Sunday, March 4, 2018


Last night's Manhattan Mayhem stream was said to have been excellent for Ring of Honor's Honorclub.   The show is already available for VOD.

ROH did announce at the beginning of their broadcast that Socal Uncensored would not be appearing on the show due to flight issues.  They did not, to the best of my knowledge, announce it to the live crowd.  ROH obviously scrambled the show a bit to reconigure plans.   The Kingdom did an excellent job in stepping in and one thing that really stood out to me last night was how much Matt Taven has grown as a personality and promo since the group was built around him. 
Another thing that is readily evident is that as a character and personality, Cody Rhodes is doing the best work of his career.  He had the crowd reacting to everything he did, every tease and every comment, in a way that only top stars get.  He's really tapped into something and if you haven't seen his work since he departed WWE, you'd be shocked at how much he's grown.

The CMLL stars missed the pre-show meet and greet as Ultimo Guerrero got caught up in customs for a lengthy period of time when they arrived in New York City.  Despite all that, he still helped tear the house down in his tag match with Jay Lethal vs. Dalton Castle and Volador Jr.   The talents showed up at the Hammerstein Ballroom about five minutes before Soberano Jr. went to the ring to face Punishment Martinez, which was likely a factor in why that match didn't click.

I don't know that this was by design, but Adam Page's balcony moonsault was about a foot to the left of where Super Crazy did his at the ECW One Night Stand PPV back in 2005.

During intermission, ROH Honorclub streamed a great Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe match from the archives.  Great way to keep the audience at home entertained while you are selling merchandise and giving the live fans a breather.

Jonathan Gresham said last night he is cleared to return to the ring.  His work has been great of late.

ROH officials are thrilled with the advance ticket sales for the Supercard of Honor event in New Orleans, which will easily break the promotion's attendance record.

As noted last night, ring announcer Bobby Cruise has signed a new two-year deal with the company.

ROH had a new logo shirt as well as new shirts for Dalton Castle, Tenille Dashwood and The Young Bucks on sale last night.

ROH returns to PPV this Friday 3/9 for their Anniversary PPV in Las Vegas:

*Jay Lethal challenging Dalton Castle for the ROH World Championship

*The Briscoes challenging The Motor City Machine Guns for the ROH Tag Team Championship

*Matt Taven vs. Cody Rhodes.

*Flip Gordon vs. Hiromu Takahashi.

*Punishment Martinez vs. Marty Scurll.

*The Hung Bucks (The Young Bucks & Hangman Page) defend the ROH Six Man Tag Team Championship against SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) in a Vegas Street Fight.

You can get information on the event by clicking here.

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