Thursday, November 23, 2017

Scherer and Johnson ( At PWInsider) - Not the sharpest knives in the drawer...

This story is alittle old but because it's obvious that some at PWInsider have come to my blog and now have tried to incorporate a thing or two I do here. MAYBE it is time to show this. As I like to say, Proof is a mother fucker and thankfully the proof I have says it all. It was sent to me by two guys who know each other and are fans of this blog. They were hoping I could do something with this and well. I am..

It started with THIS. An email sent to Mike Johnson at PWInsider asking about which titles did Billy Corgan and Dave Lugana purchase? Mike's answer obious gives the perception that Corgan and Lugana have no idea WHAT titles they got when they bought the National Wrestling Alliance. How would they NOT now is a great question that was asked and of course from what I read, Johnson's answer totally avoided the question. Which shows he stepped in shit and couldn't get himself out of it.
So apparently after some batting back and forth someone decided to ask Dave Scherer, Johnson's partner at PWInsider and the great 'jpurnalist' Scherer is avoided the question being asked two times and on the third time you see his answer to it. "Why you asking me for? Ask Mike".
Um, didn't he NOT even READ the email? it explicitly says he asked Mike and Mike gave him an answer that didn't make any sense. Obvoisly Scherer skimmed over the email or read what 'he wanted to read' from it because had he actually read THE WHOLE thing. He probably wouldn't have given such a stupid reply back. Also. My thing is, WHY NOT ASK YOU. YOU'RE THE ONE who reads and posts viewers questions and then answers them so why not ask you? DUH!
Needless to say Both men who inquired and go stupid, unprofessional responses back from Johnson and Scherer got verbally put in their place. And Scherer, showing how much of an idiot he really is thought both of these guys were me, which shows what a moron he is because I didn't even know about this stuff until acouple days ago. I myself have put Scherer in check on acouple of things so it doesn't come as any surprise to me that they come off like dipshits. The sad fact that people actually PAY to be part of their 'elite section' when you see right here what morons they are, is really amazing.
If you don't know all the titles Corgan and Laguna got in the purchase why didn't they just say so? THAT would've been a logical thing to do or even better, why didn't Scherer and Johnson just ASK Dave and Billy? HEY, what a fucking concept that is, eh? But of course doing some genuinely as,king I gues is 'beneath them' since they're trying to suck a buck out of people every chance they can on their paywall, LOL. Son yes there you have it and the proof is here, proof is a mother fucker and you know damn well, they won't openly respond to this, because the truth is right ehre and it stings too much. :) Moral being don't bother asking these clown shit. because this is how they'll treat you if you do. Then you'll have to go thru the process of making themj look like fools which by looking at this stuff, isn't very hard to do apparently.

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