Sunday, March 4, 2018

For people on Facebook, here's acouple groups you might like.

WWA from Kentucky.

AWA Supreme out of Madison, Indiana.

3/3 ROH Manhattan Mayhem VII report: Live coverage including Bullet Club vs. The Kingdom & Shane Taylor in Ultimate Mayhem, Cody vs. Gordon, CMLL stars

Dangerous Danny Davis On His New Book, Working WrestleMania 3, Heel Referee Angle

Today The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling welcomes former WWF Referee turned WWF Superstar as Dangerous Danny Davis joins the show. Discussing his Kickstarter campaign to help fund the release of his autobiography "Mr. X: The Story of Dangerous Danny Davis, the "Dangerous" one shares with Chad and John the struggles he faced as a youth and how his book can serve as a guide for similar children today who may need a little reassurance and positivity in their lives. We also cover the wrestling career of Davis that saw him rise through the ranks of the WWF and what eventually lead him to the much remembered "heel" referee angle that fans still fondly recollect today. His Kickstarter campaign can be found at this link.. The full podcast episode can be downloaded at this link.

Reliving his tough childhood while writing his book:
"Nobody likes to look back and relive (as you pointed out) your past because it is over. I tell people who knew me then and people who know me today or during my wrestling career that the Danny Davis that you knew is dead. He exists no more and is only in my past because I have done things in my life that I had only dreamt of and I achieved my dreams and now look at me, it wasn't easy. To live a dream is very lonely thing and it is hard to sacrifice and it is not an easy path but it can be done and when you achieve those dreams there is no feeling like it and there is nothing like it. Here I am after wrestling and all my other things I've done writing a book. I am writing a book to help other people and give back to the fans that supported me throughout all these years and that helped me in my career and stuff like that because the fans are the people that put these wrestlers over."
The "heel" referee angle:
"It was so great and it was so wonderful. The people in the ring that you were working with were so helpful and they all knew and they felt it and it was a great time that I enjoyed every minute of from the beginning to the end. It is like anything else where the first time something is done it is spectacular and when people try to do it again it may be good or it may be great and it may even be entertaining but it will never be duplicated and you can never do it twice and get the same reaction. What we did was never done before or gone that far with and we took it from an idea and developed it into something. I didn't do it alone and I will not take any credit for that there were some key people involved in it including all the wrestlers, all the referees, promotional people, Vince McMahon all had a part in it and just guided me along. It was a natural thing for me to be a wise guy and it took me back to my street kid times because I can be a bad guy if they wanted or I could be mean and rotten or act like a tough guy and be whatever they wanted me to be I could do it and that is what opportunities opened up for me and I took advantage of them and we went with it and it was very successful."
Working WrestleMania 3 alongside The Hart Foundation and Jimmy Hart:
"When we walked out there into that Silverdome and we had been looking at it on monitors in the dressing room obviously but when we walked out there and were actually in that ring it was (I don't know how to say it) there were just so many people I just said where did they all come from? What a successful promotion this is and we are apart of it. I said to Jim (Neidhart) and Bret (Hart) can you believe we are part of this? They just laughed and were trying to be cool but they were as excited as I was to be a part of this event that as the kids would say is awesome. That is the only word I can use to describe it."

Reflecting on colleagues lost through the years:
"It is like a family member dying. There are always in your hearts and that is gonna live because I think of the good times and I worked with them all as Mr. X and I remember that in Providence, Rhode Island we had a Royal Rumble and I worked with all of the guys. To see them pass away and be gone it is like as I said a family member dying. But you look back on it fondly and you get a smile on your face when you think about it and that is the bad part of life that people don't live forever and you lose some of the greats and you lose some good friends and they are like family members because you live with them for all of those years on the road, working with them, eating with them, sleeping with them, going overseas, flying with them and everything."
Working with top talent:
"I enjoyed every night and I enjoyed being there and getting dressed and doing it. WrestleMania will always be my top pick and I love to watch that but as Mr. X the guys I worked with the likes of Bruno Sammartino and his son and to me I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that I was in the ring with Bruno Sammartino and to think about that. That is one of my top ones but also The British Bulldogs as Mr. X because they used to really be (as we say in the business) snug with everyone especially Tom (Dynamite Kid) was a really stiff guy to work with but I enjoyed it and I endured it."




After qualifying for this year’s Commonwealth Games Scottish wrestling team last month, ICW professional wrestler Joe Hendry has today called out Australian UFC Middleweight Champion Robert Whittaker. The pair join their country’s freestyle wrestling teams under the 97KG category, with the possibility of facing one another at the upcoming Gold Coast Games, starting April 4 in Australia, depending on the draw.

Speaking live on BBC Radio Scotland’s Sportsound radio show, Hendry said:

“What kind of athlete would I be if I didn’t call out the top guy?! I am calling out UFC Champion Robert Whittaker. He’s the toughest guy in the world, it’s going to be a tough day at the office. If a professional wrestler can beat a UFC champion of the world it’s going to result in a very interesting situation. Beating Whittaker is as important as bringing a medal home for me.”

While Australian native Whittaker will be the first active UFC Champion to compete in the Commonwealth Games, Hendry is the latest professional wrestler to follow in the footsteps of household names like Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar, who found success in both amateur and Professional wrestling. Hendry’s entertaining entrance videos alongside his ring presence and athleticism are part of what makes fans love him.

Hendry has assured everyone he will be all business come the Commonwealth Games:

“Make no mistake about it, we are proving that professional wrestlers are elite athletes.  End of story. I’m doing this for the people I love, my fans and the hard working professional wrestlers who put their bodies on the line up and down the country for your entertainment.  Let’s do this!”


Last night's Manhattan Mayhem stream was said to have been excellent for Ring of Honor's Honorclub.   The show is already available for VOD.

ROH did announce at the beginning of their broadcast that Socal Uncensored would not be appearing on the show due to flight issues.  They did not, to the best of my knowledge, announce it to the live crowd.  ROH obviously scrambled the show a bit to reconigure plans.   The Kingdom did an excellent job in stepping in and one thing that really stood out to me last night was how much Matt Taven has grown as a personality and promo since the group was built around him. 
Another thing that is readily evident is that as a character and personality, Cody Rhodes is doing the best work of his career.  He had the crowd reacting to everything he did, every tease and every comment, in a way that only top stars get.  He's really tapped into something and if you haven't seen his work since he departed WWE, you'd be shocked at how much he's grown.

The CMLL stars missed the pre-show meet and greet as Ultimo Guerrero got caught up in customs for a lengthy period of time when they arrived in New York City.  Despite all that, he still helped tear the house down in his tag match with Jay Lethal vs. Dalton Castle and Volador Jr.   The talents showed up at the Hammerstein Ballroom about five minutes before Soberano Jr. went to the ring to face Punishment Martinez, which was likely a factor in why that match didn't click.

I don't know that this was by design, but Adam Page's balcony moonsault was about a foot to the left of where Super Crazy did his at the ECW One Night Stand PPV back in 2005.

During intermission, ROH Honorclub streamed a great Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe match from the archives.  Great way to keep the audience at home entertained while you are selling merchandise and giving the live fans a breather.

Jonathan Gresham said last night he is cleared to return to the ring.  His work has been great of late.

ROH officials are thrilled with the advance ticket sales for the Supercard of Honor event in New Orleans, which will easily break the promotion's attendance record.

As noted last night, ring announcer Bobby Cruise has signed a new two-year deal with the company.

ROH had a new logo shirt as well as new shirts for Dalton Castle, Tenille Dashwood and The Young Bucks on sale last night.

ROH returns to PPV this Friday 3/9 for their Anniversary PPV in Las Vegas:

*Jay Lethal challenging Dalton Castle for the ROH World Championship

*The Briscoes challenging The Motor City Machine Guns for the ROH Tag Team Championship

*Matt Taven vs. Cody Rhodes.

*Flip Gordon vs. Hiromu Takahashi.

*Punishment Martinez vs. Marty Scurll.

*The Hung Bucks (The Young Bucks & Hangman Page) defend the ROH Six Man Tag Team Championship against SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) in a Vegas Street Fight.

You can get information on the event by clicking here.


Rey Mysterio is believed to have suffered a torn bicep during the main event of Northeast Wrestling's Wrestlefest in Waterbury, CT this past Friday, PWInsider has learned.  In that bout, Mysterio teamed with Flip Gordon against Joey Mercury and Caleb Konley.

Some sources reports on the match: "I wouldn’t call this the smoothest encounter I’ve ever seen, but as far as building heat to a hot tag, then building heat to an even hotter tag that lead to an explosion after the finish, this was effective.  Rey is a superstar for a reason, and Flip is building his way to eventually becoming one.  Flip benefited greatly from being in there with him.  The finish saw Rey hit a double 619, followed by a top rope splash on Konley for the win."

It should be noted that as of this writing, the injury has not been confirmed as Mysterio was going to have it examined upon his return home to California.  Mysterio's arm was a little swollen after the bout, but he was not holding the arm backstage after in a way that was obvious there was a major injury.  We are told Mysterio pretty much rushed to leave the building after the match.

The potential injury is believed to have occurred in the final minutes of the bout, so it should be interesting to see what the tape of the match reveals when it is released online by Northeast Wrestling.

The sad timing of the potential injury is that, according to WWE sources, Mysterio was originally slated to meet with Triple H at WWE HQ in Stamford, CT prior to the NEW event to try and lock down terms of a new contract with the company.  The meeting was postponed after HHH was needed to go to Saudi Arabia to finalize a new contract there that would see WWE locked in to produce live events in that country over the next decade.

Mysterio had been on WWE's radar since his surprise return at the Royal Rumble in January, which easily received the biggest reaction of anything on the show up until that point.  That opened WWE up to signing a new deal with Mysterio, where before, previous talks had stalemated over Mysterio wanting a part-time deal and WWE management insisting on a full-time return. 

Mysterio is also slated to wrestle Jushin Liger at the 3/25 New Japan Pro Wrestling "Strong Style Evolved" event in Long Beach, CA.

Now, all of that is up in the air until Mysterio gets this potential injury diagnosed.


Tammy Sytch remains incarcerated in Monmouth County Correctional Facility in New Jersey.

An official at the facility has stated that Sytch will be held until authorities in Pennsylvania arrive to extradite her back to Carbon County, PA, where she is a wanted fugitive for violating the terms of her February 2017 parole. 

Once that situation has been resolved, Sytch will also need to be returned to New Jersey to face new charges that she has racked up in 2018, including two new DUI arrests.