Consistently showing the most weekly Independent Wrestling shows, classics and more than any other wrestling news site anywhere. Nobody does it like WP&P does it, nobody
Since executive producing EmPowerrr, women's wrestling legend Mickie James has taken a special interest in seeing what the women's division of the NWA has to offer. In her latest appearance on Powerrr, she was challenged by Kenzie Paige, one of the National Wrestling Alliance's most promising prospects.
1. The Rock (MCW) promo
2. HHH with WWF title (with high. of Rock vs HHH X pac & Lawler run in. Memphis 12/13/99
3. Bill Dundee & Van Arden argue over commandership.
4. Jerry Lawler Int.
5. High. of Van Ardin on phone wit Al Keholic?
6. K Krush vs Yellow Jacket
7. Grandmaster Sexay & Joe C. /Bill Dundee/Van Ardin promos
8. Jim Neidhart vs Nick Barbari (WWF RAW 12/99)
9. Bill Dundee promo
10. Bull Pain Video cuts off
On June 25th AEW's Dante Martin (one half of Top Flight) & Nick Wayne clash at DEFY - YOUNG DESTROYERS. Recently Jim Valley caught up with Nick to hear his thoughts on the match. Click here for the replay of WILD ONES featuring Nick Wayne in trios action:
July 30th 2011 - Xtreme Valley Wrestling: From Wrestle Reunion VI, Doink the Clown takes on Chris McGraw (w/ Cookies & Col. Jonathan James) at the Sorg Opera House in Middletown Ohio.
WWN & Full Impact Pro Wrestling present All Or Nothing! 2022
Sunday, May 15th - Clearwater, FL - 7 PM EDT
ACW Heavyweight Championship Match - Last Man Standing! Anything Goes!!!
August Artois w/ “Superstar” Sean Davis defends vs. Lucky Ali
Tickets & Info at
#PrestigeRoseland 3
May 29th, 2022
Portland, OR
Streaming LIVE on at 7 PM PST
📢CyberFight Festival 2022
📅June 12th Saitama Super Arena
⭕7th Match NOAH 6-Man Tag Match
Rob Van Dam & Yoshinari Ogawa & HAYATA
Kaito Kiyomiya & Daisuke Harada & YO-HEY
This is the very first match that started it all and I had the very fortunate privilege of being able to see this from start to finish on both, the AWA as well as the World Class side as growing up in Chicago, we had both AWA AND WCCW TV on every week. This is always a 'go to' thing and I was so into this when this started. AWA World title vs WCWA World title. You'll actually see the TV station logo from Chicago that this match aired on as you watch this. At the time they featured a five hour wrestling block every Saturday night. For me this was a great time to be a wrestling fan.