Sunday, November 26, 2017

Well what do you know, some more Ozark Mountain Wrestling. :) Cactus Jack in Ozark Mountain Wrestling

Some older/obscure stuff here. Buddy Landell in Ozark Moutain Wrestling

I once had a tape of this company when Pat Tanaka wrestled here. Fun little company I really liked a lot. May have to find some more of this stuff.

this is in progress from same legends show as last post. Nasty Boys (Brian Knobs and Jerry Sags) vs Ace's and Eights. (Mr. Anderson and Mike Knox)

Here's a nice rarity for you. The Legends of Wrestling Scott Steiner vs RVD

Published on Jun 8, 2015
06-07-15 Citifiled Main Event

Since this blog is all about indy wrestling, I'm checking this out.

Misc. Indy things...

AAW from last night in Chicago before a sellout of 580 fans in what multiple reports are calling the company's best show of the year and DJZ vs. Penta 0M may have been the best show in company history: Dave & Jake Crist b Trey Miguel & Stephen Wolf, Jake Something & Brubaker & Curt Stallion & Connor Braxton b Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett & Paco & Colt Cabana, Shane Strickland b Fred Yehi, Myron Reed b Flip Gordon, Eddie Kingston & A.R. Fox b David Starr & Trevor Lee, ACH b Sammy Guevara, DJZ b Penta 0M to win the Heritage title, Rey Fenix b Jimmy Jacobs to retain the AAW title.

Pro Wrestling Chaos: All or Nothing from yesterday in Bristol, UK:  Big Grizzly b Beano in a ladder match, Nathan Bane b Chris Andrews, Brotherhood b Project Lucha to retain the Knights of Chaos title, Marty Scurll b Dick Riley, Mike Bird & Drew Parker b Mikey Whiplash & Joey Janela, Jackel & Gideon and Charlie Sterling & E Ryan, Jinny b Sierra Loxton to keep the Maiden of Chaos title, Matt Riddle b Eddie Dennis to win the Pro Wrestling Chaos title.

Dynamo Pro Wrestling from last night in St. Louis: Roy Lewis b Jackal, Frodo Meyer b Ricky Rodriguez, Savanna Stone b Snitch, Elvis Aliaga b Aaron Dzinic, Victor Von Stein & Xavier Shadowz won three-way over Keon Option & Justin D'Air and Jon Webb & Jack Gamble, Adrian Surge b Jaden Roller, Makaze NC Brandon Aaraons.

Big League Wrestling from today in the U.K. saw Alberto El Patron beat Matt Riddle via submission in the main event, plus Jamie Hayter b Ayesha Raymond to become the BLW women's champion.

Empire State Wrestling from last night in Niagara Falls, NY: Gregory Iron won Battle Royal, Cheech & Colin Delaney b Nick Ando & Cloudy, Anthony Gaines b Coconut Jones to win ESW Interstate title, Cougar Brothers b Randy Philbrick & Andrew Carvatta-COR, Brandon Thurston b Mikey Everynite, Frankie Feathers b Ethan Page, Kevin Bennett won over Bill Collier, Matt Sydal, Kevin Blackwood, Sean Carr and Gregory Iron to win the Ilio DiPaolo Cup and earning him a title shot at his choosing, Kevin Bennett cashed in and beat R.J. City and Braxton Sutter to win the ESW title, Vince Valor & MVP b The Fraternity.

Rise is doing a fan participation beta test on their site for $1, and will air a match for fans to watch. They will determine from the test if they can do an iPPV this coming Friday night for their all women's show in South Gate, CA featuring Mercedes Martinez vs. Toni Storm, Delilah Doom vs Rosemary in a cage match and Lufisto vs Dust in a barbed wire match...


And here's your indy wrestling show feature for tonight. Fight Pro Wrestling Episode 19

Published on Nov 26, 2017
Ron Holiday takes on Adam Ugly and Ernie Osiris begins his 12 Labors against Will Ferrara.

I showed before on The Torch webpage scared to have my name on it, wweelll..,

I don't have a screenshot of my original comment BUT, I do have these above screenshots. Danny's sat there 'waiting for moderation' for over a week but was deleted. So that above anything else proves I was right all along. The Pro Wrestling Torch is afraid of having my name mentioned on their webpage, LMAO!

I added the above comments just now. How much you want to bet they'll be deleted as well? Talk about a bitch move by someone at The Torch, LOL! That's funny as hell.  Here's the link to where if they had the guts to post them, the comments would be at. Someone should email the staff at The Torch and ask them why are they such bitches, :)

Diamond Dallas Page On Getting Hurt After Receiving A Seven-Figure Contract

Diamond Dallas Page spoke with the Atlanta Business Chronicle on a number of topics in and outside of pro wrestling. Here are some of the highlights:

Getting paid less as a top guy in WCW and sustaining an injury after receiving a big contract:
"I started wrestling when I was 35, but my career didn't take off until I was 40. When you look at me in the beginning of '96 and at the end of '96, I'm two different people. When my career took off like a rocket in '97 - me against the nWo and Randy Savage - I wasn't just a top guy, I was the top guy and then in '98, I blew my back out. [$250,000 is] a lot of money in the real world, but for being on-top of the wrestling world, that sucks. I had just gotten that 3-year, multi-million dollar deal and that's when I blew my back out."
His goal with DDP Yoga within the next four years:
"I did what WWE did with the network, but I did it with fitness. Now, my goal is to be a $100 million company before I'm 65.

The first WWE Superstar to use his DDP Yoga program:
"I had just done the WWE: The Very Best of WCW Monday Nitro and while I was there I was shooting behind the scenes with Shawn Michaels, who was the first guy ever to do my program, which, along with his surgery, helped him get back in the ring. [Michaels] told me, 'Jericho is hurting and I told him to call you.'"

Yesterday I posted a picture, today here'a video. Arn Anderson Drops WWE Star

Above, Arn Anderson was the guest Enforcer for Dolph Ziggler vs. Bobby Roode. At one point, Ziggler attempted to bring a chair into the match, but Anderson stopped him momentarily, before getting punched in the face. Anderson then headed into the ring to give Ziggler his famous spinebuster. Be sure to follow our Twitter account for live coverage and we'll have full results on the site later tonight.


coverage of Wrestlecade from Winston-Salem, NC.
The show is airing live via the Fite App.  You can download the Fite App for free for your cell phone or mobile device by clicking here.    Fite can be streamed from your phone to Samsung Smart TVs and recently debuted a Roku channel as well. The app is HIGHLY recommended by yours truly and is free to download as well with tons of weekly free programming, including ROH's weekly TV series, Booker T's Reality of Wrestling and more.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Luke Hawx vs. Zane Dawson

Hawx stalled early, running with the mouth.  Dreamer and Dawson went back and forth.  Hawx and Dawson double teamed Dreamer.  Dawson went to make the pin but Hawx pulled him off and they had words.  Dawson sent Dreamer hard into the corner and covered Dreamer but again, Hawx pulled him off.  They shoved each other.  Dreamer goaded them into fighting.  They tried to nailed a double clothesline but Dreamer ducked and nailed some Clubbering.  They went went to the floor.  Dreamer followed and spewed water at Hawx.  He grabbed the ring bell and laid it over Hawx's groin, ringing it.    Dreamer then followed up and nailed the same on Dawson.

Dreamer pulled Dawson towards the guard rail but was grabbed and dropped on the guard rail.  They brought Dreamer back into the ring but Dreamer caught Dawson with the cutter.   Hawx nailed a powerslam for a two count but Dawson broke up the pinfall.   Hawx and Dawson finally began battling back and forth.  Dawson nailed a sideslam but Dreamer broke up the pinfall.    Dreamer brought a chair into the ring and set it up.  He set up but was hit with a droptoehold into the chair.

Dawson and Hawx battled over the chair.  Hawx nailed Dawson into the chair.  He wedged it in the corner.  Dreamer sent Hawx into the corner but Hawx stopped himself.  They battled back and forth.  Dreamer caught Dawson with a DDT for a two cout, but against Hawx broke it up.   Dreamer nailed the Spicoli Driver on Hawx but Dawson attacked Dreamer and scored the pin.

Your winner, Zane Dawson!

Tommy gave a speech after saying that Dusty Rhodes was his hero and that's why he wears polka dots.   He put over the history of Starrcade and thanked everyone for their support.

Jerry “The King” Lawler vs George South.

South took the mic and complained the audience was the stupidest and ugliest he's ever seen.  He said that he's waited a long time to get into the ring with Jerry Lawler.   He went on and on and on for a long time.  He told Lawler to walk out and let him take the win.  Lawler asked him if he was finished.  Lawler said he was from Memphis but tonight he's in Winston-Salem, NC.   South took offense to this.  South began jawing about all the things he was going to do to Lawler tonight.   He said he was going to piledriver Lawler through the mat.  Lawler took the mic and said if South was going to do that, he was going to have to do a move thaty Steve Austin taught him.  He nailed a stunner and the bell rang.  South retreated from the ring and stalled.

They went to lock up and South nailed him with a throat thrust and choked Lawler in the corner.   South continued to work over Lawler, who came back with a right hand.  Lawler nailed a big hiptoss.  South came back with several right hands.   South worked over Lawler with a chinlock and nailed a backdrop.  He went for another but Lawler dropped down and nailed an uppercut.  South went for the Iron Claw but Lawler used one of his own.     South broke free and worked over Lawler's arm, tying it up in the ropes.   South missed a three point stance into a charge in the corner.  Lawler nailed a series of right hands and dropkicked him.

South used a double leg takedown and pinned Lawler, putting his feet on the ropes.  The referee caught him and had words.  South shoved him and nailed him with a right hand. Lawler used a double leg takedown and put his legs on the ropes.  The referee recovered and counted two, then saw Lawler's legs on the ropes, shrugged and counted three.

Your winner, Jerry Lawler!

It was fun for the mic work.

America’s Top Team (Lashley and King Mo) vs Veterans of War (Wilcox and Mayweather).

Crimson and Mo started out with Crimson getting the better of the exchange early on.   Lashley tagged in and dared Jax Dane to tag.   Dane overpowered him and Veterans worked over Lashley.  They whipped out a pairs of suplexes for a two count, then tossed him to the floor.  Lashley made a comeback and slammed Crimson's head into the apron.   Mo tagged in and nailed several shots, then tagged back out to Lashley, who nailed a neckbreaker for a two count.  Lashley and Mo worked over Crimson.  Dane tried to enter the ring, but was held back by the referee.

Lashley nailed a charging shoulderblock in the corner.  Crimson reversed a suplex and nailed one on Lashley.  Dane made the hot tag and worked over Lashley.  He locked in a Boston Crab but Mo attacked him.  Lashley nailed a Flatliner and tagged out to Mo.   Dane ran through a double clothesline attempt.  Lashley was sent to the floor.  Mo was nailed with a DVDR and pinned.

Your winners, Veteran of Foreign Wars!

A good back and forth tag team match with some good physical action.

PJ Black & Willie Mack & Jason Kincaid vs Caleb Konley & Super Crazy & Juventud Guerrera.

Konley and Kincaid started out.   They had some really good back and forth sequences.   Mack and Crazy tagged in and went back and forth with some nice reversals.   Black and Guerrera tagged in.  Everyone battled back and forth.   Kincaid hit a triple rana on Team Crazy.   There was a triple pescado to the floor.   Konley went for a springboard move but was sent to the floor.  Kincaid nailed a flying forearm off the apron to the floor.  Lots of hot moves.   Black worked over Konley for a long time.   Mack tagged in and worked over Konley with a series of chops, then grabbed him by the nipples.   He nailed a big boot to the face, rebounding off the ropes.

Mack continued working over Konley with a senton splash into the corner.   Mack nailed a Samoan Drop for a two count.   He nailed a moonsault but Crazy hit the ring with a kick to the head.   Konley escaped a double team and nailed a tornado DDT.    Guerrera tagged in and nailed a Asai Moonsault into the ring.  He hit a number of hot moves for two counts.  Konley nailed a tope suicida to the floor.   Crazy and Guerrera battled in the corner.  Crazy nailed a moonsault to the floor.  They triple teamed Mack but his partners hit the ring to break it up.

Mack began whipping out stone cold stunners on everyone and even hit his partners.  He went to do one on the referee, but the referee reversed it and nailed one on Mack.  Everyone piled on and scored the pin.

Your winners, Caleb Konley & Super Crazy & Juventud Guerrera!

All over the place insanity.

Amber O’Neal (with Lana Star) vs Jungle Grrrl.

David McLane was the ring announcer.  Grrl charged the ring and nailed Star but was attacked and worked over by Amber with axehandles across the back.   Amber was sent to the floor.  Grrl followed and chased her back into the ring.  Amber gained control but was caught with a spear.  Grrl nailed a Falcon Arrow, but instead of going for the pin, ascended to the top.  Star tried to get involved but was knocked off the apron.

Grrl came off the top but was superkicked by Amber in mid-air for a two count.   Amber covered her in an arrogant manner but Grrl got her leg on the rope.  Grrl manhandled Amber but was caught with a bulldog for a two count.  The ref got bumped.

Amber held Grrl.  Star went to hit her with a mirror but Grrl moved and it was shattered over O'Neal's head. Grrl came off the ropes with a flying splash but Star pulled the referee out.  O'Neal drilled Grrl with a kick and nailed a Facebuster.  The second referee went to make the count but the original referee stopped him and they argued.

Jungle Grrl made a comeback and nailed the Falcon Arrow.  She went back to the top for a splash but another wrestler, who they called The Beast, hit the ring and caught her for a chokeslam.    Lana Star acted as if the Beast was her charge but ended up getting laid out as well.

Jungle Grrl and The Beast went nose to nose and were held apart by the referees.

I guess, No Contest?  No, I was wrong.  They announced Jungle Grrl was the winner by DQ.

If you know what to expect from WOW, which is sort of a modern day take on GLOW, it was fine.  Grrl and O'Neal worked hard.

Josh “The Goods” Woods vs. Dan Severn with Jim Cornette

They said this was going to be the last time Jim Cornette was working as a manager.  He took the mic and put over Severn's accomplishments.  He said it was going to be a great match but warned Woods not to cross Severn or he would unleash the Beast.

They locked up and ended up in the ropes several times.  Severn broke clean.  Lots of mat work and wrestling holds early on.  Severn caught Woods with a Greco-Roman throw.  They grappled and Severn ended up in the ropes, necessitating a break.

Woods got on his hands and knees and offered to give Severn the chance to grapple with him.  He reversed the attempt.  He offered to do the same.  Severn took Woods down this time, but Woods reversed it and worked over his arm.  Severn rolled him into a pinning combination and scored the pin out of nowhere.

Your winner, Dan Severn!

I have to be honest.  This was not what you were looking for in a wrestling match if you were looking to be entertained.  I respected the grappling they did, but as a match, it felt like they never got out of first gear and for a match that was supposed to be Jim Cornette's last match as a manager, he didn't even do anything!   It was just OK.

After the match, Cornette and Severn both praised Woods for his athletic ability and potential.  Woods left the ring.  Cornette put over Severn for all of his athletic ability and for being someone who has wrestled as an amateur and a professional since he was 7 or 8 years old and who represented the United States all over the world.

Cornette said that after 35 years, this would be the last match he would manage at ringside.  He said that if he keeps doing this, he was going to end up hurting himself and everyone would laugh at him.  He said that if he was done, he wanted it to be in the Carolinas and with someone like Severn he respects.  He said that if it wasn't for the Carolinas, Dusty Rhodes, Jim Crockett Promotions and The Midnight Express, he wouldn't be here.  He said that he wanted to thank the fans, their parents and grandparents because without them, he wouldn't have had the best time of his career.  It was a great speech, better than the match,

Top Rope Belts Battle Royal

This was for a new belt after Matt Hardy deleted the Wrestlecade title last year.  Tracy Smothers, Matt Striker, Bobby Fulton, Mr. Hughes, Crazzy Steve. D'Lo Brown, Hurricane, Kevin Thorne and Swoggle were the biggest names with a lot of locals I don't know.   It was your typical Battle Royal.  In the end, Hurricane was victorious.

Joey Mercury vs. Ryback

As soon as the bell rang, Mercury went to the floor.  He talked trash to Ryback.  Ryback nailed a Thesz Press for a two count.  Mercury rolled to the outside again but Ryback followed.  He trashed Mercury on the floor and knocked his head into the table at ringside.  Mercury was stalked on the floor.  Mercury went back to the ring and nailed Ryback as he returned, sending him off the apron into the barrier at ringside.  Mercury tried to get the referee to try and count Ryback out.  Ryback returned to the ring at the nine count.  Mercury tossed him back out to the floor.

Mercury used a sleeper but Ryback made the comeback.  Mercury was sent into the corner and nailed with a Cannonball in the corner.  Mercury recovered and ducked the Meathook, nailing a big German suplex  Mercury began teasing that he was going to do the Meathook.  He charged but was hit with a spinebuster.  Ryback turned him into a Texas Cloverleaf variation.   Mercury made it to the ropes and tried to escape but was nailed across the back.  He tried to whip Mercury across the ring but Joey held onto the ropes and nailed him.

Mercury avoided the Shellshock and clotheslined Ryback.  Mercury nailed Ryback with a Shellshock for a two count, using Ryback's own finisher against him.     Joey was sent to the floor.  Ryback hit a dive to the floor.  Ryback tossed him back into the ring for a Shellshock but Joey escaped and nailed a Death Valley Driver on Ryback.   Mercury, of course, followed up with a Pedigree.  Ryback popped up like Road Warrior Hawk out of a piledriver and nailed the Shellshock for the pin.

Your winner, Ryback!

Good back and forth match that came off far more competitive than you might have suspected going in.

Ivelisse vs Taya Valkyrie - No DQ Match 

They brawled on the floor before the bell ever began.   Ivelisse worked over Taya against the barricade, nailing kicks.  She sent Taya into the apron.  Velez used a Singapore Cane on Taya, lashing her across the back and choking her with it.  Ivelisse hit a flip dive off the apron the floor.    They battled into ring, where Velez wedged a chair in between the turnbuckles.  She tried to whip Taya into it but the Irish whip was reversed and Velez hit the chair.  Velez was bleeding from the forehead a bit.

Taya grabbed a chain and used it to nail Velez, who went to the floor.   She worked over Velez with the cane.  She snapped a cookie sheet over Velez's head.   Back in the ring, Velez was worked over with punches and locked in a side chinlock.     Taya set up a pair of chairs and dropkicked them into her.  Taya set up Velez and nailed a double knee strike in the corner for a two count.   Velez came back with kicks to the legs.  They brawled into the crowd and brawled through the building.   Velez nailed a DDT on a round table that was set up for VIP fans in the crowd,  That looked cool as hell.  Taya was out in a chair in the crowd and Ivellise unloaded with kicks.

Iveliise brought Taya back into the ring.  A ladder was set up outside of the ring, leaning against the guard rail.  Taya tried to send Velez into it but Velez reversed it and Taya took a hard bump into the ladder.  Back in the ring, Velez went to use a chair but was kicked in the gut.  Taya nailed the Road to Valhalla.  She rolled out of the ring and pulled a table out from underneath.   Taya tried to put Velez through the table but Ivelisse moved and Taya went through.  Velez wrapped the chain around Taya's throat and yanked backwards.  Taya tapped.

Your winner, Ivelisse Velez!

A HELL of a fun brawl.  How Velez isn't picked up by a major promotion is beyond me.  She was absolutely great here.  Taya was right with her.  This was so entertaining.

Impact champion Eli Drake vs Jack Swagger w/ Dutch Mantell and Catalina Swagger vs Johnny Impact 

Dutch Mantel came out and said that they let him out of nursing home long enough to come and do this show.  He introduced Jack Swagger.

Drake cut a good promo before the match saying everyone was gunning for him.

Swagger and Impact double teamed Drake early.    They tossed him over the top to the floor and then faced off.  They went back and forth.  Drake returned and attacked Swagger from behind and beat him with punches.   Drake measured and nailed Seagger with several right hands.  He sends Swagger into the buckles and then again at the opposite side of the ring.  He nailed a neckbreaker for a two count.

Impact returned and nailed a standing shooting star press for a two count.  He goes for Starship Pain off the top but Drake rolled out of the way.  Drake nailed the Stun Gun for a two count.  Drake nailed a big elbow across the chest for a two count.  Swagger returned to the apron and nailed Drake.  Impact nailed a superkick.  Swagger went to the top but Impact caught him.  He set up for a superplex but Swagger tripped him up and Impact was tied to the tree of woe.  Drake went for a superplex but Impact pulled himself up and suplexed him back as he nailed it.

Impact scored near falls on Swagger and Drake alike.  Swagger came back with running clotheslines on each of his opponents.  Swagger nailed a suplex takedown on Drake, then slammed Impact.  Swagger nailed the Vader Bomb off the ropes on Impact but is grabbed by Drake by the Gravy Train.  Catalina Swagger got on the apron, arguing with the referee, preventing a pinfall.  Drake grabbed her and dragged her into the ring.  She slapped him several times.  Drake pressed her over his head but Swagger saved her.

Drake went for a sunset flip but Swagger held on.  Impact grabbed Drake and nailed a slingshot, sending the champ's head into Swagger's, well, nether-regions.    Catalina Swagger blew on them, then slapped Impact for his transgressions.  Impact got in her face but Taya hit the ring and dragged her out of the building.  Drake tried to roll him but Impact reversed it for a two count.  Impact went to the top for Starship Pain but Seagger caught him and slammed him down.

Swagger locked the anklelock on Drake in the center of the ring.  Impact came off the ropes with a springboard enziguiri.  Impact nailed Starship Pain but Drake rolled him up and placed his feet on the ropes for a three count.

Your winner and still Impact champion, Eli Drake!

After the match, Drake trashed them on the mic.  As he left, Catalina Swagger and Taya met him in the aisle with Singapore Canes and everyone trashed Drake as the show went off the air.

Wrestlecade Coverage continues on Page 2!


WAZZUP -  Powerbomb.TV - 11.25.17
Philadelphia, PA @ The Wrestle Factory

Jody Fleisch is out first to address the crowd. He was originally slated to face Gresham for the Powerbomb.TV Independent Championship. Jody begins to explain his injury and throws it back to when he performed in Philadelphia in the early 00's.

He is quickly interrupted by Stokely Hathaway who tells the crowd that now there will be no main event. Out comes Nick Gage who tells Stokely that he better leave the ring, and tonight he is going to bring the violence.

Dominic Garrini vs Wheeler Yuta

Garrini is a former top 10 ranked jiu-jitsu competitor, and he goes right to work on Yuta with with a series of arm bars and holds. Garrini keeps Yuta grounded with some kicks and chin locks. Yuta starts to make a comeback with some kicks and a drop suplex, but Garrini goes back to the stiff kicks to slow things down. A knee to the head nets only a 2 count for Garrini. Garrini locks on the triangle choke, but Yuta rolls thru for a pin and gets the 3 count!

Logan Easton Laroux vs. Razerhawk vs. AJ Gray vs. Anthony Greene

Greene and Hawk start this one off after tossing the other two to the outside. This is a fatal four way match, so no tags are needed. Greene and LaRounx begin working together to take out Gray hitting him with a series of double team maneuvers. They hit the corner powerbomb suplex 4 man combo and then exchange a series of chops with each other. Gray goes to the top and hits Phoenix Splash on Greene, but Logan cuts him off and steals the victory.

WWR showcase: Allie Kat vs. Laynie Luck

The ladies begin with a bit of matt work. They are pretty evenly matched , but Laynie takes the reigns with a few big boots in the corner. Allie nails a big bicycle kick and begins to make her come back. After a headbutt and a Pussy Piledriver.  Allie Kat gains the victory.

“Filthy” Tom Lawler vs MJF

MJF works Lawler into the corner, but Lawler answers him with some German suplexes. MJF starts to work over Lawler's arm. After a series of clotheslines , MJF is caught with a capture suplex by Lawler. However, MJF is right back to working over the arm, proving he isn't going to be an easy task for the former MMA star. MJF applies a fujiwara armbar, but Lawler reverses it into a triangle choke and an arm bar of his own that sends MJF tapping,

NPW vs. Beyond Wrestling Showcase: The Ugly Ducklings – Rob Killjoy and Lance Lude vs. The Thick Boys - John Silver and Jay Freddie

The Thick Boys take control early and begin to showcase their power despite their size. Lude starts to switch the momentum, but Silver cuts him off with a one armed gorilla press and a big lariat for a near fall. The Ducks get both of the Boys to the outside, and Killjoy nails a huge Asai Moonsault.

Back in the ring, the the match begins to break down, and both teams attempt to hit a series of double team moves until The Ducks nail a big double double top rope suplex. The Thick Boys make a run now and hit a few double team moves before ending it all with their double cradle/Joker driver.

Powerbomb.TV Independent Championship Match: Johnathan Gresham defends vs. Nick Gage

This is Gresham's second title defense, after having only won it about a month ago.

Gage has the size and power advantage here, and he takes it to Gresham immediately. After briefly distracting the referee, Stokely Hathaway tosses some powder in Gage's face. Gresham is now in control and starts wearing down Gage with some armbars.

Gage washes the powder out of his face and although he is feeling the effects from his worn down arm, he begins to take control after hitting a Falcon Arrow and tossing Gresham over the top rope. Gage nails a suplex on the floor to Gresham.

Gresham attempts to regain control with a powerslam, but Gage answers him with a series of chairshots. Back in the ring, Gage goes for the finish with a big dragon suplex. Gage attempts an Electric chair driver, but Gresham catches him with a sleeper hold and pushes Gage to the outside.

Gresham once again applies the sleeper hold on Gage while both men are outside of the ring, while the ref begins his count. Gresham nails some elbows to the back of Gage's head and makes his way back into the ring as the ref counts to 10. Gresham has successfully defended his Powerbomb.TV Independent for the second time, yet again with a count out victory.


Pretty rad short card with a variety of matches. No huge names being on the show really allowed everyone on the card to shine. This was a good showcase of some up and coming singles and tag teams that will definitely be making more buzz as we head into 2018.

The show was well paced and kept the flow going. Each match was the proper length. I was really impressed by the ladies match, MJF's heel tactics, and Gage's new found intense but focused brawling style. Gresham as the chickensh** cheap win heel is money!

For a standalone show under their own banner, Powerbomb.TV should be commended for their efforts. I look forward to more of their unique cards, and moreover I am pleased to hear their deal with Beyond Wrestling as their new home for streaming and VOD is a GO!

For the many new viewers here. I HAVE worked in Wrestling before. Here's some proof for you.

These are some older articles I wrote that I thought I'd reshare with people here again.

This is about how I locally promoted my first show for WWA New England (back in 1997) in Rochester, New Hampshire, one of the toughest towns in the state to promote in (Because it's what's termed as a 'permit' town. Have to get city council, approval to issue a permit to run the show there). This comes from the Wrestling Then And Now Webpage.

This is how I got my break to where I eventually did become a local promoter in  NH.

Going from Atlantic Wrestling Federation to WWA New England.

And then moving on to the Eastern Wrestling Alliance when they were based in Maine.

All these and more are at this old webpage I used to have that I actually forgot the password on (and the email In had at the time to create it, I no longer have, LOL) so if you enjoy any of this, there's alittle more here.


Here you go, a rarity from the NAWA Youtube channel. Bobby Eaton vs Norman Smiley

Published on Nov 12, 2017
Bobby Eaton vs Norman Smiley
North American Championship Wrestling (NACW)
Feb. 8th, 2002
Newton, NC