Wednesday, May 12, 2021

A Guy Who Has No Experience In Formatting Shows, Is Formatting AEW And Showing Why He shouldn't Be Formatting A Damn Thing


Yes, THIS is what wrestling has come to. A billionaire money mark in Tony Khan, allowing someone who has no formatting experience whatsoever, to help format a so called "Major" promotion's TV show. 

It sure does explain why, the show looks and feels so shitty, that's for sure. 

But at least now we know (besides horrible booking, no logic, tremendous amounts of 'so selling', etc) why. Some oen openlky admits he's "Never done it before" is allowed to format the show, aahahahahahahaha.. 

You'd think with guys like Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, or even an agent like Dean Malenko, You'd have one of THEM, help format the show.

NNNAAA, why do that? That would make "so much more sense". but instead, let's let QT Marshall, who admits he has no experience at it, do it instead. 

YYEEAAHH, "That's the ticket", NOT!

Does anyone else besides me see just how STUPID, this idea is?

The answer among the AEW "Marks" and fanboys will of course be, a resounding "No", They don't see it or don't want, to see it. 

And here's exactly HOW, ol QT formats the show every week. This is so fucking laughable. And anyone in AEW who really thinks THIS, is a 'brilliant' idea or way to do it, is truly, very stupid. 

This comes right from, who posted QT's quote on how HE, and money mark Khan, ahem.. "Format" the show. 

You know QT sounds like a fucking moron with that explanation how they format the show, right? You can see by what he says that he has no clue on how formatting really is, and thinks this bargain basement amateur hour way of doing it is a 'great' (cough cough) way of doing it.

You can now see why AEW Dynamite is such a shit show. 

Take a billionaire money mark who has no clue at booking anything and shouldn't be booking anything, then add a guy who has no experience in formatting a show, put them together and you have the car crash called AEW Dynamite.

The fact these two inexperienced people are putting the show together shows you what a joke this really is. You can't make this kind of dumb shit up, you really can't. 

But hey, as long as the money mark keeps churning out those checks.. Let's just keep doing the stupid shit he wants.. Right? 

Keep getting those easy paydays while we can, eh? That the mentality there? 

Someday, someone with the true experience will have the balls to tell QT AND Tony Khan, that this product is utter shit. 

That day, won't be today.. Or any day soon because nobody wants to risk not getting that easy money anymore by telling the truth. 

At least I give you the truth and the truth is, someone who has n o experience in formatting and booking shouldn't be formatting and/or booking a fucking thing. 

Now, who do you think in AEW has the balls to tell THEM that? I'll wait.. And I'll be waiting a LONG time for someone there to get the balls to step up.

A VERY long time.. Because as everyone knows,. NOBOY there in AEW.. HAS, them kind of balls.

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