Monday, December 6, 2021

Once Again PWInsider Gets It WRONG When It Comes To Something That's 'Exclusive' For "Elite Subscribers"

 You'd think Mike Johnson over at PWInsider would've learned this lesson by now. Obviously he hasn't or he feels he 'doesn't HAVE' to learn it. 

Whichever is the case? He's about to get smacked again with the same reality the staff members of this website have hit him with before. 

As you see in the above screen short, HE "claims" that the Shane Taylor interview is Ahem (coughs twice) 'exclusive' ONLY to 'Elite subscribers'. meaning people there have to actually PAY to hear it.

As we always say here at Wrestling Past And Present, why pay for something you can get for free elsewhere? 

Someone should ask Mike Johnson that and see how he ducks and dodges that. 

But since HHEE thinks it's 'exclusive' to ONLY his 'Elite' subscribers. let us show you how full of shit Mr. Johnson is, again. 

Look below and see what everyone else sees.

DDDAAMMN, it's the very same interview ol Mikey claims is only 'exclusive' to 'elite subscribers, AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!

Here, we'll even give you the link so you can click it or share it with others who think they have to 'pay' to hear it.

Nice try Mikey, nice try.. Better luck next time. LMAO!

This isn't the first time that Mike Johnson has tried this false advertising ploy on his site. In fact, he's been caught acouple of times doing this. BUT, he still hasn't learned. Here's the proof that he's been busted out in public over it before. 

There's this story here.

Then there's this story here.

Oh, and let's not forget this one too.

You want more? OOHH WE have more. :)

OH LOOKIE, we have yet ANOTHER ONE (see a pattern here? We sure did)

These things just keep coming... Which tells you how many times Mike Johnson has falsely advertised this kind of stuff on his site.

Hey Mike Johnson, you might as well quit falsely advertising stuff like this, especially when you can get caught so easily.

When it comes to false advertising it's not very professional on your part, and further more?

You're just, not fucking good at it, dumb ass. 

NWA's Kamille vs. Marina Tucker, CCW Women's Title Match, Nashville, TN 10.24.20


NWA Women's Champion vs. CCW Women's Champion Marina Tucker, CCW Women's Title Match, Nashville, TN, Halloween Hardcore Heaven 2020. 10.24.20

World Class Pro Wrestling Christmas Stars Wars THIS SATURDAY in Irving Preview!

 World Class Pro Wrestling LIVE in Irving TX THIS SATURDAY Dec 11

Mandy Leon vs Willow for a Shot at Rok-C: ROH Wrestling Highlights


What was supposed to be a one-on-one match-up between Willow and Mandy Leon to determine who will face RokC at #FinalBattle broke down into a brawl involving most of the #ROHWD roster! Here are the highlights.

Bandido's Final Test Before Final Battle vs PJ Black: ROH Wrestling Highlights


"The Most Wanted Champion" Bandido's final test before #FinalBattle devolved into multi-man mayhem when he stepped into the ring with PJ Black! Here are the highlights.

TO SETTLE THE SCORE: Davienne vs. B3CCA at "The Price You Pay" THIS FRIDAY!


EVENT: The Price You Pay (12/10/21)

Thunder Rosa On The Advice She Is Giving To Young Female Wrestlers


Thunder Rosa has recently discussed the current state of women’s wrestling on Face Turn with Candace Cordelia for Thunder Rosa’s Mission Pro Wrestling. In the comments, she remarked on how things can still improve in the future for women in pro wrestling from booking more matches to expanding marketability.

“I definitely feel now that we’re allowed to be more athletic and do a lot of the stuff that probably 10 years ago many women weren’t doing. I think now that the public’s expecting that kind of aggressiveness and that kind of athleticism when women step in the ring,” she said. “I think there’s still a lot more things that need to be done. In terms of spaces in mainstream media and even in the independent scene!

“I think women deserve more spaces in when they’re being booked, I still continue to see a lot of shows in where there’s only one women’s match. There are a lot more women that are becoming wrestlers, so the competition is tight. You have to either be really good, really, really popular to be in a certain show,” Rosa said. “Or otherwise, you won’t get another opportunity. That’s why I keep preaching to everybody, ‘you have to make yourself marketable.’ I tell everybody that I mentor, ‘make people want you,’ notthe other way around. Always.”

As well as that, Thunder Rosa also discussed her friendship with both Anna Jay and Tay Conti. She spoke about both AEW stars and the bonds that they have developed together.

“Tay and I, we’ve been friends for a minute now. I love working with them,” she admitted. “Anna Jay’s really new and she’s like a sponge. She’s always absorbing everything and she wants to learn a lot more. Tay’s a rising star and she comes from a completely different background than I come from. She comes from NXT and now she’s in AEW, and I’m like the independent roadie warrior Thunder Rosa. I made a name for myself. We all mesh really, really well. We get along really, really well. Our chemistry is natural. It’s not forced or anything. “

Will Ospreay WON'T Be Coming To MLW After All


Will Ospreay‘s MLW debut has reportedly been nixed.

MLW announced back on October 7 that the current RevPro Undisputed British Heavyweight Champion would be making his debut this fall. It was then announced that Ospreay was scheduled to make his debut during MLW’s return to the Melrose Ballroom in New York City this month, but that event apparently was nixed as well.

You can thank New Japan Pro Wrestling for that.

The word now is that the debut will not be happening. SEScoops reached out to Ospreay and he said the deal is off.

Ospreay’s MLW debut falling is reportedly related to NJPW, where Ospreay is signed to. MLW’s working relationship with NJPW ended in mid-November, and MLW informed NJPW that they were now also working with AJPW (All Japan). This reportedly did not sit well with NJPW, who works with Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan, but not AJPW.

MLW has not officially commented on Ospreay’s status.

Of course they haven't :)

Ospreay has been staying busy since returning from injury in August, working for New Japan in the U.S. and both RevPro and OTT overseas.

DDT (Japan) - D王 GRAND PRIX 2021 Ⅱ the FINAL Part 2

Jeff Hardy Sent Home From The Road (Was Not At Event Earlier Tonight In Texas)


WWE star Jeff Hardy was not at tonight's live event in Corpus Christi, TX at the American Bank Center and the word making the rounds at the event was that Hardy had been sent home from the road.

Hardy teamed with Xavier Woods and Drew McIntye against The Bloodline last night in Edinburg, Texas for the main event of that Supershow live  event.  Hardy spent most of the match inside the ring, being worked over by Roman Reigns and The Usos and apparently becoming more sluggish as the match continues.    Once he made a hot tag to McIntyre, Hardy disappeared into the crowd (followed by security) and didn't return to the ring for the post-match celebration with his partners.  

Hardy was replaced in Corpus Christi tonight by Rey Mysterio.  He was not backstage at the event.

Hardy last wrestled on Smackdown TV on 11/26, teaming with Drew McIntyre to defeat Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss.

Several News Sites have reached out to WWE for comment and of course, WWE has none. 

Big Beef vs. Charles Mason - Limitless Wrestling


MATCH: Big Beef vs. Charles Mason

EVENT: Prized Possession (11/13/21)

Tajiri vs Super Crazy vs Little Guido 3 Way Dance

Warrior Wrestling Ringside Films - KC Navarro Vs Alex Shelley - Warrior Sweet 16


Warrior Wrestling Ringside Films - KC Navarro Vs Alex Shelley - Warrior Sweet 16