Thursday, September 20, 2018

Dave Meltzer Isn't Capable Of Posting Links Correctly, SSOO. I'll Do It For Him Here.

Since Dave Meltzer is incapable of properly posting links to things correctly (Pictures show the story, and what happens when you post the links HE posted). I'll go ahead and give you the proper links. Because I, unlike Meltzer actually CAN post links correctly. :)

Indy Show In Germany Draws Only 70 Fans? Someone Needs Lessons In "promoting" A Show.

Boy did somebody do a real shitty job 'promoting' this show, LMAO! And yes, I can and HAVE done better locally promoting shows so there's your answer before you can ask the question.
Juventud Guerrera and 2 Cold Scorpio were in Germany last week for the German Hurricane Wrestling in Gernsheim, Germany. The show only drew 70 fans.

CWL In Detroit Needs A Better Marketing Strategy Than This Lame Shit.

Buy four tickets and get a picture taken with a referee and a 'replica' belt? (whirls finger) whhoopiiee, can't these people do better than that?
The new CWL promotion in Detroit which starts on weekly local TV on 9/29 seems to be having trouble selling tickets. Earlier this week they offered to anyone that buys four tickets a chance to get your picture taken in the ring at a show with a referee and a replica belt. Earlier they were giving away a free CWL T-shirt with the purchase of two tickets.
'GEE', just what I always wanted, a picture with a referee and a 'replica' belt, woo hoo, let me just 'rush right out' and get four tickets.. NOT!

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Worldwide #166

Michael McAllister vs Ethan Alexander Sharpe Aric Andrews vs Keith Mac 2nd Round Weaver Cup: Cain Justice vs Donnie Bitdon Aaron Biggs & Mike Mars vs Montana Black & Snooty Foxx

Billy Ray wins an Indy Wrestling Title.

WWE Hall of Famer Bubba Ray Dudley recently won the PPW World Heavyweight Title. Ray defeated former champion Evander James at Pennsylvania Premiere Wrestling's 5th anniversary show in Hazelton, PA over the weekend. The No DQ match featured ECW Original Mikey Whipwreck as the special referee. James had just won the title earlier in the night by cashing in his Golden Briefcase on Sean Carr, right after Carr won the title in a six-man Scramble. Below is a photo of Bully Ray with his new title: