Thursday, November 23, 2017

Love how Meltzer thinks he can tell people what words to use.

Like he thinks he's the be all and end all of people who know what makes people 'out of touch'. if he wants to see someone who's really out of touch maybe Meltzer should look in the mirror.

By all means feel free to tweet him and tell him I said that. Because he'll most likely just sidestep the issue and avoid having to comment on the fact I can make him look like an idiot on a daily basis, with ease.

This is for my Friend Josh Roach, this is in your area of the woods. :) CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide Ep. #132: 15th Annual Ultimate Survivor - the Entire Event! (11/22/17)

Published on Nov 22, 2017
CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide Episode #132 (11/22/17): The 15th Annual Ultimate Survivor - the Entire Event!
-The Dream Team (Captain Stokley Hathaway with Cain Justice, Ethan Alexander Sharpe, “Excellence Personified” Brian Carson, Joshua Cutshall, “The Prince of Broadway” Frankie Flynn, and the Philly-Marino Experience of Philly Collins & Marino Tenaglia) vs. Co-Captains Worldwide Television Champion Jesse Adler and Rising Generation League Champion Dirty Daddy with Nick Richards, Michael McAllister, Cam Carter, Mitch Connor, and the Vanguard of Darius Lockhart & Caprice Coleman in a 16-man Torneo Cibernetico elimination match
-Metallico, Number Boy, & Kool Jay vs. Mike Mars in a handicap elimination match
-Donnie Dollars interview
-The All-Stars (Captain Jarry Caray with Arik Royal, Roy Wilkins, Mace Li, & Otto Schwanz) vs. Captain CL Party with Snooty Foxx, Faye Jackson, and the Sandwich Squad (Mecha Mercenary & Aaron Biggs) in a traditional 5-on-5 elimination match
-Pro Wrestling International Heavyweight Champion C.W. Anderson’s team vs. Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Trevor Lee’s team in a best two out of three falls Triathlon Survivor match

Like what you see? CWF Mid-Atlantic runs between 30-40 live events each year; many of which emanate from the Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in the heart of the legendary NWA territory along Tabacco Road (1001 Springwood Ave; Gibsonville, NC). Aside from hosting live events, CWF also fully trains all prospective wrestlers and have had no less than two dozen compete for the WWE. For more information on training or to book the stars of CWF in your town, please visit us at,, or follow us on twitter @CWFMidAtlantic!

Tony Schiavone Talks Botched Ultimate Warrior Run-In During Bret Hart - Hulk Hogan WCW Match

Newest WWA (Kentucky) show posted yesterday. Hysteria 52 - Halloween Hell 2017

Published on Nov 22, 2017
A night of action from Owensboro!
-Jordan Whittaker and Josiah finally do battle in a steel cage for the vacant WWA Championship
-Dakota France and Jeremy Gray face CCW and "Superstar" Ray Waddell, where the winning team gets the WWA Tag Team titles as well as the rights to the "System" name
-Tony Evans has his first National Title defense against a primed and ready Teddy King
-All of this plus Vanderpool, Avispo, Tyler Hawkins, Cortland Moore, Mickey Midas, Alexander Knight, Lucas Tyler, Kahaji Khan, Krutch, Andrew Hunter, and a few surprise appearances!

More good stuff to watch. Reality of Wrestling TV: Episode 186

Published on Nov 23, 2017
(Reality of Wrestling) is a wrestling promotion owned by Booker T that runs out of Houston, Texas showcasing the top unsigned talent from around the world in a weekly episodic series.

More info go to:

How Much Is WWE Making From NBC Deal This Year?, WWE Reportedly Meets With FOX

Scherer and Johnson ( At PWInsider) - Not the sharpest knives in the drawer...

This story is alittle old but because it's obvious that some at PWInsider have come to my blog and now have tried to incorporate a thing or two I do here. MAYBE it is time to show this. As I like to say, Proof is a mother fucker and thankfully the proof I have says it all. It was sent to me by two guys who know each other and are fans of this blog. They were hoping I could do something with this and well. I am..

It started with THIS. An email sent to Mike Johnson at PWInsider asking about which titles did Billy Corgan and Dave Lugana purchase? Mike's answer obious gives the perception that Corgan and Lugana have no idea WHAT titles they got when they bought the National Wrestling Alliance. How would they NOT now is a great question that was asked and of course from what I read, Johnson's answer totally avoided the question. Which shows he stepped in shit and couldn't get himself out of it.
So apparently after some batting back and forth someone decided to ask Dave Scherer, Johnson's partner at PWInsider and the great 'jpurnalist' Scherer is avoided the question being asked two times and on the third time you see his answer to it. "Why you asking me for? Ask Mike".
Um, didn't he NOT even READ the email? it explicitly says he asked Mike and Mike gave him an answer that didn't make any sense. Obvoisly Scherer skimmed over the email or read what 'he wanted to read' from it because had he actually read THE WHOLE thing. He probably wouldn't have given such a stupid reply back. Also. My thing is, WHY NOT ASK YOU. YOU'RE THE ONE who reads and posts viewers questions and then answers them so why not ask you? DUH!
Needless to say Both men who inquired and go stupid, unprofessional responses back from Johnson and Scherer got verbally put in their place. And Scherer, showing how much of an idiot he really is thought both of these guys were me, which shows what a moron he is because I didn't even know about this stuff until acouple days ago. I myself have put Scherer in check on acouple of things so it doesn't come as any surprise to me that they come off like dipshits. The sad fact that people actually PAY to be part of their 'elite section' when you see right here what morons they are, is really amazing.
If you don't know all the titles Corgan and Laguna got in the purchase why didn't they just say so? THAT would've been a logical thing to do or even better, why didn't Scherer and Johnson just ASK Dave and Billy? HEY, what a fucking concept that is, eh? But of course doing some genuinely as,king I gues is 'beneath them' since they're trying to suck a buck out of people every chance they can on their paywall, LOL. Son yes there you have it and the proof is here, proof is a mother fucker and you know damn well, they won't openly respond to this, because the truth is right ehre and it stings too much. :) Moral being don't bother asking these clown shit. because this is how they'll treat you if you do. Then you'll have to go thru the process of making themj look like fools which by looking at this stuff, isn't very hard to do apparently.

Indy wrestling you want, Indy Wrestling you get. House Of Bricks Pro Wrestling HoB Turnbuckle TV Season 2 Episode 36

Published on Nov 23, 2017
HoB Turnbuckle TV
Season 2
Episode 36

On this week's episode of House Of Bricks Pro Wrestling #TurnbuckleTV, the first game that will be streamed on the #HoB Twitch channel starting Nov. 28th will be announced, and in this week's FEATURED MATCH, four teams, eight wrestlers, all make history and compete in the FIRST EVER, HoB Championship Scramble Match for the HoB Tag Team Championships. Steven L Ust and Steven Broad Middlesex Express defends against, The WildHammers, The Wildside Devin Baker and Zach "The Hammer" Ramos, The Stepdads "Rad Dad" Radley Belmont and "Poppa Bear" Wade Krueger and #MackAttack Mon Ster Mack and Trainee #1.

House Of Bricks Pro Wrestling
Social Media
Facebook: HoBWrestling
Twitter: @HoBWrestling
Instagram: @houseofbricksprowrestling


Jay Lethal On Joining The Bullet Club, Future Goals In Ring Of Honor, Shaving His Head

Jay Lethal spoke with Huffington Post UK on a number of wrestling topics. Here are some of the highlights:

Future goals in Ring of Honor:
"There's two things I haven't done in Ring of Honor, that I would like to. The tag-team titles and the newly made six-man belts. If I could capture those belts that would mean I've had every title her in Ring of Honor ever, even the Pure Championship, because I was Pure Champion for a little while too."

Joining the Bullet Club:
"What me? In the Bullet Club? I don't think so, I don't think so. No, no, those guys are too cool for me."

Shaving his head:
"I'll tell you the truth! First of all, I was getting tired of the braids. I'd had them for over 13 years and also, braids, they pull your hair out. So I was starting to thin on the top and it got a little embarrassing, especially if I didn't have my hair re-braided, then you could really tell. So one day I went to the barber, and said it was time to get rid of it. He was saying "Noooo" and I said "Yep, time to get rid of it". Before he started cutting it, I said "Hold on! Wait a minute! I've got a great idea!". Then we came up with the idea to have my hair get shaved by Adam Cole on Ring of Honor TV, which came out awesome. I saw little kids and women in the audience crying, and holding their hands over their mouth because they couldn't believe it."

You can read the full interview by clicking here.

Source: Huffington Post

PWInsider does the same thing I did first? 'Coincidence'? Nice to see they come and look at this blog. :) ....

I wrote this up after midnight last night thanking all of you for supporting this blog. here's the link to it.... But it looks like they want to jump on the bandwagon as look at how they pretty much use the same tag line I did. ...
Guess I've become more of the trendsetter than I thought, LOL. Later today I'll have an interesting story on Dave Scherer based on a question a viewer of PWInsider sent him and how he reacted to it. shows that there are some clowns over at PWInsider. :)

And STILL someone at The Torch webpage is 'concerned' about seeing my name mentioned there, LOL.

The pic above with hat comment? is STILL "Awaiting Moderation', LMAO! Makes you wonder what Andrew Soucek, 'PWTorch Specialist' is so afraid of, LOL.

Here's the link of where if it ever DOES get approved, it'll be. But I guess ol Andypoo is alittle chicken of seeing my name telling the truth. :) ...

11/18 ROH TV HITS & MISSES: Taven vs. White, Taylor vs. Cheeseburger, Castle vs. Page, Bully Ray Update

Rhett Titus On Why He Hated Training Under Daniel Bryan, If He Would Want Bryan To Return To ROH

Ken Shamrock Doesn't Understand Why WWE Won't Bring Him Back..

Um the answer is probably real simple.. Because THEY DON'T WANT YOU BACK, DUH! Dumb ass. But here's the interview he did anyway. :)

Former WWF Intercontinental Champion and UFC Hall of Famer Ken Shamrock joined Wrestledelphia Radio's Mark Whited to talk about his new podcast, the state of the pro wrestling business, CM Punk's venture into MMA, and the possibility of returning to WWE. They sent us these highlights:

CM Punk entering UFC:
"I thought [CM Punk] took more of a risk than myself, Brock [Lesnar], or anybody else. His background isn't in wrestling, as far as amateur. His background isn't in mixed martial arts. His background is just in pro wrestling. So for him to go from pro wrestling, which he was a superstar in, into the MMA world - where he didn't have any kind of background with submissions or grappling - and going into [UFC], that was a big risk...
"...I thought he did a great job and applaud him for what he did."

A possible surprise entry into the Royal Rumble and a WWE return:
"I doubt it. I've been saying this for years. I'm not understanding that with everybody that I've seen come back - Kurt Angle, The Rock - how isn't Ken Shamrock there? If anybody makes sense in coming back and doing something with those guys coming back, there is no other better person than myself."
The full Wrestledelphia Radio podcast with Ken is available on iTunes, Google Play Music, and


The eighth episode of the School of Morton podcast co-hosted by WWE Hall of Fame Inductee Ricky Morton of the Rock n’ Roll Express is available for download right now! Fred Ottman Tugboat, Typhoon of the Natural Disasters, The Shockmaster discusses working with Hulk Hogan, Earthquake, and more.

On deciding to go to the WWF and the presentation of the gimmick of Typhoon: “They called me in the office. Vince would sit down with all of his guys and they would have agents or whoever the powers may be. Pat Patterson was always his right hand man. They would throw things back and forth like a committee. He would call you into the office and talk to you. The thing is if they would come up with a gimmick for you they want you to be comfortable.”

How did that feel as a human being to be in the middle of huge feuds with Hulk Hogan in the WWF: “I couldn’t believe it, actually. You had the man that took the business to the next level and is that American icon.” He continued, “Once you went through that curtain, you get out there and feel the electricity of those people and Hulk was and still is a good, good guy and genuine guy and has helped so many guys in this business. Feel the electricity and the people’s response whether you are a heel or a babyface and getting that response.”

Regarding WWF Legend “Earthquake” John Tenta his tag team partner in the Natural Disasters: “I got a picture of me and him at Disney World with our families. In Orlando on the Dumbo ride with Mickey Mouse ears on. People knew who we were from TV and here’s the two big rhinoceros with Mickey Mouse ears on to ride the dumbo ride.  We were lucky we didn’t snap them off. We were both over four hundred pounds!”

Download and subscribe now on iTunes at: at, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, Google Play Music, or Stitcher.

WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Morton will be in Madison, WV this Friday, at WrestleCade in Winston Salem, NC on Saturday and appears live for WWE’s Starrcade in Greensboro, NC on the same day.

See details about upcoming School of Morton Shows in Rogersville, Johnson City , and Chuckey, TN on Next week’s guest will be Tommy Dreamer. Send your questions via Twitter to @RealRickyMorton and @ScottyIsOn.

The School of Morton Podcast is co-hosted by WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Morton of the Rock N’ Roll Express and Scotty Campbell, a news/talk show host. The podcast is available for download with new episodes released on Thursdays at: and at iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play Music, TuneIn, as well as other platforms.

Follow WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Morton at:

Well, some people won't be able to watch Impact Wrestling Tonight..

And here's why.

The Pop Network, which carries Impact Wrestling on Thursdays, has been pulled from the Dish Network due to an ongoing contractual issue between Pop's parent company CBS and the satellite provider. 

I grew up on this stuff and this stuff never gets old. AWA Wrestling Promos (Long Version)

The only thing wrong with this is the constant Theme from Rocky in the background but you ignore that and you can really enjoy this like I have. No scripted promos here, none written by Hollywood writers like in  WWE.

This is THE 1000th post I've made on this blog and this one is about you.

Since this is the 1000th post I've made for this blog, and this blog wouldn't be as successful as it has been if it weren't for all of you who view this everyday, I decided to show some stats that show it IS all of you that keep this thing very successful.

I just snapped these above pics, views for yesterday and last month, amazing I get that many almost everyday for keeping such a simple formula for this blog. And the other pic is of where all you viewers come from. That is for the last week all the countries who have viewed THIS blog. 96 from Germany? 130 from the Ukraine and on and on? I'm simply amazed that all you people from all these different places come to this little blog and view what I post here every day. No paywalls here, you don't have to 'pay' to read my opinions like you do at PWInsider(pay for their 'elite section to read Scherer's opinions? NNAA no thanks). just my honest opinion with a lot of different wrestling  news and a heavy focus on indy wrestling(occasionally an obscure song or movie will be posted here too).

So when I say this blog is successful because of you, you can see it yourself in the stats posted here. YOU make it worthwhile and some of the emails I get or messages thanking me for what I do, says it all so really, Thank YOU.