Sunday, August 5, 2018

Inicent At Revolution Pro Show In London Today

There was a lot of talk regarding an incident at the Revolution Pro show at the Cockpit in London today. Kurtis Chapman wrestled Chris Ridgeway. Sam Adonis came out and made a number of homophobic slurs, the f word, the h word and also used slurs directed at mentally disabled. The crowd was upset, with a large section turning their back on him and chanting "Don't bring him back." It hurt the crowd until the main event. Promoter Andy Quildan seemed upset and offered an apology before the main event started saying that everyone was welcome at RevPro. 

Here's Meltzer's dumb logic about World Of Sports current ratings for their second show.

According to Meltzer (which is where I got this from) There's this.

Week two ratings for World of Sport do not look good. The preliminary number for yesterday's show was 609,000 viewers, down 34 percent from last week. The reality is they didn't have anything that compelled people to return, and since the show reached an older age group, they were likely watching due to nostalgia, which never holds up long-term. The final number will probably rise slightly, but this could not have been a worse sign.

So he's saying (and we're going according to HIS LOGIC, mind you) That if he had an indy group going with some sort of tv outlet for said group, HE wouldn't be happy that over 600,000 people watched it? I can name half a dozen indy promoters right now that would LOVE, to have that number of viewers watching their product.

Further proof that alot of times, Meltzer is, quite the moron.


With his time as an independent wrestler soon ( or apparently) coming to an end, Matt Riddle lost the EVOLVE Championship at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Saturday.
Shane Strickland defeated Riddle in a hardcore rules match at EVOLVE 108 to win the title. The story of the match was that Riddle refused to give up despite Strickland working over his left arm and repeatedly hiting double stomps, including one that was off a ladder and through a table while Riddle was hung on the ladder. Strickland eventually won with his JML Driver finisher.
This was the third time Riddle and Strickland have faced off in EVOLVE this year, with their previous matches ending in a no contest and a disqualification.
WWN confirmed last month that Riddle would be on all of EVOLVE's August shows and that he would be adding more dates if he was still champion after that. The company has EVOLVE 109 in Melrose, Massachusetts today, EVOLVE 110 in Cicero, Illinois on August 11, and EVOLVE 111 in Livonia, Michigan on August 12.
After receiving interest from both WWE and New Japan Pro Wrestling, Riddle is expected to be headed to NXT.

ROH HITS & MISSES 7/29: Gresham vs. Kushida, Scurll, SoCal Uncensored, Oedo Tai vs. Iwatani & Rose, Lethal, The Kingdom vs. Taylor, Isom, & King