Monday, December 17, 2018


Fans leaving proved EVERYTHING I said in my earlier article, and my video rant.. ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! LMAO! proof like that is a mother fucker and yes I AM enjoying the fact i was right, very much. :)

RAW was live in Sacremento on Monday night, but they also had a pretty exciting show after the show for the live audience. The only problem was that some people didn’t want to stick around.
WWE filmed the Christmas Eve episode of RAW after the live show ended earlier tonight.
Apparently, a “good chunk” of fans decided not to stick around to see the Christmas Eve episode of RAW even though they were essentially getting two shows with the same ticket.Therefore, don’t be surprised if you see some clever camera tricks next week on RAW as they attempt to shoot around the empty seats.

Anthony Gangone Calls Out David Arquette - House of Glory Wrestling (Rolls Eyes Amd Asks "Why"?)

he HOG World Champion, “One Above All” #AnthonyGangone took it upon himself to call out & challenge #Scream Franchise movie star & the Former WCW World Champion, David Arquette, to a fight for the HOG World Championship in any type of match he would like in 2019 even inviting his friend & partner RJ City, into House of Glory Wrestling. We haven’t contacted Mr. Arquette about this so we do not know if he will even respond. Will he come to HOG in 2019?

Mat Memory- Stan Hansen vs Dynamite Kid (AJPW 23/03/1991)

Upcoming Indy Wrestling Dates And Results

OTT from yesterday in Belfast before a sellout of 550 fans: Sean Guinness b Charlie Sterling, The Mongrels won over Lads from the Flats & Session Moth Martina, Raven Creed b Valkyrie-DQ to keep the women's title, Jordan Devlin b Scotty Davis, Damien Corvin b Ilja Dragunov, Adam Maxted won three-way over Curtis Murray and Tucker, Walter b Bonesaw to keep the OTT title. David Starr was injured so his match with Dragunov was changed.

Bein Sports will air an MLW marathon on 12/31 starting at 6 a.m. Eastern.

PWF from yesterday in Springfield, IL: Corey Roberts & Austin Hayes & Nick King b James Brady & Reilly McGuire & Harrison Kolmer, Aaron Williams b Jake Omen, Ace Perry b Stephen Wolf, Sophie King b Tootie Lynn Ramsey, Juntai & Gavin Quinn b Adam Slade & Kevin Giza, Jake Parnell won six-way over Bandolero, Paco Gonzalez, Golden Dragon, Gringo Loco and Orion Creed, Myron Reed b Mat Fitchett, Logan James & Jake Lander b Juice Robinson & Jimmy Jacobs.

There was a scary moment at a show yesterday from the Head Drop promotion that debuted in London. During a match with Jinny vs. Laura DiMatteo, DiMatteo hit her head. EMTs came out and DiMatteo was rushed to the hospital. Rhia O'Reilly went with her and then said it was a miracle and they could find no concussion or injury of any kind. 

preview of the Windy City Classic that AAW is promoting on 12/29.

Windy City Classic XIV Preview | AAW Pro

Video Rant on "Vince McMahon Announcement". (WWE Proved Me Right, Again. Imagine That)

This is based on the article i posted here earlier tonight, and the announcement I made that I was going to tune into RAW for the first time.... In a LONG time. Lord was it a FUCKING, waste of time.

Thoughts/Opinions On Couple Things I Wanted To Air Out (Mostly WWE)

Some random thoughts and opinions I've decided to churn out of my system since I've been asked certain things, or just some shit has been nagging to be talked about. Besides how many other wrestling sites or writers would dare say the things I do? I'll give you hint, none really.

Someone asked me, “What would it take to get you to watch WWE shows on a regular basis again”?

A fucking miracle.

Now the many people who have known me for years will be cracking up laughing at that reply, because they know that's exactly my sentiment for that company's shows. They need a miracle and it's been shown time and again that Vince McMahon, doesn't want fans like me anymore interested in his programming. I used to watch it, hell one of my go to things from that company was when Ricky Steamboat faced Magnificent Muraco and he and Mr. Fuji 'hung' Steamboat with a belt. Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch as a tag team there is another. Flair when he showed up there wearing the NWA World Title belt was a shocker nobody saw coming. But then? We started getting Dusty Rhodes wearing polka dots, Dick Slater as “The Rebel”, you see how this is starting to go down hill?

Plus look at how they've fucked up when they golden eggs that would've maintained interest for a long time to come, But because WWE has no damn clue on how to properly promote something they never created to begin with, They fumbled stumbled and fell on their face with having the NWA, ECW and WCW invasion angles. One look on Youtube, SMW vs USWA or even ECW vs USWA are proper examples of how invasion angles are done.

Which brings me to another question I've been asked quite a bit recently. “If you were in charge of WWE what would you do”?

Now my answer nearly ALWAYS pisses off the Fanboys and fanatics of WWE, but fans of other promotions see what I'm talking about. If I had total control, to do whatever I wanted to do with absolutely NO INTERFERENCE? Figuratively light a stick of dynamite, blow the shit up and start again from scratch.

Scripted promos? Thrown out the window. Non Wrestling writers? Told to hit the bricks. All the goofy dumb assed cookie cutter gimmicks and story lines that aren't getting over? Put in a dumpster and set on fire. Because the bottom line is you don't need members of the owner's family out there taking up space and time that could be better utilized for actual wrestling talent. Cut RAW down to two hours, hell even one hour and simplify a lot of the micromanaged things that are too micromanaged to begin with. Contrary to what Dave Scherer of PWInsider said in an answer to a question sent in to him (more on that, in a minute) You CAN, write and book a straight ahead wrestling show with simple angles and story lines, created by guys who KNOW what gets over. You get guys like Michael Hayes, Arn Anderson (ESPECIALLY Arn Anderson), Dibiase, Rotunda and you book it simply. No stupid skits where a forklift turns over a car, or a cement truck fills the owner's Corvette with cement, you don't NEED that kind of wasteful crap to get over a product if you book it simply and solidly.

Even if the company doesn't work with other wrestling companies, you can 'acknowledge' them with an interviewer asking “What brought you here to the WWE”? “I've wrestled around the world and it's HERE, in the WWE where I hear the toughest competition is and so I've come here to prove myself and rise to the top here.. Seth Rollins (using his name as an example) may THINK he's the best but when he faces me in the ring? He's going to know why I... Am the best and if anyone else has a problem with that? I'll be in the ring in two minutes, I dare someone to come out and say something”.
So simple but for some reason in the WWE, SSOO challenging.

Let the talent develop their own or utilize their own mic skills. Bullet points go a LONG WAY, so just give the bullet points. “This is your match, this is your opponent, go”. And allow the talent to get the angle or reason for the match over. How fucking hard is that to accomplish? If by some chance the guy doesn't have strong mic skills? Then you get a Truth Martini, or a James Mitchell or a Beau James, who DO have strong mic skills to be the manager, and let THEM utilize their promo talents to get the thing over. I know for a fact when the WWF's training Dojo was headlining WWA New England shows back in 1998 the members of those Dojos weren't having their promos written word for word for them there. I know this because I worked for WWA New England back then and had ALOT of access to watch the Dojos in action before fans were allowed in. While my friends Dave, Kevin and his son left to go eat somewhere after we helped set up chairs, tables, ring, etc. I was the one who stayed behind, sat in one of those chairs and watched, intently. I watched and I asked questions. I asked Tom Pritchard, Bruce Pritchard and Dory Funk jr. (as well as Cornette when he worked the Dojos as well) TONS of questions. They never got tired of me asking and Tom actually appreciated the fact I did ask what I asked. If you're gonna get smartened up, get smartened up all the way if you can and who better to do that than guys who know the shit. So not once ever, was a promo scripted for a WWF Dojo member on a WWA New England show. THEY, were allowed to utilize and develop their own mic skills. What a hell of a concept, eh?

Now Dave Scherer said (and I wish I still had that screen shot so I could post it as proof), that and I'll pretty much quote it, “A straight ahead wrestling show in my opinion can't be done now”.

RREAALLYY NOW, Is TTHHAATT a fact.. It “Can't be done” BUT.. AMW, Reality Of Wrestling, Defiant Wrestling, OTT Wrestling, PROGRESS Wrestling, WWA In Kentucky, Supreme Wrestling in Indiana, MEW in the UK, West Coast Wrestling Connection, World Underground Wrestling, ECPW, Bert Prentice's USA Championship Wrestling, The USACW in West Virginia, and I can go on and on listing other companies, DO IT ALL THE TIME!? Explain the logic of “can't be done” when the listed companies have been doing it for a long time now? Obviously Scherer again has shown he doesn't really know what the fuck, he's talking about if he can say that, and I can show example after example of how wrong he is on it.

Bottom line is, it can be done but companies like WWE and Impact Wrestling for some reason, it's too much of a challenge for them.

I'll be writing another article for the Australian based Feed The Gorilla Fanzine. It'll be an article on the late Dale Pierce, who was well known in many Indy companies in Arizona, California, Ohio and Washington state. It'll be an interesting piece on an interesting individual that I had the honor of knowing personally, and getting a lot of insightful advice from, some of which I still use to this day.

As I posted earlier, I'll be watching RAW tonight for the first time in a LONG LONG time. WHY would I bother to waste my time like this, KNOWING how much that product sucks ass? More to prove my point home that no matter what they do, especially with this “Vince McMahon announcement” won't be enough to maintain my interest. I'm pretty much guaranteeing I'll be grabbing my remote and changing the channel over to Football. Not even Houdini can perform enough magic tricks to get RAW good enough to watch all the way thru. I won't have to 'look for' a reason to change the channel because of how they present their shit product? The reasons will come and I won't have to look for them.

That's about the one thing they are consistent in doing well, presenting a shit product that has a long time fan like myself? Always looking for something better than them to watch. Sad, but that's just.. The way it is and it's on them and their failure to present something entertaining. Some day they might get it right again, but I'm sure, it won't be tonight, LOL!

The POD talk to Jen Louise after winning the ICW Tag Team Belts! (Insane Championship Wrestling)

The P.O.D. - Ashton Smith and Rampage Brown - and their manager The Wee Man talk to Jennifer Louise after their huge Tag Title win at @ICW: Fear & Loathing XI. The new champs defend against The Kinky Party this Sunday at ICW: Brush Another Goose.

MLW Notes

There will be a MLW marathon on BeIN Sports on 12/31 starting at 6 AM.

BeIN Sports had a camera crew following Tony Schiavone, documenting his return to broadcast on live TV for the first time since WCW went out of business in 2001.  The documentary should debut fairly soon on the cable network.

The ladder match last week was apparently cursed.  MJF was yanked after suffering a fractured elbow.   Andrew Everett was pulled from it after tweaking his knee at the TV taping the night before as he felt it pop, so he was yanked in order to make sure he wasn't in a situation that could be dangerous to his health.  Then, Kotto Brazil twisted his ankle at the first night of TV as well and was pulled as a precautionary move.  THEN, in the first spot of the match, Teddy Hart hit the edge of the steps from the entrance stage and there was concern he might have been injured as well, but was OK.  

Speaking of MJF, he posted the following update on his social media: "Did moderate to heavy push/pull workouts for the first time since I broke my elbow. Starting to feel like myself again my mobility is coming back and I feel in a week from now I should have full functionality of my arm. More importantly however a fan just walked up to me at the gym and told me he was a huge fan so I looked dead at him laughed in his face and walked away.  It’s been a good day."
Davey Boy Smith, who just got back from a month in Japan and was fresh off of 20 hour flight, worked the show very sick with a huge fever as he didn't want to miss the tapings.  He really gutted through the show and we heard from a few people who were impressed with his toughness.

Tom Lawlor was slated to do a quick match with Simon Gotch for their No Holds Barred fight as he's still getting over a crushed knuckle from his recent MMA fight on the undercard of Tito Ortiz vs. Chuck Liddell.  Lawlor argued that he could go longer and MLW management gave him what he was wanted.  There were a lot of people impressed with his toughess.
TV Azteca, one of the major networks out of Mexico, was at the MLW events in Miami, filming.

TV Azteca, one of the major networks out of Mexico, was at the MLW events in Miami, filming.

Discussions are underway to potentially bring MLW: Fusion TV to Europe.

I Know THIS Is Going To Be A Waste Of Fucking Time, BUT This Is What I'm Gonna Do Tonight

I'm Gonna watch RAW for the first time in a LONG LONG time tonight. Just to see if McMahon's 'announcement' can hold my attention, or if I grab the remote and change the channel right away. How much you want to bet the latter happens? 

Mat Memory- Smokey Mountain Wrestling's "NIGHT OF THE LEGENDS" Show

Held on August 5th, 1994 and includes the following matches (and more).

Bob Orton jr. & Dick Slater vs Ronnie Garvin and The Mongolian Stomper.
RnR Express vs Brian lee & Chris Candido
Dirty White Boy vs Terry Gordy
Terry and Dory Funk jr. along with Bruiser Bedlam vs Bob Armstrong, Tracey Smothers and Road Warrior Hawk

Much more.


When EVOLVE Wrestling comes to La Boom you know it’s going to be special and a special night it was at #EVOLVE 117! WARNING: This EVOLVE Recap contains spoilers regarding a major happening that could change the course of EVOLVE forever! Watch now for more... Find out what happens when WWN holds it’s final event in Deer Park, NY when WWN & EVOLVE Wrestling present EVOLVE 118 on Sunday, December 16th at 8 PM EST by joining us in person or watching live on Club WWN! See EVOLVE Wrestling live: - Dec 16th - Long Island, NY - Jan 18th - Brooklyn, NY - Jan 19th - Queens, NY - Feb 16th - Charlotte, NC - Apr 4th - Queens, NY - Apr 5th - Queens, NY

Bully Ray On Why WWE Will Never Let Stars Get As Big As John Cena, What Vince McMahon Once Told Him

Recently on The Jim Ross Report, WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross spoke with his fellow WWE Hall Of Famer Bubba Ray Dudley, also known as Bully Ray. Among many other things, Bully talked about why he thinks WWE will never again let any WWE Superstar become as famous as multiple-time world champion John Cena. Also, Ross shared that WWE could see some changes in its braintrust with the relaunch of the XFL coming soon.
In Bully's view, WWE no longer allows performers its braintrust did not envision at the top to reach the proverbial brass ring. Moreover, Bully suggested that a talent can no longer get himself over in the way pro wrestling great Steve Austin did with his memorable 'Austin 3:16' promo.
"[Ross] know[s] damn well that you don't go to the top of the mountain and stay at the top of the mountain unless you are chosen to be at the top of the mountain," Bully declared. "And that's not the way it was. One of [Ross's] best friends in the [pro] wrestling business and in real life is a guy named 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. He was told to never talk. What would've happened if he never grabbed that microphone and never would have said, Austin 3:16 means I just whooped your ass'? Now, back then, it worked. Now, if you're not told to say something like that, how can you ever get to the top of the mountain?"
According to Bully, WWE will never let a talent get as big as Cena ever again.
"Seth Rollins has done it all and can do it all. But how come Seth Rollins is not at Cena level? How come he's not at Rock level? How come he's not at Austin level? It's because I don't think they will ever allow anyone to get to that level again." Bully explained, "if you take the three biggest stars over the last 20-some-odd years, would you say that Cena, Austin, and The Rock are the three biggest ones? Okay, so those three guys in their own way do what they wanted to do without Vince's approval. Listen, Steve was able to walk out and still come back and have a job. [Ross] helped out a lot, but not a lot of people walk out and come back in the next day. Rocky was able to walk away and become the biggest star in Hollywood. And John, my God! He just won the Muhammad Ali Award. He [has] granted more wishes than anybody on the planet. I mean, he walks on water when it comes to the WWE. And he was able to tell Vince, 'I'm not [going to Saudi Arabia].' I don't think they're ever going to let anybody get to that level again where they have control or say."
During the interview, Bully shared that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon once told him that it is rare for a performer to have leverage on WWE and shame on them if they do not use it. This interaction clearly informed Bully opinion of WWE's refusal to let any performer get too much leverage on the company.  
"I learned a very important lesson from Vince McMahon one day, JR, that he taught me one-on-one. I don't remember the arena we were in, but we were in a hallway and he said, 'Bubba, it's very rare that the boys have leverage on me, but when they do have leverage on me and they don't use it, shame on them.' What a lesson to learn from Vince McMahon and I apply that lesson to what's going on in the WWE today. They're creating their stars, they're letting their stars get as big as they possibly want them to be, but then there's a ceiling. And I think Roman [Reigns] is at the top of that ceiling. I think Ronda [Rousey] is at the top of that ceiling. I think Charlotte is at the top of that ceiling. I'm not sure who will ever get passed that."
Also of note, Ross suggested that 2019 may see a change in WWE where McMahon gets more involved with the XFL and less involved with WWE creative.  
"I think when the XFL comes, he's going to spend so much time with the new toy, the new business venture," Ross said. "It's his business venture too, by the way - his company, his new company, so I think maybe, there may be a transition period in 2019 that sees him more involved in the football and maybe a little bit less involved in the wrestling creative."

Vince McMahon Reportedly "Furious" With Top WWE TLC Match

Well if he IS furious then he should look in the mirror and be furious with himself. because it was He HIMSELF, that gave the okay and had it written/booked/ whatever. The fans chanting "This is boring" sent a clear message. But of course McMahon will try and either deflect it or ifnore it. But if he's furious then he should be mad at himself because in the end, all the calls for whatever happens there, lay on him. So it's all on him whether he likes it or not.

One of the biggest surprises at last night's WWE TLC pay-per-view was the poor reaction to the Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose Intercontinental title match. In a match that went 24 minutes, Ambrose defeated Rollins clean with the Dirty Deeds. During the match, fans chanted "this is boring" and "Becky."
The fans were reportedly not the only ones upset with the match. Dave Meltzer noted on the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio that Vince McMahon "was furious" with it.
It's not known if the feud will continue, however the current plan is reportedly for Rollins to face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 35. Before that, Lesnar will defend the WWE Universal Championship against Braun Strowman at The Royal Rumble in January.

Mat Memory- IWCCW - The Best of Tito Santana

Matches from Savoldi's ICW (later known as IWCCW).

Mat Memory- IWCCW - Tito Santana vs. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine

Tito Santana and Greg Valentine continue their wars from the WWF on the Independent circuit! This appears to be taped in the early months of 1995, which seems amazing that the IWCCW/ICW was still taping shows at that point. Tito Santana is the reigning Heavyweight Champion, and waves the DQ/Count-Out rule on title defenses... will that become a factor in the result?