It must be Amateur Hour over at "83 Weeks" as this video was uploaded pretty fucking horribly.
I mean seriously, how in the fuck, can someone think, uploading a video where the audio is off from the video was considered a "great idea" to do? When the audio comes before you see Conrad or Eric's lips move? it's a pretty obvious red flag that someone screwed up the uploading process here.
But of course, don't even TRY and fix it, or upload it again and this time do it CORRECTLY.. NNNAA, why would you wanna 'do that' for? That would make way too much sense, eh? "NNAA, we'll just leave the fucked up one up there, who cares if if it's screwed up, as long as it's up there that's all that matters".. is that the mentality?
If it is, then that's the logic and mentality? of a fucking moron.
In hope Conrad Thompson isn't paying the guy who fucked this up, cause if he did then you literally paid a fuck up, to fuck things up, LMAO! Maybe with all the money he's made by helping people "Save With Conrad" he can reach into his pockets and spend a few extra bucks to actually have someone upload these things the right way.
OR.. Maybe something like that is too much to ask..
You can see this for yourself, right here.
I also replied to this as well. Bet they won't even explain themselves, let alone even try and fix it.
Makes you winder if the sloppy lazy person who uploaded this, did the same thing to other clips? HHMM. I may just... Have to go see (smiles)
UPDATE 7-18-21 10;00 PM
WELL? I didn't have to look far to see another one.
This one here (screenshot provided) the promos they show again, audio is off as you can see the wrestlers leave the camera view BEFORE the audio of their interview ends.
I guess they really DON'T pay much attention when they upload these, do they (shakes head) Here's the link where you can see this blatant example of unprofessional sloppiness.
Something tells me I'll be adding more and more to this as the night goes on. Sad pattern of sloppiness but hey, as long as you can "Save With Conrad" who gives a fuck how these clips look, right? (rolls eyes)