Update 2-13-25 4:00 PM
Just when you think this couldn't get any more Pathetic? Here's two more added to this story, now making it THREE 'journalists" from Wrestlinginc getting caught stealing from PWInsider's Elite paid subscription site. This is now a total of... SEVEN DIFFERENT STAFF MEMBERS at Wrestlinginc who can't get their own stories so they have to steal from PWInsider's Elite site. You just can't make this shit up, you really can't.
The new screen shot above for a, ahem.. "Journalist" at Wrestlinginc to blatantly admit he stole the story from PWInsider's Elite site. I can't believe someone can really be this stupid, BUT... Here we are.
Here's his little headline.
Click on the " "PWInsider reported in their Elite section link, and LLOOK, where it takes you.
Gee doesn't this look familiar, LMAO!
Oh, then we have this 'top shelf' journalist who has what will be my favorite when it comes to showing how you stole a story from a paid site. This one takes the cake, I can stop laughing at the stupidity of this.
Now click the "According to PWInsider Elite" link and... Well.. You get, this (smiles).
OOOHH WWWOOOW Look at the informative story over here at PWInsider Elite. "TONS" of info here, can't you see? LMAO.
Well I'm sure there WOULD be tons of information there, if you were an actual member of PWInsider Elite and could actually, SEE, the story.
Yes, some dumb ass over at Wrestlinginc actually thought it would be a fucking 'BRILLIANT' idea to post a link that brought you to this. Maybe, just maybe, he should just keep his 'brilliant' ideas to himself.
Four in one day and the day isn't over with yet. THIS is what Wrestlinginc continues to condone. "You steal it, we'll let you post it".
Sad that this, is how these 'marks' consider themselves to be 'journalists'. Just continues to prove me right, that they don't have what it takes to get their own stories. Is this on th applicationto work for Wrestlinginc?
"Can you get a subscription to a paid site like PWInsider Elite or Fightful Select and steal stuff for us? Yes? You're hired."
Sad sad, sad indeed.
Below is the story that started all this today.
Congratulations go out to Wrestlinginc 'journalist' Eric Mutter, for being so blatant on where he openly stole his latest story from. They just can't stop stealing over at Wrestlinginc, can they (smiles).
You would think that after not one, not two, but THREE different stories where 'journalists' (cough cough) at Wrestlinginc got caught stealing stories from paid subscription sites, that others working there would get the hint. Some have, but then, there's Eric Mutter.
Before we show you this latest blatant theft (proving these so called 'reporters' just aren't capable of coming up with their own content), let's refresh your memories, shall we?
Here's the three stories we here at WP&P broke about the thievery by Wrestlinginc staff (which apparently Wrestlinginc pays these people to steal stories from somewhere else).
I mean seriously, it's one thing to be openly admitting you blatantly stole stories from paid subscriptions sites, but AFTER, you get caught doing it you have another 'staff member' at the sight that got caught stealing, go ahead and steal a story, AAGGAAIINN?!
As you can see, they're really not that smart over there at Wrestlinginc, and since Wrestlinginc keeps allowing this, what does that say about HOW, they operate?
Here's the latest one thanks to the 'honesty' of Eric, who honestly admitted he stole his story from BOTH, PWInsider's Elite Membership site, AND Fightful Select (another place where you have to PAY, to be a member so you can see the story).
Now what happens when you click the "PWInsider Elite" link Eric put in his story?
uuhh oohh, uuhh oohhh, UUUHHHH OOOHHHH, DAMN what do you know, you have to be a PAID MEMBER in order to log in and see this story. MMM MM MMM, talk about showing openly where you blatantly stole your story from.
But wait, wait, there's more. What happens when you click the "Fightful Select" link Eric posted?
WWEEELLL WEELLL, what do you know, you have to be a PAID MEMBER here as well in order to see the story.
Nice Job Eric (sarcastic clapping), top notch 'reporting' on your part, five stars all the way (gives a sarcastic 'thumbs up').
So I guess the way it is over at Wrestlinginc is "you steal it, we'll post it".
Thankfully we here at WP&P doesn't have to do this kind of weak ass lame shit, we're better than that and always will be, guys like Eric Mutter and Wrestlinginc show us the example of exactly what, NOT, to do.
Isn't nice to know that Wrestlinginc actually pays people to steal stories from paid subscription sites?