atsushi Onita vs The Sheik 1992 05 02 FMW Wrestling 

A Guy Who Has No Experience In Formatting Shows, Is Formatting AEW And Showing Why He shouldn't Be Formatting A Damn Thing


Yes, THIS is what wrestling has come to. A billionaire money mark in Tony Khan, allowing someone who has no formatting experience whatsoever, to help format a so called "Major" promotion's TV show. 

It sure does explain why, the show looks and feels so shitty, that's for sure. 

But at least now we know (besides horrible booking, no logic, tremendous amounts of 'so selling', etc) why. Some oen openlky admits he's "Never done it before" is allowed to format the show, aahahahahahahaha.. 

You'd think with guys like Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, or even an agent like Dean Malenko, You'd have one of THEM, help format the show.

NNNAAA, why do that? That would make "so much more sense". but instead, let's let QT Marshall, who admits he has no experience at it, do it instead. 

YYEEAAHH, "That's the ticket", NOT!

Does anyone else besides me see just how STUPID, this idea is?

The answer among the AEW "Marks" and fanboys will of course be, a resounding "No", They don't see it or don't want, to see it. 

And here's exactly HOW, ol QT formats the show every week. This is so fucking laughable. And anyone in AEW who really thinks THIS, is a 'brilliant' idea or way to do it, is truly, very stupid. 

This comes right from, who posted QT's quote on how HE, and money mark Khan, ahem.. "Format" the show. 

You know QT sounds like a fucking moron with that explanation how they format the show, right? You can see by what he says that he has no clue on how formatting really is, and thinks this bargain basement amateur hour way of doing it is a 'great' (cough cough) way of doing it.

You can now see why AEW Dynamite is such a shit show. 

Take a billionaire money mark who has no clue at booking anything and shouldn't be booking anything, then add a guy who has no experience in formatting a show, put them together and you have the car crash called AEW Dynamite.

The fact these two inexperienced people are putting the show together shows you what a joke this really is. You can't make this kind of dumb shit up, you really can't. 

But hey, as long as the money mark keeps churning out those checks.. Let's just keep doing the stupid shit he wants.. Right? 

Keep getting those easy paydays while we can, eh? That the mentality there? 

Someday, someone with the true experience will have the balls to tell QT AND Tony Khan, that this product is utter shit. 

That day, won't be today.. Or any day soon because nobody wants to risk not getting that easy money anymore by telling the truth. 

At least I give you the truth and the truth is, someone who has n o experience in formatting and booking shouldn't be formatting and/or booking a fucking thing. 

Now, who do you think in AEW has the balls to tell THEM that? I'll wait.. And I'll be waiting a LONG time for someone there to get the balls to step up.

A VERY long time.. Because as everyone knows,. NOBOY there in AEW.. HAS, them kind of balls.