Wednesday, December 27, 2017

•A judge ruled that Hulk Hogan’s defamation lawsuit against radio host Mike “Cowhead” Calta, a former co-worker of Calta’s, and the radio station that Calta works for will be allowed to move forward.

•CBS Pittsburgh has a story on former pro wrestler Nick “Big Bully” Busick getting surgery to remove a brain tumor.

I'm sure someone will be interested in This Matt Hardy thing.

Matt Hardy wrestled for the first time since his gimmick change and defeated Bray Wyatt at WWE’s house show at Madison Square Garden last night. Hardy used Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” as his theme music, which was also his entrance song in Impact Wrestling.

Ric Flair turns on Roddy Piper -23/6/97-

The Four Horseman join forces with Roddy Piper -10/3/97-

WCW Monday Nitro 9-28-98 Four Horsemen and nWo promo

WCW Monday Nitro - The Horsemen Reunite!

Dean Malenko tries to convince Arn Anderson to reform the Four Horsemen - Amazing Promo

Ric Flair brings back Arn and Ole Anderson 1989

Time to thank a few viewers of this blog.

To the guys who see their names in the pics, thank you for your likes of various things I've posted. Yes, I do pay attention and see it. :) People like you and others have helped make this blog a success so thank you, very much.

PODCAST REVIEW: Ron Fuller’s Stud Cast “A Zany Night in Georgia – Part 2 (Episode 23

Karl Anderson Talks Almost Signing With Impact Wrestling Before WWE Called

Chuckled at the shot at WWE reading this.

NJPW spoke with Jado about his old friend, Chris Jericho and his upcoming match against Kenny Omega. Jado talked about Jericho being the challenger in the match and NJPW being able to put together a match that WWE couldn't.

"I think his radar picked up that Kenny's doing big things and that they're from the same home town of Winnipeg, so he decided something had to happen," Jado said. "Again, I thought that it's really like him, to have the intuition to choose Kenny who's on such a rise. And he did it on NJPW World so the whole world could see. He wanted to send that message, 'I'm number one in Canada, and I'm number one in the world'. But I think this is a bigger topic in America than it is here. I mean, with this match, New Japan is doing something that WWE couldn't hope to put together. There's probably a lot of pissed off people over there right now [Laughs].

Impact Wrestling news

Current Impact Wrestling Knockouts Champion Laurel Van Ness did an interview with the Orlando Sentinel  talking her favorite theme park rides, the journey to get into the wrestling business and the responsibility as champion.  In the article, Van Ness states that she is under contract with Impact until June.   Squared Circle Sirens originally reported that she asked for her release at the last tapings in Ottawa. From the sound of things that doesn't appear that request was granted. (They allow others to leave but won't let her go? What kind of bullshit is that?)

I posted the interview before today but what the hell, here you go.

Alberto El Patron also did an interview a few days ago with The Orlando Sentinel  where he suggests that he wanted to relinquish the Global title this past year, after being indefinitely suspended over a possible domestic abuse charge involving himself and WWE superstar Paige at the Orlando airport: “When there was a talent meeting about what to do about the title, I raised my hand and said I should give it up,” said El Patron, 40. “I used to work in a place where main eventers were difficult to work with, and I didn’t want to be that person. ‘Here’s the title; give it to someone else. I’ll eventually get it back, but I lost it and I want to earn it. I’ll take responsibility for my actions.’ ”

Tomorrow's edition of Impact Wrestling on Pop will feature Part Two of the company's presentation of their "Best of 2017."

The episode will feature the 2017 Bound for Glory PPV main event with Impact Wrestling champion Eli Drake vs. Johnny Impact.