Friday, July 12, 2019

My Story Concerning Meltzer Not Seeing What I Saw On Brian Cage... Struck A Nerve, LOL

For those who may have missed it here's the story I posted earlier on Dave Meltzer missing the obvious on his own posting of his "Daily Report" today.

I'll show the shots here as well. First here's the announcement from Defy Wrestling.

And here's the shot from Meltzer's web page.

But you see there's more.. Not only is Cage 'not too injured' to Work a street fight match against Michael Elgin a week before the DEFY shows he cancelled out of.. He worked for BAR Wrestling last night and is working for them again, TONIGHT!! Since proof is a mother fucker and I always have the proof, here's proof.

So the 'injured' excuse from DEFY on why Cage isn't appearing is weak at most. Especially when Cage is working elsewhere last night, tonight and a week from the DEFY shows. 

And now THIS.. Is where I struck a nerve. :)

Someone representing DEFY saw my story and trued to defend the 'injured announcement. But in the conversation gave me even more evidence that the announcement by DEFY was bullshit by telling me Cage was wrestling for BAR Wrestling. I mean how dumb was that? You try to defend the announcement yet give me more ammunition that validates what I wrote to begin with? What kind of idiot does that? Well... This idiot right here. Have a look.

And obviously what I wrote isn't as full of shit as this guy tried to claim because when I said to DEFY "I wonder what the fans who bought tickets will think knowing he's wrestling elsewhere,. but is ahem.. 'too injured' to wrestle for your company"?

THIS.. Was DEFY's response to that question.

Oh yeah, there's this last thing too. The clown that tried to defend the DEFT announcement but then gave me more to add to this story? Tried to slick and make a crack about how many 'followers' I have on Twitter (ASSuming that was my only platform. As you'll see, ever since I put him in his place. He's been silent.

Nothing like facts and proof to put a guy in check. 

Too bad we'll never know what the real story is. But seeing as I got blocked by DEFY when I asked about how the fans who bought tickets would feel.. Obviously it appears by their action of blocking me, there's something they appear to be trying to hide. 

Rhio Vs Jessica Light 7/7/19 | British Women's Wrestling

Two of the best new talents in British Women's Wrestling Rhio and Jessica Light go one on one. Hard Cam footage from Unstoppable Wrestling 7th July 2019.

Since Dave Meltzer Can't See The Obvious Here About Brian Cage, I'll Go Ahead And Show It For Him

What's wrong with this picture here... You see anything wrong? I sure do.. Meltzer sure is side stepping something that even a blind man can see here. Take a look.

Meltzer says Brian Cage has backed out of upcoming DEFT Wrestling bookings on 26 and 7/27 because of 'injury'..

BUT YET.. In the sentence right above he announces Cage is going to face Michael Elgin in a street fight at the Impact Tapings in Windsor on... 7/19...

SSSOO. If Cage is 'too injured' to wrestle for DEFY on the 26th and 27th.. Then how is it he's not 'too injured' to work a street fight match a week before the DEFY shows?

Makes you go, HHHMMMM..

Hard to believe that Dave Meltzer totally blundered on this.. Then again.. maybe it's not so surprising as he blinders on alot of things..
But maybe DEFY should be asking the same question I just did above.. If Cage is 'too injured' to work for them, how is it he's not 'too injured' to work for Impact a week before the DEFY shows?

HHMMMM.. I'd love to hear the answer to that.. And thanks Meltzer, you blundered again.. It was my pleasure to show.. What you obviously didn't see.. or maybe.. Didn't 'want' to see. 

Mat Memory- Jumbo Tsuruta vs Baron Von Raschke (All Japan January 20th, 1979)

Taped at the City Gymnasium in Tomakomai, Hokkaido on January 10th.

Mat Memory- AJPW - Dory Funk Jr. vs Blackjack Lanza

All Japan Pro Wrestling singles match - 1978.12.13

VCW - Ken Dixon vs. Caleb Konley - 06.15.19

Ken Dixon goes one-on-one with Caleb Konley in a match from the Norfolk Masonic Temple on June 15th 2019! Commentary by: Blake Chadwick

週刊WRESTLE-1 TV #118 2019.07.12

The Rise & Fall of The Filthy Club, Jack Sexsmith & Rob Sharpe | International Pro Wrestling (UK)

Follow the year long journey of The Filthy Club as Jack Sexsmith and Rob Sharpe dominate the tag team division of IPW, nothing can stop them.. except each other?

Capitol Wrestling - Episode 118: Homicide DEBUTS in Capitol Wrestling!

Colossal Mike Law has his back to the wall as he puts his number one contendership on the line against “The Notorious 187” Homicide!

Talk About "Phoning It In", LMAO! Vince McMahon Runs WWE SmackDown From The Phone

Vince McMahon was not backstage for this week's Extreme Rules go-home edition of WWESmackDown in Manchester, NH, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. However, Vince was constantly on the phone with officials at the arena, and he reviewed the script on the phone about one hour before SmackDown hit the air.
Triple H ran the Gorilla Position at this week's SmackDown while Senior Vice President Bruce Prichard presented the show to the other producers. It was said that Prichard began that presentation with a "rah rah speech" that reportedly came across as very transparent.

All Japan Pro Wrestling- 2019 Jr. TAG BATTLE OF GLORY 開幕直前会見

Couldn't Have Said This Better Myself.

I've tried to watch Impact and other than Tessa Blanchard. There's still alot of the 'silliness' that Don Callis swore he was gonna get rid of.

But.. As I keep saying, asking and watching him dodge this.. How can he get rid of it if he's the one now booking and writing the 'silliness'?


All Japan Video 7-11-19

DDT (Japan) Video 7-7-19

Mini Doc: Taking PROGRESS to Newcastle

In July 2019, PROGRESS went to Newcastle for the first time. For our own Glen Joseph, this was the realization of a seven-year ambition to bring his company to his home city.