Saturday, January 20, 2018

Hope they have Black Sabbath's permission to use that name (especially if they plan on using the song by that name)

Want to tell Impact Wrestling how much they suck? Here's your chance.

Defiant Wrestling #6: Full Show

Streamed live on Jan 19, 2018
IPW have laid down a challenge and we gladly accept! It's time to reclaim the Defiant title, and it starts tonight. Haskins vs Kirby... if Haskins wins, IPW take control until the PPV. If Kirby wins, he gets a title shot!

Primate & Havoc vs Aussie Open, Joe Coffey vs The Prestige and Alex Gracie issues an open challenge.

Subscribe to Defiant Wrestling and watch a brand new episode FREE every Friday at 8pm UK (3/2c).

I posted the audio of this when it came out but you can read parts of it now. Jericho talks about spots at WrestleKingdom that he and Omega had to change, Kenny says this match kicked New Japan into another gear

Chris Jericho talks with Kenny Omega about their match at WrestleKingdom earlier this month. The following are highlights of key topics:
-Omega says he’s a fan of improvising and doesn’t think he’s a move guy. He said the crossbody to the table that didn’t quite work or the moonsault spot they didn’t do and improvised something else outside the ring were fun. He also liked the physicality of the match and the fact there was not dead time or rest holds. Those are the details that Kenny likes a lot. He likes the stuff you can’t choreograph but rather happens during the circumstance of the match. He also says even though this is the first time they’ve wrestled, they were creating what many said was match of the night. Kenny said the match also unlocked a new style for him and if he were to do this again he could do it even better. Chris said one of his favorite spots was Kenny jumping on the table with Jericho underneath and the one-winged angel into the walls. Kenny mentions he liked when Jericho took a ringside photographer’s camera and took pictures.
-Chris asks how big this match was with expanding the New Japan product in North America. Kenny says it was a game changer. He says the match he did with Okada opened up a lot of eyes about the New Japan product. The show in the States gave people an opportunity to watch the product live (the U.S. Title tournament). Coming off those two performances, he was wondering what he could do to top that. Sure he could have a good match but instead of trying to do another 5 or 6 start match, Omega would rather go out of his comfort zone and try to tell new stories. He feels that the match with Jericho kicked New Japan into another gear. This match was completely different from his matches with Okada or during the show in L.A. Omega says he’s on a mission to make wrestling cool again and feels it’s not an us vs. them situation (with the WWE) but wants everyone to be open to collaboration. He respects a lot of the wrestlers in the WWE and his match with Jericho shows these two forces can coexist and when they clash it’s amazing.
-They talk about the springboard crossbody out to the floor. Initially, Jericho was going to move and hit Don Callis but when Omega was on the top rope, he didn’t realize how far Don was from the ring. He wasn’t sure if he was going to make the distance so Kenny was going to aim for Jericho (who was going to move), look like he was out of control then crash into the table. Kenny said he decided this literally just as he stood on the top rope about to jump. He ended up clipping Don, crashing into the table and it looked better than he had originally planned.
Read much more from this interview recap by Joe Aguinaldo at our sister site,


Limitless Wrestling “The World Is Ours”
January 19, 2018
Westbrook, ME

PRE-SHOW MATCH: Jaxon Stone & “Smart” Mark Sterling v. Xavier Bell & Kavlin Strange

Strange ended up getting the win for the team with a crossface submission.  I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this one.  Sterling and Stone were the heels, I guess, but Sterling did at least two big babyface spots, including an absolutely absurd snapmare to Strange, who had his own partner Bell between his legs, that led to Strange giving a Canadian Destroyer to his own partner.  The crowd reacted well to it because they’re starved for live wrestling, but unfortunately, this didn’t click for me.

WINNERS: Xavier Bell & Kalvin Strange

OPENING MATCH: Darby Allin v. “Mr. Athletic” Jeff Cobb

Very good opener.  Even though everyone loves Cobb, he played the heel role in that he kept Allin down with his power moves while Allin sold and tried comebacks.  Really well played by both guys.  The finish saw Allin hit a sunset flip powerbomb for a two count.  He tried another roll up for a two, then locked in his reverse figure four pinning combo for the win.

WINNER: Darby Allin

MATCH TWO: Fred Yehi v. Martin Stone v. “The Product” David Starr

Really entertaining triple threat match.  Lots of action between the three of them.  The finish saw Yehi have the Koji Clutch on Starr.  They did the Wrestle Kingdom Young Bucks spot of saving the other from tapping out spot as Stone stopped Starr’s hand from tapping out.  Stone then kicked Starr out, and Stone locked in a crossface on Yehi and got the tap before Starr could prevent the hand from tapping.  Stone now gets to pick his opponent for the next Limitless show.

WINNER: Martin Stone

MATCH THREE: The Maine State Posse v. Allie Kat, Ashley Vox & Kris Stadtlander

There were a ton of comedy based spots in this one, which while it isn’t my particular taste, the match ended up getting a standing ovation, so what do I know?  Allie Kat got the win with a piledriver.

After the match, Joey Eastman came out and continued his rant from the last show running down the state of Maine and saying the Maine State Posse “thing” doesn’t make money and they need to think bigger and challenge one of them to step out of their comfort zone and be a singles against a big opponent.  Aiden Aggro started ranting that they’re a team when Danger Kid took the mic and accepted the challenge and left.  Good segment.

WINNERS: Allie Kat, Ashley Vox & Kris Stadtlander

MATCH FOUR: DL Hurst & Brett Domino (with Anthony Greene) v. Whiskey Dick (“Supercop” Dick Justice & “Top Shelf” Troy Nelson)

There wasn’t as much comedy in this one as I thought there would be.  Yes, Dick Justice used his hand as a gun, but Hurst and Domino spent most of the match keeping the ring cut off on Nelson and building the heat.  Justice got the hot tag and the place went crazy.  Justice ended up getting the win.  Good showing for Hurst & Domino.

WINNERS: Whiskey Dick

MATCH FIVE: “M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross v. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

Really well done match that told a story.  MJF was working the arm throughout and allowed Cross to sell leading to his comeback and nearfall off a springboard cutter.  The crowd popped big for the two count.  The finish came when MJF distracted the ref, hit a back kick low blow and got in the armbar for the victory.

MJF cut a promo after running down the roster and putting himself over as the only thing that matters.  Stokely Hathaway came to the ring.  He said they are close friends but there’s a problem, because MJF works for him everywhere except Limitless, so they need to remedy this by signing a contract.  MJF was celebrating when Darby Allin snuck to the ring and went to the top.  MJF turned by ducked and Allin took out Stokely with a graveyard leap.

WINNER: Maxwell Jacob Friedman


MATCH SIX: Deonna Purrazzo v. Tessa Blanchard

This ended up being a pretty good match.  It didn’t have much of a heel/babyface dynamic to it, but the crowd ended up popping big on a nearfall and for Deonna’s Fujiwara armbar attempt, so that’s half the battle.  Tessa ended up getting the win with a Codebreaker from the second rope.

WINNER: Tessa Blanchard

MATCH SEVEN: Eddie Kingston v. Chris Dickinson

Dickinson called out Kingston in a promo on the last show, which lead to this match.

So here’s the only issue I had with this match.  At the last show, Dickinson called out Kingston and basically called him a coward that’s been ducking him for years.  Then the match starts and they have a wrestling match, where I feel (and so did the crowd based on their reaction) that they should have come out and started brawling all over the place and then broke into a strong style showdown.  Instead, they started on the mat and eventually broke into strong style.  Nothing wrong with that, and in fact, it was a good strong style type of match.  I just felt it needed more intensity from the start.

Great intensity in their strikes, especially the kicks of Dickinson.  The finish saw Dickinson get the win with the Pazuzu Bomb.  Kingston got on the mic and confirmed what I was thinking watching the match.  He dedicated the match to Giant Baba and All Japan Pro Wrestling.

WINNER: Chris Dickinson

MATCH EIGHT: The Dream Team (Mr. Grim, Christian Casanova & Austin Theory) v. The Thick Boys (John Silver & Jay Freddie) & “All Ego” Ethan Page

The Thick Boys, who come out in denim cut-off jackets, came out and stood near the entrance.  Ethan Page then emerged behind him also wearing a denim cut off and the crowd went wild.  Very cool entrance.

This was a really fun, high energy six man with a lot of action.  It’s exactly what the crowd wanted from the match.  Ethan Page ended up breaking the bottom rope as he attempted his jump in cutter from the apron. That’s right, Ethan, it was all your fault!  Mr. Grim ended up accidentally pouncing Casanova and the Thick Boys ended up getting the win.

WINNERS: The Thick Boys & “All Ego” Ethan Page

MATCH NINE: The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry & James Drake) v. Massage NV (Dorian Graves & VSK)

This was only the second time I’ve seen Massage NV work a serious match and both times I’ve been very impressed.  This match was by far the best I’ve ever seen them.  They were organized, crisp, athletic and just fantastic.  I wish they would work like this more often.  Take nothing away from Henry and Drake, as they’re both tremendous in their roles.  Henry might be the hardest hitter in the business.  VSK ended up getting the win for Massage NV.


MAIN EVENT: Fatal Four Way Match – JT Dunn v. Ace Romero v. Josh Briggs v. “All Good” Anthony Greene (with DL Hurst & Brett Domino)

This was a wild brawl all over the building which saw JT Dunn jump off a really tall locker for a huge pop. The story of the match was all four guys were giving their best and they were all popping up like nothing was hurting them.  Not sure how much the match worked as a match, but as a spectacle it’s what the crowd wanted to see.  The finish saw Anthony Greene steal the win on Dunn with a handful of tights, making him the Ace of Limitless.

After the match, Teddy Hart made a surprise return.  He got on the mic and cut an expletive filled promo about how on March 30 on the next show, he’s bringing AR Fox and Sami Callihan with him to take on Dunn, Romero and Briggs.

WINNER: “All Good” Anthony Greene

Overall, this was a very fun show.  While there were no match of the year candidates or any blow away matches, it gave the crowd what they wanted from a live experience.  I thought it did a good job building toward their next show on March 30.  I definitely suggest checking out a Limitless show if you’re in the northern New England area, or if you’re willing to travel a bit since they always load up their card

Follow them online @LWMaine 

Barbed Wire Massacre III: LAX vs oVe | FULL MATCH | IMPACT! Jan 18, 2018