Sunday, February 2, 2025

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(Updated 2-3-2025 10:00 am) Wrestlinginc "Journalist" Blatantly Steals "Exclusive" From PWInsider's "Elite" Section (And Openly Admits He Stole It From There)


Update 2-3-2025 10:00 am

As you can see by the new screen grab above, they apparently just can't stop stealing over at Wrestlinginc. These so called 'journalists' that Wrestlinginc has for 'staff' just can't stop stealing their 'Backstage Updates" from PWInsider's Elite (paid subscriber) section. They either can't help themselves, can't control themselves, or just don't have the actual talent and skill to come up with something on their own.

You can choose which one it is.

So here's the latest idiot to brag that he stole his 'backstage report' from PWInsider's Elite section. I bet I can spend a whole week updating this story with screen shots right from Wrestlinginc since their staff makes it so blatant and obvious.

Here's the newest one that many people have caught.

Now go and click on the "PWInsider" in blue? And gguuessss where, it takes you.. You know where this is going, don't you (smiles).

Yep, you knew it was gonna come to here, LMAO! The exclusive you can ONLY SEE, if you're a PAID SUBSCRIBER to PWInsider's Elite section.

But hey, this apparently how things are done at Wrestlinginc now. They pay people to go to paid sites like this and steal stories. I guess this is how they try and stay 'relevant'.

God forbid these so called 'reporters' and ahem, 'journalists' actually do some real research for their own fucking stories. "God Forbid" they actually put that much effort into it, eh?

Thank God we here at WP&P don't have to do this kind of shady shit. But as you can see this kind of shady shit? Is considered 'business as usual' over at Wrestlinginc. 

Below is the original story that's started all this. We'll keep updating this as many times as these so called big time 'journalists' over at Wrestlinginc keep blatantly stealing stories from paid sites and actually be dumb enough, to brag about it.

Yeah, these so called 'journalists now really aren't as smart as they think they are. They actually think that bragging that they went to another news site's "paid Subscriber section" and stole their exclusive from there is a good thing.

It's not.. What it means is that they don't have what it takes to find their own fucking story, so they have to go steal a story from another site's paid subscriber section.

What's even dumb about this new era of ahem.. "journalists" is that they're not even TRYING to be slick about it. NNNNNAAAA why do that, just admit you ripped off another's site "elite" paid to see section' story because you yourself are just too 'creatively challenged' to get something original for the site you work for. 

LLAAZZZYYY journalism, and this isn't the first Wrestlinginc 'journalist" to do this. Sadly from the looks of things.. it won't be the last time either.

So let's break down the obvious stupidity of this guy, who Wrestlinginc has paid to steal stories from other wrestling news sites, shall we?

Here's Mike Johnson's stating it, and as you can see, you have to be a paid member of PWInsider in order to see this story.

 Now let's see how fucking stupid ol "Max" over at Wrestlinginc is.

Here's his "Exclusive" that he exclusively stole, from PWInsider.

Now if you think I'm full of shit and want to claim ol Maxiepoo didn't swipe the story from PWInsider? Here's his own admission to it, right here... Proof is, and will always be, a mother fucker.

YYEEAAH, not really the most brilliant move in the world, bragging where you stole a story from. It sure as fuck doesn't add any 'cred' to your resume, and if anything... It shows that you're too fucking lazy to go do some research and find something that would actually help you, stand out.

Stealing an exclusive from another site's paid subscription may HAVE helped you stand out, but in the good way you had hoped, dumb ass.

This is why we here at Wrestling Past And Present don't have to do that, we stand out by covering or posting stuff most other sites aren't covering,. or post it before some other sites catch up (sometimes TWELVE HOURS after we first post it). 

Some other news sites may hate us, but at least.. WWEEE don't have to do this kind of blatant bullshit that's obviously being condoned by the owners of Wrestlinginc. 

We're not as creatively 'challenged' as Max and some of the others over at Wrestlinginc.. And THAT? Is a good thing (smiles)