Sunday, July 2, 2023

Dave Scherer (PWInsider) Gets "Checked", Again

 Dave Scherer, the owner of PWInsider continues to show why he is one of the dumbest people walking the face of the earth. He is indeed, the ultimate hypocrite as you're about to see,. He says one thing but his actions show what a hypocritical dumb ass he really is (which to most who have put him in his place in the past, this comes as no surprise).

I had nothing to do with this, some pointed out something he pinned on his twitter, and decided to call him out with articles from this very site. Articles that show Scherer making a complete fool of him self, along with how his site was, reported to the Better Business bureau because PWInsider journalist Mike Johnson was caught several times trying to scam PWInsider's "Elite" (paid) members. Something Johnson has since stopped doing AFTER it was reported tat he was reported to the Better Business Bureau mind you.

So here's where Dave Scherer in a recent PWInsider Q&A admits he's a coward, something I've known for years and have shown time and again. Nice of him to finally admit it.

And here's what he 'claims' on his own Twitter page.

He claims he doesn't need to interact, BUT.. Look at this following email convo where Scherer deflects, avoids this issue that's brought up, and because Scherer thinks anyone and everyone who dares email or message this is from this site, Scherer winds up getting verbally slapped, smacked and 'checked'.

I wish I could've been part of this because I would've made him look even more like a goof. But as you can see, he doesn't need my help in that department. he has a masters degree in being a dumbass. He does very well on his own, hands down.

So if you ever want to make Dave Scherer look like a total moron, just email him. As you see, it doesn't take any effort to show what a total dumb ass Dave Scherer is.