Saturday, October 21, 2017

ROH TV taping results: The road to Final Battle

Surprise Jimmy Jacobs appearance

Jimmy Jacobs made a surprise appearance at tonight’s WrestleCircus show. He confronted Sami Callihan and mentioned being fired for the Bullet Club selfie. Callihan punched him down but Jacobs came back and hit a spear. Jacobs tweeted after the appearance: “For the record, I have zero bitter feelings towards WWE. I had a great two and a half years there. But now I’m very excited to perform again.”

Never sween this before, but I'm watching it now, lol. Paul Heyman & Tommy Dreamer - Byte This 06/08/2005

here's an ECW classic, Singapore Cane Match Tommy Dreamer vs Sandman w/Woman (Aug/30/1994)

You can sure bet that WWE won't ever have the balls to do something like this.

Booker T on Mistakes Made by TNA  

Booker T discusses his TNA legacy and the mistakes made by the company that has led to its downfall, including the removal of the 6-sided ring and letting the "old guard" into the company.

Kansas City pro wrestling announcer Bill Kersten passes away

Professional wrestling lost yet another of its longest lasting television announcers as Bill Kersten, who made the term "He-llooo wrestling fans" into part of the lexicon of the Central States, passed away yesterday.
He was believed to be in his early 90s.

Kersten was a fixture in Kansas City Wrestling from 1947 until the death of the regional office more than 40 yeas later. He started as a ticket taker, moved to being a ring announcer in 1956, and then became the lead television announcer.

In 2009, Kersten was honored by the George Tragos/Lou Thesz Hall of Fame in Waterloo, Iowa for his contributions to wrestling.

Kersten, Bob Geigel, Tom Andrews, and Roger Kirby were part of the Kansas City contingent that attended Cauliflower Alley banquets until a few years ago.

After wrestling, Kersten worked as a ticket taker at a movie theater in Liberty, Missouri. He noted that even long after he had been off area television, every day at the theater people would see him and shout, "Hell-loo wrestling fans."

15 YRS AGO – WWE Ohio Valley TV Tapings in Louisville, Ky.: Who was in Developmental in October 2002?

Scott Hall On Randy Savage Calling Him 'Selfish' After WM Ladder Match, How He Got Drug Habit, Ribs

Allie On Relationship With Jeff Jarrett, Working With Gail Kim, Favorite Career Moments With Impact

Chavo Guerrero Jr. And Court Bauer Talk Past Stereotypical WWE Gimmicks

Impact Wrestling Bound for Glory Press Conference 2017

Impact Wrestling Bound for Glory Press Conference 2017

Impact Wrestling champion Eli Drake and former WWE Superstar and current Bellator and GFW star Bobby Lashely take part in the official press conference for Impact's Bound For Glory PPV and TV tapings after from Nov. 6 to 10 at the Aberdeen Pavilion in Ottawa!