Sunday, October 16, 2022

AWA Legends: Verne Gagne


By Bill Walkowitz

This is a show that aired on in 1999 on local TV in Minnesota with the car dealership that Greg Gagne was working at as the major sponsor. It had Greg and Verne hosting and showing clips of old matches and interviews of whoever that week's focus is. Nick Bockwinkel w/Bobby Heenan vs Verne Gagne - 5/10/81

Purpose Wrestling (UK): Laura DiMatteo vs. Skye Smitson


By Bill Walkowitz

Skye Smitson is personally handpicked by Ava White to face the undefeated Laura DiMatteo!

F1RST Wrestling: Don't Die Miles vs. Cole Radrick vs. Devon Monroe vs. Lee Moriarty


By Bill Walkowitz

Fatal 4-Way. 4-Corner Match. Call it what you will, it only takes one fall!

Championship Wrestling presented by Car Shield | 10.16.22


By Donnie Henderson

Ashley Vox & B3CCA talk smack back & forth after in-ring altercation! - Limitless Wrestling


By Donnie Henderson

MATCH: Delmi Exo vs. B3CCA

EVENT: #ChasingForever (9/24/22)

River City Wrestling: Are there problems between Ryan Davidson and Sheeva?


By Bill Walkowitz

T-Ray Watford tries to be a marriage counselor for Ryan Davidson and Sheeva after the San Antonio Rumble! Watch RCW: Forever now at

Buy tickets now to Nov 19 featuring Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake at

PWCI This Week - #345 The Last Marti Gras


By Bill Walkowitz

Today we head back to Manito, IL for more of The Last Marti Gras, tribute to Central IL Pro Wrestling Hall of Famer Big Pappa - in action two men who haven't wrestled a match in many years step back in the ring one more time as Justin Macintyre takes on Chris Hazard! And tag team action as The Dope Kings - Nick Brubaker & CJ Esparza have a street fight against The Phoenominal Kyle Rich & Robert Black!

OVW Weekend Episode 75


OVW Country Boy Brewing Kentucky Heavyweight Champion “The Veteran” Jack Vaughn defends the championship against “The Fanny Pack Kid” Kal Herro! OVW RUSH Division Champion “Certified” Luke Kurtis is in action against TW3! PLUS: “HollyHood” Haley J. vs. Jada Stone, Dysfunction and The Royal Family do battle and MUCH MORE!

OVW TV 1209 - "Cash Vs. The Cowboy"


By Bill Walkowitz

Ca$h Flo challenges “Cowboy” James Storm for the OVW Heavyweight AND National Championships! PLUS: Shaloncé Royal vs Tiffany Nieves, Dimes and Manny Domingo go 1-on-1 and MUCH MORE!

Reality of Wrestling TV: Episode 356



Tracey Moore vs Savage King Ayden Cristiano vs Shota — CASKET MATCH — Jp Harlow vs Izzy James

SICW All-Star Wrestling 10-16-22


By Bill Walkowitz

SICW All-Star Wrestling 10-16-22

Since Dave Scherer (PWinsider) Can't Post The Correct Link, I'll go Ahead And Show Him How it's Done

By Bill Walkowitz 

You really can't, make this up, you really can't. How some people can really be, this fucking dumb, is a story that writes itself. Special thanks to Paul Jenkins, Janet Owens, Frank Kizer and Adam Hernandez for sending to us here at WP&P. 

Dave Scherer in his Q&A today gave his opinion about Ariel Helwani being pissed at how Tony Khan wouldn't man up on certain topics in an interview. To try and further it Scherer 'attempted' to post a link to a YouTube video that allegedly was supposed to be THE interview Ariel had with Khan.

WELL? It wasn't, and you can see for yourself.

Here's a screen shot of what Scherer said and the 'attempt' at posting a link, which he couldn't even do THAT right (rolls eyes). 

There's no 'link' there, there's him pasting an address to the video but no direct 'link' to it. Guess Scherer needs to have someone post links for him for now on, eh? 

But here's the funny part, THIS, if you cut and paste that addy in another window, is what you'll get. 

AAHH YEP, sure looks like the interview to me, yesssssiirreee, LOL. Explain to me Daveboy, HOW it is that Khan, as you said in your answer on your Q&A, that Khan "comments at about 37 minutes", when this, is a five minute and nineteen second video? WRONG VIDEO, dumb ass. 

So since Scherer not only isn't capable of posting a link correctly, he can't even give the address to the correct video that was supposed to be in his reply, here.. You can leave it to us here at the site Scherer calls the 'bottom feeder site' to do what he obviously can't do on his own.

What happens when you click the link, the ACTUAL link I posted? OOHH lookie lookie..

My my, if it isn't the video that should've been in Scherer's reply. TSK TSK TSK. 

We may be considered a 'bottom feeder site' according to Scherer, but at least THIS, 'bottom feeder site' knows how to not only post a link correctly, but post the video that should've been in his reply.

Pretty sad when a 'bottom feeder site' can do Dave Scherer's job better than Dave Scherer, eh? (smiles)

Then again this is the same Dave Scherer that said this, on his own Twitter account.

Looks to me like he's still enjoying going thru life like that. (smiles)

Jim Cornette on His Comments About Bray Wyatt's Return Upsetting Some Fans


By Donnie Henderson

Jim Cornette Reviews DX's 25th Anniversary on WWE Raw


By Donnie Henderson