Friday, August 17, 2018

Jim Cornette Congratulates ROH for Selling Out Madison Square Garden

From The Jim Cornette Experience Podcast #245 - Jim congratulates Ring of Honor for selling out Madison Square Garden some 8 months in advance, as well as revealing who deserves credit for ROH's recent success.

Like old tile old school Mid- Atlantic Wrestling? Check this out then.

Check out Evan Ginzburg's Blog.

Evan is a producer of the movie "350 Days" and former editor of Wrestling Then and Now. A newsletter I was once for.

USACW Episode 8 - USA Championship Wrestling Episode 8 (this company is based in WV)

Wrestling At The Nashville Fairgrounds May Soon Be Gone.

There is some talk in Tennessee regarding adding to the ballot a measure where they would vote on building a new stadium for a Major League Soccer team. The stadium site would be the site of the Fairgrounds in Nashville, which, if it goes on the ballot and passes, would mean the end of the legendary wrestling arena.