Monday, October 28, 2019

AEW Claims It Wants To Be Different Than WWE, BUT.. Does The SAME THING WWE Does- HHMMM..

For all the shots at WWE guys in AEW do on their show every week, as well as what the AEW marks/ fanboys like to say as they rally against WWE.. LOOK at what AEW is doing this week. Something RIGHT OUT OF... The WWE playbook. HHMMM

If you're trying and claiming to be an alternative to WWE, then the fuck would you go an do something that WWE always does? DDUUHH!!

Of course the AEW marks and fanboys won't notice it, or will choose to deflect for seeing the obvious like they always do.

You can't say or claim to be the alternative when you do the very same thing the company you slam on your live TV show does. Pot calling kettle black. BOOM.

Of course nobody but me will see the hypocrisy in this, at all. 

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