Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Instead of changing their ring Impact Wrestling should work on this first.

Having a top title that looks like this sure makes your company look like shit. Just saying.

PWInsider reminds me why I'm glad I don't believe in paywalls on wrestling news sites

Who the fuck would want to "PAY", to see this? Most of this you can see elsewhere (including here) for free. So what idiot actually pays to see this, and why would they be that dumb?

Want some indy wrestling? Ok, how about this. Defiant Wrestling #4: Full Show

Streamed live on Jan 5, 2018
See the fallout following last weeks attack by IPW. See episode 4 of Defiant Wrestling FREE Friday at 8pm UK (3/2c

Ron Simmons vs. Hack Myers Plus: Ron Simmons vs. 911 (Mar 21, 1995) |

The Sandman on 911's Ego Destroying His Own Career

Raven on Why 911 Was Fired (Timeline ECW 1996)

The Sandman on Steve Austin's Brief ECW Run

Let me again beat PWInsider and The Observer with this. Jocephus and His Spiritual Advisor Shocking Actions Towards Tim Storm

Published on Jan 10, 2018
Jocephus and his spiritual advisor had made an offer from his period of contemplation to Tim Storm about the NWA Worlds Title situation. With Nick Aldis now in possessions of the Ten Pounds of Gold, Tim Storm's focus is split between the NWA Worlds Champion and Jocephus. It was Jocephus who cracked the ribs of Storm leading to his loss of the Ten Pounds of Gold at CZW's Cage of Death. The NWA had suspended Jocephus for his actions and the controversial brawler entered his 45 Day Period of Contemplation.

Ten Pounds of Gold -

Under the guidance of his spiritual advisor, Jocephus has begun a transformation and made an offer to leave his period of contemplation and fight Tim Storm but only if Tim Storm put up his rematch for the NWA Worlds Championship to the winner.

PODCAST RECAP AND REVIEW: E&C Pod of Awesomeness with Tommy Dreamer and Hurricane Helms on how technology has changed wrestling, protecting gimmicks in the modern age, how WWE kept Edge’s 2010 Royal Rumble return a secret

LOL. Someone at The Torch fucked up, funny as hell they didn't catch this.

Ten 'Rounds' of gold? LMAO! It's supposed to be Ten Pounds Of Gold. Yeah they're sure real bright over there at The Torch, I tell ya.

Former Impact Wrestling Title Holder On Why He Was Not Offered A WWE Contract

picture of new Impact Wrestling ring (yay, note lots of sarcasm here)

Well, I'm not a fan of this decision. BIG CHANGE AT TODAY'S IMPACT WRESTLING TAPING

I always thought that the six sided ring helped set them apart from everyone else.

The six-sided ring is no more at Impact Wrestling.

There is a traditional four corner wrestling ring set up at today's Impact Wrestling taping in Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios.

It should be noted that there are aprons with the Twitch logo on certain sides of the ring.  Impact has, as of this writing, not announced a deal with the streaming platform.  Twitch hosts House of Hardcore's weekly TV and live events and has hosted a number of other promotions including Impact partner AAA.

Today's taping, the first of six over the next six evenings, begins at 6 PM Eastern


Anthem Media's Ed Nordholm and Matt Hardy ran into each other while traveling for their respective companies today and in doing so, Nordholm turned babyface and joined Hardy's "Great War", which is hilarious for all the reasons you can think of:


WWNLive's Gabe Sapolsky will be signing an official contract with World Wrestling Entertainment as a consultant.  Sapolsky, 45, has been working on a handshake agreement with WWE for months, helping out specifically at the WWE NXT tapings.   We are told Sapolsky will retain his position and responsibilities with WWN and the EVOLVE promotion and this is seen as a growth in the relationship between WWE and WWN.

The deal puts Sapolky and long-time mentor Paul Heyman, technically, back under the same roof for the first time since the original ECW closed in 2001.   Before his current position with EVOLVE/WWN, Sapolsky was the initial booker for Ring of Honor and worked behind the scenes for ECW, including authoring the promotion's official program and heading up a Sabu Fan Club.

EVOLVE is running New York City this weekend with events in Queens and Brooklyn, which will stream at

EVOLVE 98 in Elmhurst, Queens at La Boom at 6 PM:

*EVOLVE champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Darby Allin.
*WWN Champion Keith Lee vs. EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Jaka (non-title)
*FIP Rules: FIP champion Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly vs. Fred Yehi
*Tracy Williams & Dom Garrini with Stokely Hathaway vs. Timothy Thatcher & WALTER
*Matt Riddle vs. AR Fox
*EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Chris Dickinson vs. The End in a "fight."
*Jason Kincaid vs. Jarek 1:20 with Candy Cartwright vs. two competitors to be announced.

EVOLVE 99 in Brooklyn, NY Sunday 1/14 at St. Finbar's at 7 PM:

*WWNLive champion Keith Lee vs. EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Chris Dickinson.
*EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. WALTER (non-title)
*EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Jaka vs. Matt Riddle
*Fred Yehi vs. Timothy Thatcher
*Darby Allin vs. Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly vs. Tracy Williams vs. Jason Kincaid
*Also appearing are Shane Mercer, KTB, Jarek 1:20 with Candy Cartwright, Wheeler Yuta and more.

Chaotic Wrestling date.

Chaotic Wrestling will be running Woburn, MA this Saturday 1/2 with CW Tag Team Champion Anthony Greene in a handicap match against The Maine State Posse and CW Women’s Champion Ashley Vox vs. Delmi Exo on top.

Great Muta to make rare indy appearance.

Legendary Japanese star The Great Muta will make a rare appearance in the United States on Friday 1/19 for PCW Ultra in California, teaming with Penta El Zero M to face Sami Callihan and Johnny Ultra (John Hennigan, adding yet another nickname to the list).

The event will air live on FITE for $14.99,  which you can download for free for your cell phone or mobile device by clicking here.    FiteTV can be streamed from your phone to Samsung Smart TVs and recently debuted a Roku channel as well. The app is HIGHLY recommended by yours truly and is free to download as well with tons of weekly free programming, including ROH's weekly TV series, Booker T's Reality of Wrestling and more.

Also scheduled for the event:

*PCW Ultra Tag Team champions Warbeast vs. Joey Janela & Jimmy Jacobs.

*PCW Ultra Light Heavyweight champion Douglas James vs. Ganseki Tanaka.

*Brian Cage vs. Alexander Hammerstone.

*Flip Gordon vs. AR Fox vs. Shane Strickland vs. Brody King

*Kikutaro vs. Mariachi Loco.

*ACH vs. Rey Fenix.


Absolute Intense Wrestling announced today that when Ray Rowe returns to the company to face Keith Lee on 1/19 in Cleveland, Ohio, it will be Rowe's final appearance for the company.  As had previously reported, Rowe and War Machine partner Hanson had been expected to sign with WWE and join the WWE NXT brand.

Rowe, 33, was broken into the business by Lou Marconi.  He and partner Hanson finished up with Ring of Honor at their most recent TV taping in Philadelphia last month and finished up with New Japan at the 1/5 New Year's Dash event in Tokyo.


As noted yesterday on, there were a number of rumors making the rounds in the wake of CWF Mid-Atlantic firing booker Brad Stutts with the fallout also hitting Modern Vintage Wrestling, another promotion that runs North Carolina and had at times, run the same market, Burlington, that is home to CWF.  We noted yesterday that MVW canceled their scheduled 1/20 event in the wake of Stutts CWF firing as a  number of talents that worked for both promotions announced they were pulling off.

In speaking with today, MVW's Charlie Armstrong  claimed that the decision to cancel the show was made the same night Stutts was fired by CWF as he realized the wrestlers were going to be put in between the two promotions.  There are others who have diputed that account and it should be noted that no official announcement of the cancellation was made prior to talents announcing they were going to pull off MVW.  That said, Armstrong provided PWInsider with a screenshot showing that at 2 AM this past Saturday, he began canceling talents and that does fit with his timeline.

Armstrong has been the subject of a lot of conversation over the last several days, including rumors of alleged illegal activity, leading to him releasing the following statement on his Facebook page:

"In the past several days, there have been many rumors about me circulating among the wrestling community. Although none of these rumors have been made public on social media, they have the same impact on my reputation as if they were. Most have been hurtful and without any proof. The persons who started these rumors did not have the courtesy of speaking to me directly as a man, but rather spread unfounded gossip like a 13-year-old girl. Despite this, I did try to reach out in a mature manner, but unsurprisingly this fell on deaf ears. This situation is out of control and has affected my personal and professional life. These people are trying to ruin my reputation and the relationships I have formed in my business. They are giving people ultimatums to not associate with me or they will be blackballed in wrestling. This is slander and my sole purpose here today to clear the air.

I am not a dishonest person and have always been upfront with who I am. Yes. I do have criminal past. During my 20's I, like many other people, I did not make the best decisions and landed myself in prison. Why am I telling you this? Well, the persons slandering my name are spreading incorrect information. I am guilty of the serious crimes of burglary and writing bad checks, during a period of my life when I was struggling with drug addiction. I am not guilty of the heinous crimes these people are saying. It is completely fiction and despicable that someone would accuse someone of this with no proof. I'm not making excuses for my actions, but since 2010 I have not been involved with any illegal activity. After I served my time, I have transformed my life. I gained employment and worked to save to start my own business. I work every day towards building my business as well as maintaining employment working as a sales consultant with a satellite company. I maintain insurance on my business and I am fully licensed. I live my life on the straight and narrow every day, so I better myself from the person I used to be.

Now that I have stated the truthfulness to this gossip, most of the claims against me are completely false. I am not the type of person who spreads gossip. I am not here to say what is true or not, just to say I was not involved. There is no way to defend myself with lending some information, however, I am not saying anything these people are spreading is 100% accurate in any way. I work in a business where sometime people have their own agendas for saying and doing things to maintain their status and get ahead. I am sure that for all persons involved in the start of this gossip this is true for all of them.

I have come to learn from several credible sources, the reason for my supposed involvement. This company and myself have both employed Brad Stutts as a booker and announcer. I also have maintained a close friendship with Brad over the past few years. This company has accused Brad of things I am not going to be specific on, but have basically they accused me of the same behavior because of our relationship. I am here to say I had no knowledge of any of this before the rumor had gotten to me. The person who started this rumor did not have any proof that I had any involvement, so the went looking for something to expose about me. They dug into my past and spread my mugshot to people and said I was involved in these heinous crimes I spoke of before. This was none of their business and had nothing to do with the situation. My criminal history is public and not something I hide. It is, however, something I don’t go around telling everyone. In my opinion, the past is in the past. I just try to be a better person and learn from my mistakes.

As far as the accusations made against my friend, Brad Stutts. I am not going to say they are true because I do not know. There are three sides to any story as the saying goes. I do wish him well and hope he finds some peace in all of this. He has resigned from my company and has moved on. I made the decision to cancel my show on January 20th as a professionally courtesy. It wasn’t because I was forced to, but because I felt it the right thing to do to ease some of this drama that has ensued between myself and this company. I don’t think it is fair to involve any of the talent’s livelihood or force them to pick sides. I met with one of the owners of this company yesterday and had a great meeting. We both agreed to go our separate ways and wish each other the very best and he thanked me for my professionalism during our relationship.

In conclusion, I just hope this matter will be put to rest and everyone to move on. I believe everyone makes mistakes in life and deserve a second chance. I believe this because I know what it is like to make mistakes in life and to make them right. I took my second chance in life and made something of it. I did this with hard work and sacrifice. I did not take the easy road and did things the right way. I just want to thank everyone for their continued support and wish everyone the best in life."

In speaking with this morning, Armstrong stated that any issues that led to Stutts leaving CWF Mid-Atlantic were completely separate from his relationship to Stutts and that whatever alleged behavior CWF felt required them to cut ties with Stutts was not behavior Armstrong was involved with nor had any prior knowledge of before Stutts' CWF firing.  Armstrong said he and Stutts remain friends but Stutts opted to resign his post as the MVW booker.

Armstrong also stated he felt a lot of the issues stemmed from jealousy of Stutts and others getting opportunities outside of CWF Mid-Atlantic through his dealings.  He said that he's attempted to make contact with CWF's Jeff Rudd to clear whatever issues may stand between them but has not heard back.  Armstrong also said he was personally hurt by people assuming rumors were true without reaching out to him for his side of any story that is floating around..

In regard to rumors of current illegal activity on his part, Armstrong provided with a copy of his company's LLC and federal tax ID number, noting that if he was willing to go through the process of creating and building his company the right way, he wasn't going to risk it by doing something illegal.  "If I did that," Armstrong said, "The entire house would fall,"   Armstrong also stated that while he did cancel 1/20, "canceling one show was not canceling an entire company" and that he intended to run Modern Vintage Wrestling going forward. has been told Stutts has told several he is done with professional wrestling and is moving on with life, focusing on his family and moving forward.  Stutts has declined to speak to

In the midst of all this, CWF Mid-Atlantic returns to the Sportatorium in Burlington, NC this weekend.


It appears we have the date of the long talked about self-financed Cody Rhodes and Young Bucks promoted live event.  All three began pushing the date 9/1 with the term "I'm All In" today on social media, leading fans to a Twitter account using the same name, so that appears to be the target date for the event.

A few wrestling news sites (Including this one) had previously reported the trio were targeting the Chicago area for the event, which would be especially eventful is the trio could get former WWE champion CM Punk on board.  Punk has not shown any interest in professional wrestling since departing WWE in 2014, but Matt Jackson has noted that Punk made it clear if he was ever interested in doing something, it would be related to the Young Bucks.

What is interesting about the 9/1 date is that it would likely preclude the expected involvement of WWE's Daniel Bryan, who's current deal is slated to expire later that month.  However, it would not prevent any announcement of a second date promoting a return with Bryan appearing, potentially returing with a huge draw for show number two.

The goal behind the event is to draw an independent crowd in the area of 10,000, an idea that was sparked when The Wrestling Observer's Dave Meltzer stated he did not believe it could be done, leading Rhodes to say he wanted to take on that challenge.