Wednesday, July 25, 2018

More Like Vince McMahon Will Dictate To You Triple H, Not The WWE Universe

But nice try anyway, everyone knows better.

  • Triple H spoke to SKy Sports about WWE’s Evolution PPV and was asked about the concept becoming a mainstay: “It's a question to be answered down the road. Do we need to have a women's only event? No -- just like we don't need a men's only event or anything else. I think that the opportunity is there whoever is the best, the most prominent box office attraction that is the main event. It doesn't matter if that's Raw, Smackdown, NXT, Wrestlemania. So can they have their own event? Can it be a mainstay? Yes, and if our fans want it and it's the right thing then we'll give it to them. The WWE universe will dictate to us what the approach is."