Monday, October 28, 2019

AIWF Mid Atlantic Wrestling- Midtalantic 401

After the Sneak attack on our last episode, James Anthony gets his hands on Josh Strong, and in our main event Mickey Fulp has issued a open challenge, who will step up.

Mat Memory- Another Pro Wrestling Forever (All Japan) Video

Terry Gordy & Dr. Death Steve Williams vs Dory Funk Jr. & ?

Stan Hansen & Danny Spivey vs The Black Hearts

And more..

Mat Memory- Pro Wrestling Forever (?) (All Japan Video)

All Japan video featuring..

Stan Hansen & Danny Spivey as a tag team vs Doug Furnas & Dan Kroffat

Japanese six man tag match and more.

Here's A (Now Deleted) Tweet I Bet Jordan Myles Regrets Making..

I bet he's made quite a few friends and gained many influences with this one.

Yeah, I bet this one will come back to slap him in the face..

Gotta be quicker with the delete button there, Jordan.


Multiple Ring of Honor sources have confirmed that former ROH Champion Jay Lethal suffered a broken arm at yesterday's Honor United event in Bolton, England.

The injury occurred towards the end of his match with PCO  Looking at the bout, it appears to have happened as Lethal shifted as PCO was coming down on him, leading to his arm taking the brunt of the force.  

There is no word yet how long Lethal will be out of action.

Brody King also suffered a knee injury over the course of the tour as well.

Thunder Rosa vs Raychell Rose - Ladies Night Out 7 (August 2019)

Kylie Rae vs Raychell Rose - Ladies Night Out 6 (From June 2019)

Kylie Rae wrestles her final Texas match vs Raychell Rose at Ladies Night Out 6.

Cutting Edge Wrestling (E5) - CEW "Haunted Havok" (10/25/19)

INSPIRE PRO TV] EPISODE 16 (Ray Rowe, Ricky Starks, Chris Hero & More)

Mat Memory- Jordan Myles (ACH) vs Rex Andrews Reality Of Wrestling Throwback Series)

Welcome to our Throwback series of Reality of Wrestling matches from our past TV Episodes. Jordan Myles from NXT formally known as ACH vs Rex Andrews from a match in 2017 from Texas City, Texas.

Bert Prentice's USA Championship Wrestling Episode 79 10 27 19

Jake Law is in action. Brandon White celebrates a career win, but trouble comes knocking at his door. The Diamond Exchange is in action. The new partnership between Lucky P and Toby Farley is on display this week.

AEW Claims It Wants To Be Different Than WWE, BUT.. Does The SAME THING WWE Does- HHMMM..

For all the shots at WWE guys in AEW do on their show every week, as well as what the AEW marks/ fanboys like to say as they rally against WWE.. LOOK at what AEW is doing this week. Something RIGHT OUT OF... The WWE playbook. HHMMM

If you're trying and claiming to be an alternative to WWE, then the fuck would you go an do something that WWE always does? DDUUHH!!

Of course the AEW marks and fanboys won't notice it, or will choose to deflect for seeing the obvious like they always do.

You can't say or claim to be the alternative when you do the very same thing the company you slam on your live TV show does. Pot calling kettle black. BOOM.

Of course nobody but me will see the hypocrisy in this, at all. 

SSOO.. Who's Lying? Jordan Myles... Or.... The WWE? (Updated)

Since very few, if any other wrestling writers will have the guts to write a story like this, I'll do it. Since I'm always the one who has more balls and guts than the others like Scherer, Johnson, Meltzer, Alvarez, WrestlingInc, etc etc..

When it comes to the issue of the Jordan Myles t-shirt story, who's lying here? Myles.. OR>> The WWE?

On Sunday morning, Myles posted a tweet with a picture of the shirt writing “I will keep posting this till my voice is heard. I’m not sorry for anything I say or do. Representation is important. If this is @VinceMcMahon & @TripleH “vision” of me then this is a slap in the face to EVERY African American performer, fan, and supporter.”
Jordan's Tweet? Is here.. 

The shirt's design has been compared to blackface imagery. It was listed briefly before being quickly taken down several weeks ago.
Last evening.. WWE issued the following statement: "Albert Hardie Jr. (aka Jordan Myles) approved this t-shirt for sale. As always, we work collaboratively with all of our performers to develop logos and merchandise designs and get their input and approval before proceeding. This was the same process with Albert, and we responded swiftly once he later requested that the logo/t-shirt be redesigned. No t-shirts were sold."
Now if you read the WWE's statement, you can see a contradiction here.. FIRST they say he 'approved' the shirt, THEN.. They claim he 'requested' to have the shirt redesigned'. 
One has to think that if he actually DID.. Approve the design of the shirt? He wouldn't have made the tweet saying quite the different story.. If he DID approve it then why would he have made the tweet to start this whole issue in the first place for? HHMMM. The other thing is, if Myles approved the shirt then what, or 'who' suddenly changed his mind about it? Why, did he suddenly change his mind?
These are of course obvious questions no other wrestling journalist will openly ask like I am.. And of course the other writers probably didn't or won't contact the WWE and ask for proof that Jordan did indeed approve the design. Was it a verbal agreement? Written or signed for legal purposes and merchandising contract? 
I actually will be contacting the WWE and hand them a link to this story requesting this proof.. How much you want to bet I'll be waiting a long time for the WWE to respond?
Somewhere between Jordan's claim and WWE's statement. Someone is lying about this somewhere.. If it was indeed approved then again, why would put out a tweet saying otherwise? 
Bottom line someone's a liar somewhere.. And I bet, nobody will have the balls to come forward and admit they lied.

10-28-2019 !;00 PM Update.

Apparently Myles did approve the design, sort of..

Myles responded this morning with a tweet that has since been pulled, acknowledging he approved the design but did so when he saw it with a grey background.  Once he saw it on a black background, he felt it was inappropriate and rescinded his approval.   Myles also posted a screenshot of an email from a WWE t-shirt designer, Baker Landon, noting that Triple H loved the logo for Myles' on screen character but wanted the letters to be more "teethy."  Miles had been portraying a smiling babyface on his NXT TV appearances with announcer Mauro Ranallo declaring he had "smiles for miles."
Myles later claimed  Landon (who were are told has only been with WWE a few months), lied to him, tweeting:

t should be noted the Myles t-shirt design was part of a large grouping of dozens of shirt designed churned out at the same time as the confirmation of the NXT on USA Network deal came together quickly, so shirts for pretty much every personality were rushed to market.  That doesn't excuse the nature of the shirt at all, but would at least partially explain why there wasn't a longer process to create and release the shirt for sale publicly before being pulled - WWE was rushing to get shirts, some of which were criticized by fans for poor designs, for every talent on sale.  As noted above, WWE has stated none of the Myles shirts were ever sold.

Myles, who has not been at the WWE Performance Center in recent weeks, continued to tear at WWE today with the following tweet:.