Tuesday, May 12, 2020

NWA Powerrr | Super Power | Episode 21

NWA Powerrr returns with the season 3 finale with the "lost" episode called Super Power.  This episode originally was intended to run in the build up for the Crockett Cup but with the world circumstances that event had to be postponed.   NWA President William Patrick Corgan will update all the fans on what the future of The National Wresting Alliance is at the end of NWA Powerrr.

In Episode 21, Super Power, the main event pits Nick Aldis and Marty Scurll on opposite sides of a huge tag team match as Strictly Business (featuring Thom Latimer) faces Villain Enterprises (featuring Brody King)  in this huge inter-promotional battle between the National Wrestling Alliance and Ring of Honor Wrestling.

Legends of the NWA are in action as Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson of the Rock N Roll Express battle the NWA National Champion Aron Stevens (aka Damien Sandow) and The Question Mark. 

A special confrontation with top women in the National Wrestling Alliance. as Melina, Allysin Kay and the NWA World's Women Champion Thunder Rosa will all be at the NWA Powerrr podium together.

A huge battle of two former NWA World Heavyweight Champions that turned hugely personal.  Tim Storm battles Jax Dane in a No-Disqualification match.

Plus a special interview with The NWA World Tag Team Champions Eli Drake & James Storm who are joined by Eddie Kingston.

You'll see the latest edition of May's Diary starring May Valentine, Sal Rinauro and Royce Isaacs.

A special women's challenge match as Marti Belle, Tasha Steelz and Ashley Vox battle in a triple threat match. 

And the In-Ring Debut of Kamille plus her first ever interview.


Another Week Goes By And Yet, Another Idiot Has To Be Put In Their Place. (Way Too Easy)

You'd think they'd learn by mow that when you come at me, I'm gonna easily put their ass in their place. BUT.. No, people insist I go ahead and put them in check.. Like this latest example coming from a group on FB. Some morons just, never... learn.

I always love they claim nobody reads this blog and what happens when i check their dumb ass on it? Course they won't have the balls to admit they got checked, they have to try and find something else so they can attempt to redeem themselves from the fact they got checked, quickly, with barely any effort from me (the way it usually happens). So this idiot goes for this..

 Of course because he was too lazy to go see this and is part of this current era of dumb shits that are lazy and have to have things handed to them. I hand it to him and then you see how he quickly tries again, to redeem the fact he got checked, TWICE, in less than three minutes.  Then of course what does this moron do? Goes for the same thing everyone else always goes for, the same lame weak ass cop out excuse of "A duh, I was bored" that they always try and hide behind thinking it makes them look good, when in reality it just makes them look even more stupid. Why is it these assclowns ALWAYS reply the same way, with the same weak lame replies that doesn't help them at all?  can pull up other examples that I've posted here and every time.. It's the same tired, lame weak unconvincing excuses, every time when someone gets put in their place by me.. I keep asking when are they gonna make it an actual challenge coming at me.. I guess the answer will always be the same.. never.. They're just not capable of it..

See what I mean? I can post half a dozen different examples of me putting dipshits in their place and every single one.. Uses that same lame cop out of "DUH, I was bored, uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh" And it never works, even though they are too stupid, to realize that.

Like I said, they make it so easy for me to smack them verbally, and what's even more remarkable is this idiot Paul, was the one who made this post on FB to try and come at me, and winds up? Getting smacked left and right as a result.. Yes, people are just this stupid. This stupid, indeed.

Then he decides because he's gotten checked too many times, let's try bragging, like that's gonna impress the fuck out of me.. As you'll see by my reply.. it doesn't, LOL. Not, even close.

He's no Rich Palladino, that's for sure, LMAO.

Then of course he thinks he's made some 'earth shattering challenge' and after all the times he's gotten checked, THIS becomes the only thing he can hide behind thinking it's gonna get him over.

Bet he was really thumping his chest when he scraped this one up.. needless to say this was the best he could do after getting put in his place over and over again..

I'm sure he's replying some more and if there's other gems of stupidity on his part I think need to be added here, I'll add them. But as i titled this, Another week goes by, and another idiot has to be put in their place..

It really is, way too easy, knowing what kind of dumb fucks are on social media now.

UPDATE... !:00 PM.. Ol Paulypoo just deleted the post where all these screenshots came from, LMAO! I guess when it comes down to it, HE couldn't handle taking the lumps after he tried to come at me, and failed miserably, hahahahahahahahahaha..  That's usually the end result after I punk a guy out with ease, quickly delete what they started in hopes nobody would noticed he got punked and checked.. The screen shots say it all, he was and it didn't take a whole lot of effort to do it either. LMAO! Gotta love the dip shits that are on social media, I tell ya, LOL.