Sunday, October 14, 2018

SICW: Highlights from Flash Flanagan vs Kowalski (from Sept. 2018)

in this main event title match from September 15, 2018, Flash Flanagan defends the SICW Classic Wrestling Championship against the 444 pound Kowalski.

Larry Matysik interviews Flash Flanagan (Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling)

Larry Matysik speaks with Flash Flanagan about his upcoming title defense following the brutal fireball assault by Steve Fender.

ROH Star Madison Rayne Enjoying Career Resurgence

Austin Aries “No Sold” Starship Pain and walked off giving Don Callis a fuck you as we Crown a new #ImpactWrestling World Champ #BoundForGlory


WWE Hall of Famer Tammy Sytch announced the following via her Facebook page:
I'm pleased to announced that I am taking bookings for my "Comeback/Farewell Tour 2018-19"...I am taking bookings for personal appearances, autograph signings, wrestling shows and party appearances for what will by my FINAL 9-12 months of appearances before I call it a wrap!   I am returning to school and leading life after next year as a 'normal' member of society with a private personal life.   28 years in this crazy business has been long enough!
Please direct any booking inquiries to
Please do not email for Skypes as I will no longer be doing them.  I appreciate ALL of your support over the past 28 years, and cherish every moment.  Let's Make America Sunny Again for this coming year!!
Also don't forget to follow my new FAN inquiries can also be sent there....Sunny-WWE Hall of Famer.

Former woman pro wrestler Magnificent Mimi Lessos who is now a stunt woman (NPR Story)

David Arquette Pulls Out Of Advertised Appearance

  • David Arquette pulled out of the Rise show this coming weekend in Berwyn, IL. He didn't give a reason but he did release s short video announcement. He said that his partner, RJ City, would be on the show doing a talk show. The show had been built around Arquette more than anything. The main event is Tessa Blanchard vs. Mercedes Martinez in an Iron woman match.

Some Various Indy Wrestling Results And Stuff

  • Appearing on 10/27 in Tijuana at the Auditorio is Mr. Aguila vs. Nicho vs. Pagano vs. Joe Lider vs. Masada, plus El Texano Jr & La Mascara vs. Maximo & Mamba and Daga & Puma King vs. DJZ & Andrew Everett.
  • Walter vs. Cody will headline for World Series Wrestling on 11/25 in Perth, Western Australia.
  • Melbourne City Wresting is running an all-women's show on 11/25 in Melbourne at Evie's Disco Diner.
  • AWS announced that Christina Von Eerie is injured. Prisciila Kelly,who was to face Von Eerie will now face Heather Monroe on their 10/20 show. They also announced Ray Rosas is off the show.
  • Dak Draper, the former NWL champion, who wrestled in NXT as Travis Tyler, debuted in a dark match at ROH Glory by Honor in Baltimore on Friday and has been training at the ROH Dojo. He was formerly under a WWE contract a few years ago.
  • Riot City Wrestling from last night in Adelaide, Australia: Brodie Marshall & Grim b Bulldog McKenzie & Marvel, Jeff Armstrong b Sadakone, Cadie Trie b Matty Wahlberg, Blair Alexis b Miss Fortune, The Parea b Millenials to keep the tag titles, Rocky Menero b Tyler Daniels-DQ, Adam Brooks b Garvin McGavin to keep the Intercommonwealth title, Adam Brooks won Riot City Rumble. 
  • NHPW on 10/27 in Perth, Western Australia with Saraya Knight appearing.
  • AAW from Friday night in Austin before 350 fans: Laredo Kid b Jason Cade, Curt Stallion won three-way over Paco and Stephen Wolf, Mat Fitchett & Davey Vega b Aaron Solow & Ricky Starks, Trevor Lee b Rich Swann to keep the Heritage title, Myron Reed & AR Fox b Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz, Andy Dalton won six-way over Ryan Davidson, Fuego del Sol, Barrett Brown, Kody Lane and J Serious,Kylie Rae b Thunder Rosa, Brody King & Jimmy Jacobs b Darby Allin & Sami Callihan, ACH b Eddie Kingston. ACH's mother was at the show and she slapped Kingston in the face.
  • Best in the West on 11/4 has a live TV taping in Downtown Fresno, CA at the Bitwise Hive with Chris Bey vs. Brody King for the Best in the West title and Funnybone vs. Tyler Bateman. The show is at 6 p.m.
  • Stardom on Saturday from Shinkiba in Tokyo: Hina b Rina, Hana Kimura b Starlight Kid, Mayu Iwatani & Saki Kashima b Leo Onozaki & Hanan, Momo Watanabe & Utami Hayashishita b Kaori Yoneyama & Ruaka, Natsu Sumire & Session Moth Martina b AZM & Konami, Kagetsu & Hazuki b Tam Nakano & Shiki Shibusawa, Jungle Kyona & Natsuko Tora d Bea Priestley & Chardonnay over 15:00. The last five matches were part of their tag team tournament. Hina and Rina are the twin younger sisters of Hanan.
  • Stardom from today in Tokyo at Shinkiba: Rina b Hina, Natsu Sumire & Session Moth Martina b Starlight Kid & Hanan, Natsuko Tora &Ruaka b Jungle Kyona & Leo Onozaki, Konami & AZM b Tam Nakano & Shiki Shibusawa, Hazuki & Kagetsu b Bea Priestley & Chardonnay, Mayu Iwatani & Saki Kashima b Momo Watanabe & Utami Hayashishita. All the tag team matches were part of the tournament. 
  • Eli Everfly & Delilah Doom vs. Joey Ryan & Keira Hogan (forming the tag team of Booty Call) have been added to the 10/17 Breastlemania Bar Wrestling show. The show will be a fund raiser for breast cancer research.
  • Combat Zone Wrestling from last night in Voorhees, NJ: MJF b David Starr, John Silver b Drago, Mitch Vallen b Conor Claxton, Gary Jay b Jake Parnell, Joe Gacy NC DeSeanPratt, Ruckus & Blk Jeez & Rob Zaccardi NC YDNB, Jordan Oliver b Eddie Blackwater to win the Wired championship, RSP b Mance Warner. Next show is 11/10 at the Colossal Sports Academy at the Coliseum. They also run 12/9 at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia for the 20th annual cage of death show. 
  • XICW from last night in Detroit at the Cobo Center: James Ellsworth b Willie Watts, El Ridiculoso won over Travis Titan, Jack  Price, Stills Kyle Maverick and Ashton Waganda to win the lightweight title, Mercedes Martinez b Heidi Katrina, Michael Elgin won Battle Royal to win the U.S. title, Jaimy Coxxx b Jimmy Jacobs to win the Midwest title, Dre Jacobs b Simon Grimm to win the Intense title, Michael Elgin NC Kongo Kong to keep the U.S. title, Gavin Quinn & Juntai won three-way over Homicide & Hernandez and Dave & Jake Crist, DBA b Malcolm Monroe III in a cage match.

Various notes on MLW

  • Stokely Hathaway is back and will be managing a top heel and working behind the scenes
  • Ace Romero debuts on their show in Chicago
  • Rafael Morfii, a promoter who has worked for a number of groups including WWE & TNA, is working with the promotion
  • Sammy Guevara will be Rush's debut opponent
  • They will have another special on Bein Sports on 10/26 built around Halloween and the spin the wheel match they taped in New York
  • Tommy Dreamer is in as an agent
  • Konnan is the head agent and running the locker room.
  • They are talking to Bestia 666
  • Puma King is now a regular
  • Jason Cade will be getting more of a push
  • They are scheduling a major event on 2/2
  • They have interest in Mance Warner
  • They are still working on bringing in Walter, who they've wanted for some time.


OTT Wrestling's Fourth Anniversary Show took place at National Stadium in Dublin, Ireland on Saturday.
- OTT Gender Neutral Champion LJ Cleary defeated Paddy M, Rocky Romero, Raven Creed, and Gino Gambino to retain his title
- OTT Tag Team Champions Kings of the North defeated More Than Hype to retain their titles
There was lots of local support for More Than Hype. The match started fast with a surprise set of dropkicks from More Than Hype, then moved to a brawl to the outside and then back in the ring. Kings of the North then took over until Nathan Martin went psycho for a comeback.
Darren Kearney locked in a half crab submission, but there was a referee distraction and Kearney was hit with a belt shot. The Kings retained with a roll-up. Good match.
- Hirooki Goto & Sean Guinness defeated Satoshi Kojima & Michael May
Lots of bread-related chants and some bread tossed into the ring due to Kojima being the leader of Bread Club. Goto and Kojima started with a nice technical exchange. May and Guinness then tagged in and did a series of acrobatic pinning attempts before Guinness appealed for silence and began a stinging exchange of slaps.
Goto noted this and tagged in, delivering his own version to a loud reaction. Kojima, not to be left out, tagged in and delivered about a dozen rapid fire comedy chops to Goto in the corner to a loud reaction. Kojima played very well to the crowd throughout, but Goto pinned May with a reverse GTR into a GTR.
There was a big reaction for Kojima at the end. There was bread tossed in the ring, May presented a slice to Kojima, and Kojima ate it in the ring to a huge pop.
Scotty Davis defeated Mark Davis
There were "let's go Davis/Davis sucks" chants to start. Mark played the big bruising heel -- and Scotty was the nimble technician. That included Mark holding the much smaller Scotty in a very long vertical suplex. They had a good, solid match. There was again some stinging chops from Mark, but Scotty won via submission.
Mark attacked Scotty after the match.
- The Gymnasties defeated Angel Cruzers & Jimmy Havoc
 A funny Angel Cruzers video segment aired at the start. They entered, then Havoc’s video hit and the crowd went nuts. The match started with plenty of plunder being employed outside the ring and then inside. The match hit a lull until Havoc brought out the thumbtacks, sprinkling them on the center of the ring. They did reversals of moves to avoid being slammed on the thumbtacks until one of the Gymnasties landed on them.
They brawled to the outside and onto the entrance stage. Angel Cruz headed backstage and returned with two light tubes, but he missed his strike and accidentally hit Havoc. The action returned to the ring, where Angel Cruz gave the Shield powerbomb to the Gymnasties with the aid of valets.
A bleeding Jimmy Havoc arrived, blasted Cruz with the light tube, and the Gymnasties got the win. Havoc then beat up Cruz in the aftermath.
- Tomohiro Ishii defeated KUSHIDA
Ishii is just great. Both guys got a huge reaction, and they had a very good match. A few slight botches turned into the story of the match with KUSHIDA targeting Ishii’s arm, so Ishii struggled to perform certain moves. There was amazing subtle selling by Ishii throughout.
Ishii toughed it out and won with a brainbuster.
Tetsuya Naito, EVIL & SANADA defeated Shane Strickland, Bandido & Flamita
Strickland, Bandido, and Flamita got a big reaction, but it felt like the roof almost blew off when LIJ made their entrance. Naito messed with the referee a bit to start, having him hold the ropes for him and then rolling in instead and slowly disrobing and squaring off to the ref before the opening bell.
The crowd reacted massively throughout. It started with an incredibly fast pace, with them doing lots of very nimble exchanges. SANADA tied up Flamita with a Paradise Lock into a dropkick. There was a "one more time" chant from the crowd -- and SANADA obliged. There was a second "one more time" chant -- and SANADA apologized and tagged in Naito.
They brawled through the aisle in three different directions at one point and Naito briefly opened an umbrella. Naito hit the Destino on Flamita and handed him over to SANADA, who locked in the Skull End for the win.
Naito grabbed Flamita's mask and wore it as a hat in triumph. Strickland appealed for its return, but Naito refused and they limped to the back while LIJ basked in the cheers.
- Minoru Suzuki defeated Timothy Thatcher
Suzuki entered to a huge reaction and a thunderous Kaze Ni Nare. The crowd was 100 percent behind Suzuki, who played the wily veteran to Thatcher's bigger grappler. They did several long exchanges of holds with Suzuki's experience coming out on top. They also did blistering exchanges of blows where it ended up with Suzuki leveling the larger Thatcher to a big reaction.
The finish was Suzuki hitting the Gotch piledriver. He left to cheers and another Kaze Ni Nare.
- OTT Champion WALTER defeated Will Ospreay to retain his title
A vignette played to start with Ospreay selling the match hard. Ospreay came out to a big reaction, and the crowd was very hot at this point. Ospreay attempted to avoid being controlled by WALTER. He kept the match at a rapid pace and avoided WALTER's chops until WALTER hit a mid-air one.
The match had consistent strong crowd reaction throughout. They did a huge number of standout spots, Ospreay went for a Rainmaker and WALTER no sold it, knocked Ospreay down, and did the Rainmaker pose to boos. WALTER went for a ripcord chop later, which Ospreay reversed into a Rainmaker, maintained wrist control, and went for another.
There was a false finish where it looked like WALTER pinned Ospreay, but Ospreay got his foot on the ropes and the ref restarted the match. Ospreay got two incredible near falls off an OsCutter and top rope powerbomb that had everyone on their feet counting. WALTER locked in a sleeper to Ospreay and they did the hand drop spot that Ospreay hulked up out of. WALTER ended up retaining to a chorus of boos. 
Ospreay had a bad landing, spoke to the ref, got up and hit a superkick, Ridgeway rolled through and got a choke and Osrpeay tapped immediately. Medics came to the ring and helped him to the back. An ambulance was there as well. We don't know that this wasn't storyline related but the impression of fans was that it wasn't.